
Name SML Mug Gin
Barreiros Relay S M L  
Chopra's Constructions L
Giudice Manufacturing Installation S
Hidalgo Manufacturing Site L
Kennan Station S M  
Kojima Point S M L  
Makoun Manufacturing Base L
Nalyvaiko Chemical Hub L
Paterson Industrial Enterprise L
Yanez Biochemical Forum S

Closest systems to Angra


4.17 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baibuza Munitions Enterprise S L
Bradshaw Settlement S M L  
Carr Holdings S M L  
Courbet Construction
Doroshenko's House M
Georg Bothe Gateway S M L  
Kamara Synthetics Workshop M
Lawson Dock S M  
McNair Dock S M  
Takahashi Nutritional S
Tsarenko Industrial Moulding M


9.13 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bauwens Chemical Productions L
Choo Nutrition Exchange S
DeBrocart's Horizon M
Dembele's Leisure
Geiger Nutrition Facility S L
Haignere Installation S M L  
Harding Base S M L  
Hernandez's Welcome
Hume Manufacturing Facility S L
Kravchenko Nutrition Collection S
Lobbo Agricultural Range S L
Nikolayev Station S M  
Owusu's Anvil M
Rennie Enterprise S M L  
Rodgers's Serenity M
Rossi's Joy M
Rybalka Hydroponics Hub S L
Sakamoto Manufacturing Silo L
Schmid's Biosphere S L
Smith Station S M  
Stant Cultivation Biome S L
Taschieri Visitor Complex S L


9.88 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Barrera Analysis Laboratory S L
Barrera Formulations S
Boulaid Botanical Garden S
Castro Dredging Facility S
Correa Analytics Centre S L
Delgado's Biome S L
Garg Botanical Habitat S
Gomez Research Laboratory S
Hirano Synthetics Plant L
Hong's Installation S
Howarth Biochemical S L
Hulse Station S M  
Hutchinson Botanical Holdings S L
Izdryk's Productions L
Kong Cultivation Garden S L
Linnett's Consulting S L
Mazepa Analytics Institution S
Otueome Agricultural S L
Palma Horticultural Facility S L
Poirier's Pharmaceuticals S L
Robinson Manufacturing Complex S
Rochon Base S M L  
Sadangi Engineering Site S L
Saleeby Genetics Laboratory S
Sanchez Hydroponics Market
Santos Botanical Nursery S L
Sargent Genetics Institution S
Semwal's Syntheticals L
Seok Mineralogic Site S L
Theofelus Metallurgic Territory
Zhong Excavation Platform S L


11.07 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Atiyah Horizons S M L  
Bravo Horticultural Estate S L
Chang Cultivation Site
Cooper Agricultural Facility S
Correia Agricultural Facility S L
Hahn Agricultural S L
Ricci Agricultural Biosphere
Walter Hangar S M  


12.52 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Albategnius Terminal S M L  
Baily Terminal S M L  
Banyard Nutrition Biome S
Bruck Port S M  
Endo Industrial Facility L
Ferraro Synthetics Facility S L
Martinez's Steal S L
Mendy Manufacturing Exchange L
Pawlikowski Engineering M


12.68 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Chakladar Botanical Base S L
Correia Cultivation Holding S
Dickinson Biological Expedition S
Dino Prospecting Platform M
Han Horticultural Market S L
Hennessy Astrophysics Expedition S
Herrera Analysis Complex S
Hogan Research Institution S L
Hoshi Vision S M L  
Hurley Settlement S M  
Iglesias Biological Expedition S
Laval Biological Expedition S
Lyashenko Prospecting S
Lyashenko Research Expedition S
Manzo Excavation Hub M
Mendoza Metallurgic Reserve S L
Montrose's Progress S M L  
Munoz Horticultural Habitat S L
Ota Extraction Enterprise S L
Powter Cultivation Range S
Ryazanski Refinery S M  
Sharma Nurseries S L
Taylor Astrophysics Enterprise S L
Zambo Extraction Exchange S L


15.71 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarez Horticultural Complex S L
Bell Astrophysics Lab S L
Black Station S M L  
Cox's Fort
Crowther Hydroponics Biosphere S
Dakhno Cultivation Base S
Dashkevych Honour S L
Engel Military Facility S L
Fellows Hydroponics Site S L
Gupta Cultivation Site S L
Heinrich Horticultural Centre S
Henriquez Analytics Site S
Ingall Nutrition Base
Ishikawa Genetics Lab S
Jain Prospecting Facility M
Jenkerson Military Base M
Kewell Agricultural Habitat S
Khanna Command Site M
Kolev Agricultural Estate S L
Kostenko's Drilling
Kulkarni Cultivation Range S
Lambert Exchange S M L  
Leckey Nutrition Holdings S
Martinez's Laboratory
Min Research Lab S
Mofu Engineering Enterprise S
Mulford Horticultural Base S
Murata Boarding Lodge M
Myeni Cultivation Site S L
Neugebauer Hangar S M  
Nwadike Biological Installation S L
Okoye Hydroponics Biome S
Olivares Horticultural Base S L
Ortiz Astrophysics Assembly
Pan Cultivation Biome S
Plumb's Research S L
Polischuk Command Garrison S L
Prieto Mining Complex M
Remy Hydroponics Holdings S L
Reyes Biological Consulting S
Song's Service M
The Discordian Society S M L  
Trau Keep S L
Ueno Biological Laboratory S L


