LP 917-19

Name SML Mug Gin
Allegro Synthetics Depot
Bresnik Terminal S M L  
Dawkes Extraction Site S L
Eyharts Point S M L  
Maldonado Mineralogic Site
Syvolap Excavation Facility M
Wolfe Terminal S M L  
Zhilenko Mining Platform

Closest systems to LP 917-19


8.08 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Atiyah Dock S M  
Brunton Arsenal S M L  
Conteh Tourism Lodge S L
Elvstrom Gateway S M L  
Hodgkin Horizons S M L  
Morais Engineering Installation L
Neff Port S M  
Samos Port S M L  
Shaver Lab S M L  
Tevis City S M L  

LTT 6278

10.24 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bayliss Hub S M  
Blanc Research Institution S L
Favier Installation S M  
Konashevych Industrial Installation L
Patel's Garden S L
Syvolap Hydroponics Centre
Valentino Biochemical Enterprise


10.41 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Atwater Enterprise S M L  
Baltazar Chemical Assembly L
Becquerel Legacy S M L  
Clarke Agricultural Holdings
Faris Ring S M  
Fontaine Falls S L
Goh's Leisure S L
Goncharenko's Mineralogical S L
Griffiths Plant S M L  
Ings' Progress S M L  
Jackson Horticultural Biosphere
Murata Engineering Installation L
Nahm Botanical Complex S
Pomeroy Industrial Site S
Sacco Beacon S M L  
Simonyi City S M  


11.02 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarie Extraction Platform
Chabanenko's Claim S L
Conrad Terminal S M  
Dyr Horizons S M L  
Gubarev Mines S M  
Kato Analysis Centre S L
Lopes Genetics Institution
Mead Command Facility
Papacosta Genetics Enterprise
Soria Horticultural Exchange

LPM 607

12.3 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Atwood Settlement S M  
Block Orbital S M  
Heinrich Engineering Installation
Ikeda Depot S L
Okusanya Genetics Forum S L
Takada Fort
Vega Biological Consulting


12.57 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baibuza Prospecting Site
Brewer Mining Exploration S
Charitou Chemical Holdings
Coumbassa Astrophysics Lab S
Crosby Prospecting Station
Fischer's Claim S M  
Han Biological Laboratory S
Jarvis Extraction Complex
Kenyatta Genetics Enterprise
Leckey Dredging Base S L
Leestma Terminal S M L  
McMonagle's Claim S M  
Mensah Mineralogic Territory
Neborak Metallurgic Enterprise L
Nenge Chemical Hub
Oluwusi Synthetics Silo
Schaeffer Excavation Enterprise L
Tereshkova Base S M L  
Williams Metallurgic Reserve S L
Yuschenko Nutrition Complex

LP 861-12

12.95 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Artyukhin Terminal S M L  
Barnett Industrial Forge L
Bedi's Fort M
Bell Garrison M
Benton Chemical L
   Botman Manufacturing Hub - - - -
Dubois Outpost M
Eke Visitor Hostel S L
Fabbri Military Encampment S M
Faconti Arms Base S L
Garrido Control S L
Goh Military Stockade M
Grover Liberty
Hara Tourism Complex M
Herrmann Chemical Enterprise L
Howarth's Edge S L
Iyengar's Obligation S M
Klimuk Depot S M L  
Kopyl Command Complex
Kryyst Tourist Zone M
Laflamme Munitions Facility S L
Ngidi Fortification M
Olanrewaju's Locus S L
Olivares Camp M
Palma Command Base M
Pan's Installation L
Perets Defence Installation
Schofield Command Site S L
Shenna Synthetics Depot L
Stride Bastion S L
Sung Industrial Silo L
Thoreau Ring S M  
Vasylyshin Munitions Facility S L
Werner Military Armoury S L

LHS 3079

13.14 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ameziane's Works S
Asaju Cultivation Habitat
Basu Dredging Site
Borisenko Point S M L  
Clough Market S M L  
Cranfield Engineering Installation L
Deshmukh Resort M
Gloss Vision S M L  
Hahn Drilling Installation L
Huang Manufacturing Depot
Khanna Dredging Territory
Poroshenko Mineralogic Facility
Rawlinson Industrial Exchange L
Ross City S M L  
Still Port S M  
Teklehaimanot Chemical Depot
Tummino's Hold S M
Watson Orbital S M  
Zadzisai Dredging Enterprise


14.52 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarie's Junction S L
Murata Synthetics Enterprise S
Oyekan Arms Encampment
Ozarkevich Expedition
Qiao Munitions Outpost S
Schwann Dock S M L  
Scott Station S M  
Sharpe Resolve


14.71 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alonso Outpost M
Anderson Analysis Laboratory S L
Bellamy Biochemical Exploration S
Correa Munitions Outpost S L
Diaw Chemical Works S
Estrada Munitions Encampment
Fernandes's Analytics S
Fournier's Honour S L
Janes Camp S M L  
Jones Command Installation
Lee Gateway S M  
Lima Military Bastion S L
   Linaweaver Bastion - - - -
McMullen Ring S M L  
Orellana Military Enterprise M
Pettitt Industrial Productions S L
Rawlinson Command Site
Resnik Base S M L  
Rocha Nutrition Centre S L
   Rose Installation - - - -
Saez Command Base S L
Schmidt Genetics Exploration
Scholtz Engineering Hub S
Tanner Forge
The Printworks S M L  
Tkachenko Keep S L


14.77 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alten Holdings S M L  
Apte Entertainment Lodge
Araujo Extraction Complex L
Baldock Synthetics Holdings L
Bergmann Industrial Plant L
Biddiscombe Botanics
Burn Cultivation Complex S L
Chapman Industrial Exchange
Charman Engineering Installation L
Choo Manufacturing Silo S
Chung's Minerals S L
Conde Synthetics Complex
Corner Engineering Site L
Crouch Hub S M  
Filipchenko Orbital S M  
Garneau Port S M L  
Hao Chemical S
Hughes Dredging Site L
Iyer Hydroponics Centre S L
   Jendrassik Plant +++ - - - -
Kosach Dock S L
   Lavoisier Base + - - - -
Liang Extraction Site
Lima Tourism Lodge S L
Mahajan Military Expedition M
Mallett Retreat M
Nkoana Obligation S L
Nwadike Tourist Resort
Owen Mining Exploration S L
Owusu Visitor Zone S L
Papacosta Synthetics Plant S
Pasternak Manufacturing Installation M
Purandare Mining Hub S
Rybalka Hydroponics Base S L
Schmid Cultivation Exchange
Seok Manufacturing Site L
Winstone Bay
Xing Drilling Exchange M
Yuschenko Industrial Silo L

CD-32 11850

15.86 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anvil Survey S M  
Ihejirika Research Assembly S L
Khmelnytsky Industrial Enterprise
Kyrylo Engineering Exchange S

Epsilon Scorpii

15.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alexandrov Refinery S M L  
Ansari Gateway S M  
Baldock Military Bastion S L
Barbier's Farm S L
Batterham Agricultural Biome S L
Blanchet's Workshop L
Bohr Ring S M  
Burrows Cultivation Enterprise S L
Chukwunyelu Nutrition Habitat S
Chuong Industrial Complex L
Costa Falls S L
Croft Cultivation Site S
Crown Dock S M  
Deng Agricultural Holding S
Eilenberg's Pride S M L  
Faconti Horticultural Hub S
Firpo Industrial Installation L
Frank Agricultural Biosphere S
Gagarin Enterprise S M L  
Gutsalo Cultivation Market S L
Haas Cultivation Complex S
Hope Reach S M L  
Hou Industrial Facility L
Ilsley Hydroponics Facility S L
Ingstad's Progress S M L  
Jelani Manufacturing Forge S
Keita's Workshop L
Kelly Keep S M L  
Kewell Botanical Holding S L
Khrunov City S M L  
Kier Lab S M L  
Konovalets Agricultural Hub S L
Koo Botanics S
Kosiy Agricultural Facility S L
Lyashenko's Reception S L
Malyarenko Chemical Hub S
Maxwell Keep S M L  
Moller's Globe S L
Okwo Horticultural Farm S
Olivares Hydroponics Facility S L
Pawlikowski Visitor Resort S L
Peral Horizons S M L  
Poirier Nurseries S L
Popovich Hub S M L  
Rousseau Nutrition Site S
Sahaidachny Botanical Holdings S L
Savko's Vista M
Soddy City S M  
Sumlak Botanical Enterprise S L
Symons Agricultural Hub S L
Tokarev Hub S M L  
Vannier Agricultural Habitat S
Weyn's Folly S M L  
Wu Heights S L

Men Shen

16.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adebayo's Forge L
Bean Base S M L  
Berger Astrophysics Institution S L
Bustos Chemical Silo L
Littlewood Relay S M L  
Malins Astrophysics Site S L
Melo Engineering Base S L
Miyamoto's Chemicals S L
Nahm Industrial Complex
Omenma's Chemicals S L
Osman Synthetics Enterprise L
Polubotok's Productions L
Sharma Biochemical Consulting S L
Shukor Dock S M L  
Solovyov Terminal S M  


17.7 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bojti Botanical Base S L
Hatwal Genetics Forum
Lonchakov Depot S M  
Maldonado's Manufacturings L
Olatunji's Outpost S L
Peralta Industrial Foundry
Pylypenko's Link
Schweinfurth Penal colony S M L  
Waldrop Installation S M L  
Xing Dock S M  
Yuschenko Engineering Silo S L