16.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alioune Agricultural Farm S L
Bot Chemical Base L
Brown Chemical L
Bruneau Horticultural Farm S L
Bugby Nutrition Nursery S
Busch's Journey S L
Choi Agricultural Centre S
Colley Manufacturing Silo L
Davis Chemical Hub S
Fahnbulleh Agricultural Collection S L
Ferenczi-Houlden Horticultural Nursery S L
Gokhale Cultivation Base S
Goswami's Territory S
Hire Port S M L  
Kabbah Cultivation Hub S
Kohler Plantations S
Kotsuba Horticultural Facility S
Meghani Hydroponics Collection S L
Mendoza Sanctuary S L
Meyer Stockade S M
Morledge's Engineering S L
Munn's Quarry S
Oshpak Chemical Site S
Pan Synthetics Facility S
Pereyra Hospitality Zone S L
Piazza Industrial Productions S L
Rawlinson Cultivation Habitat S L
Rayne Horticultural Complex S L
Rutten's Manufacturings S
Ryu Synthetics Silo L
Sankoh Prospecting Rigs S
Veach Vision S M L  
Wan Botanical Nursery S L
Zimmermann Botanical Estate S
Zivai Agricultural Estate S


16.95 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Blakytny Industrial Moulding L
Cayley Vista S M L  
Egan Station S M  
Fujii Arms Site M
Lemaire's Jurisdiction M
Maiboroda Inventions S L
Mckenzie Command Point S L
Miller Port S M  
Mordovski Research Complex S L
Oluwusi Chemical M
Seega Camp S M L  
Williams Dredging Platform L
Won Biological Institution S

14 Eridani

16.98 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aniefuna's Mine S
Barbier Dredging Station M
Bechard Mines M
Brandt Dredging Facility M
Choo Extraction Prospect S L
Cortes Mining Territory M
Dhar Mineralogic Base S
Farias Excavation Facility S
Galitzki Dredging Base S L
Hawkins Mineralogic Base S L
Hunter Drilling Facility S
Kyrylo Prospecting Complex S
Lamarck Vision S M L  
Leinster Hub S M L  
Mahto Metallurgic Installation M
Meucci Station S M  
Ngobi Extraction Prospect S L
Ryu Metallurgic Facility S
Sarich Stop S M L  
Schulz Mining Complex S
Traore Chemical Productions L
Vidal Mineralogic Exploration S
Wright's Laboratory S

HERZ 589

17.14 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Barnes Dock S M  
Kapadia's Deposit M
Ozarkevich's Territory S L
Priest Extraction Complex S
Williams Prospecting Base S
Woods Mineralogic Hub S L


17.82 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aloisio's Jewel S L
Boe Terminal S M  
Gilliland Installation S M L  
Herschel Plant S M  
Kobyliansky Genetics Enterprise S L
Kolmogorov Installation S M L  
Zsigmond Astrophysics Facility S L


18.91 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alioune Chemical Assembly L
Baibuza's Journey S L
Harrison Refinery S M  
Hayashi Industries L
Helms City S M  
Lusmore Command Site M
Poincare Oasis S M L  
Sylvester Keep S M L  


18.97 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bankole Botanical Complex S
Boulaid Nutrition Collection S
Holloway Genetics Enterprise S
Kinsey Landing S M  
Linnehan Landing S M  
Newton Biochemical Forum S
Williams's Syntheticals S L

Liu Xingga

19.48 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Allegro Industrial M
Amos Manufacturing M
Ashton Station S M L  
Berhe Fort S M
Bichard Industrial Holdings M
Byun Synthetics Plant S
Chandola Chemical Exchange M
Cisse Boarding Site S L
Crowther Engineering Site L
Dogo Horticultural Plantation S
Ferenczi-Houlden's Spa M
Ferreyra's View S L
Furaha Passage S L
Gonzalez Manufacturing Facility M
Great Port S M L  
Gustard Passage S L
Holland Enterprise S M L  
Jenkinson Dock S M  
Kava Manufacturing Forge L
Kook Agricultural Habitat S
Lamar Synthetics Silo M
MacLean Hub S M  
Mallett Defence Facility S L
Mori Cultivation Hub S
Morita Synthetics L
Nishimura's Constructions L
Ozarkevich Boarding Zone S L
Pestille Chemical Holdings L
Piazza Tourism Complex S L
Pournelle Enterprise S M L  
Scalzi Port S M L  
Segzdavicius Synthetics Plant S
Sharp Port S M  
Smith's Rest M
Wallis Synthetics Foundry L