LHS 1379

Name SML Mug Gin
Banyard Biological Assembly S L
Campos Engineering Foundry S L
Chon Nutrition Enterprise S
Desjardins Botanical Enterprise S
Dino Biochemical Assembly S
Fahlbusch's Prospect S L
Gao Engineering L
Grabe Plant S M  
Holthausen Cultivation Complex S L
Kamara Hydroponics Range S L
Lorenzo's Analytics S L
Mao Cultivations S L
O'Brien Base S M L  
Olanrewaju Engineering Enterprise L
Prunariu Landing S M  
Rios Industrial Silo S
Uutoni Analysis Facility S L
Wamsteker's Biological S L
Webb Biochemical S L
Zubairu Astrophysics Forum S L

Closest systems to LHS 1379


8.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Coumbassa Industrial Forge S
Galilei Station S M  
Galitzki's Peace S L
Kolev Synthetics Moulding L
Rolland Hub S M L  
Shi Engineering Forge S L
Wakata Port S M L  

LFT 141

10.27 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Andrews Engineering Base L
Asaju Manufacturing Complex M
Bengrina Fortress M
   Berkey Relay - - - -
Blakytny Defence Outpost S L
Borde Engineering Installation M
Chuong Research Site S
Contreras Munitions Site M
Dewan Synthetics Depot L
Favre's Creations L
Hilborn Drilling Installation S L
Hilborn Extraction Complex M
Hussenot Refinery S M  
Kohler Industrial Exchange L
Maeda Arms Stockade S L
Marius Horizons S M  
Moulin Pharmacology S
Noel Construction L
Okwo Defence Site S L
   Palmer's Folly - - - -
Parnenzini Fortification S L
Pollard Research S
Prohasko Military Facility S L
Ribeiro Chemical Installation S L
Rodgers's Consulting S
Saito Munitions Installation S L
Suarez Engineering Exchange L
Tian Industrial Foundry M
Vitale Genetics Laboratory S
Wilhelm Bastion S M L  

NLTT 9949

12.4 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alternation S M L  
Belezjak Synthetics Exchange L
Bevis Excavation Territory M
   Blanc Cultivation Enterprise - - - -
Bojti Analytics Site S
Figueroa Botanical S
Gropple S M L  
Hunter Industrial Hub M
Inoue Astrophysics Forum S
Konig Engineering Enterprise L
Lagos Industrial Plant L
Mohanty Metallurgic Station L
Nxasana Forge M
Pestille Manufacturing Silo S
Skripochka Market S M L  
Suarez Manufacturing Workshop M
Szilard Vista S M L  
Tavernier Dredging Reserve M
Wen Prospecting Territory S L


12.67 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Banerjee Analysis Enterprise S
Barthwal Manufacturing Forge L
Coye Horizons S M L  
Harland Chemical Foundry L
Harland Munitions Complex S L
Hutchinson Hydroponics Biosphere S L
Kapadia Engineering Site M
Linsley Inventions S
Newberry Synthetics Holdings S
Purandare Biochemical Installation S L
Richards's Liberty S
Rybalka Munitions Installation S L
Salinas Analysis Facility S
Shoujing Depot S M L  
Shvets Genetics Exploration S
Staden Point S M L  
Tarasenko Munitions Complex S M

Te Uira

12.87 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Faraday Orbital S M  
Highbanks S M L  
Kaur Analytics Forum S
Packard Goose S M L  
Ueno Analysis Lab S


13.32 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Calvo Armoury S L
d'Arrest Base S M L  
Eisenstein Dock S M  
Hiroyuki Settlement S M  
Kabbah's Productions L
Lovelace Vision S M L  
Nakamura Prospecting Complex S L
Parry Stop S M L  
Savchenko Industrial Plant S
Scholz Metallurgic Exchange S L

LTT 1044

13.92 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adekunle Deposits M
Adeleke Cultivation Collection S L
Altieri Metallurgic Exploration M
Bardin Dredging Exchange S
Beck Mineralogic Hub S
Bianchi's Mine L
Burrows Mining Complex M
Craig Metallurgic Complex M
Dhaenens Dredging Reserve S
Dukuly Excavation Complex S
Grego Plant S M  
Hale Hydroponics Complex S
Jin Dredging Exchange M
Kondo Metallurgic Complex M
Krüger Cultivation Facility S L
Magnusson Synthetics Foundry S
Massey's Productions S
Mathibeli Mining Complex S L
Mathibeli's Burrow S
Moller Dredging Base S
Newland Manufacturing Silo S
Nishimura Metallurgic Platform L
Olivares Metallurgic Territory S L
Papacosta's Manufacturings M
Richelieu's Syntheticals L
Ryle Prospect S M L  
Schaeffer Drilling Territory M
Seok Botanical Farm S
Shi Synthetics Exchange L
Simelane Extraction Base L
Soriano Extraction Exchange S L
Svavarsson Oasis S M L  
Zubairu Mining Platform S


15.7 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bellegrade Munitions Encampment M
Davis Dock S M L  
Fujimori Keep S M L  
Hoffmann Synthetics Facility L
Liang Engineering Forge L
Ryabokin Defence Outpost M
Stupka Chemical Productions L
Thoreau Orbital S M L  


15.98 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Blanc Extraction Station S L
Boldyr Dredging Station M
Calvo Excavation Facility S L
Clute Settlement S M L  
Condit Holdings S M  
Deslandres Installation S M  
Fontaine Analysis Enterprise S L
Ishida's Point M
Lagrange Point S L
Myeni Prospecting L
Nwachukwu Astrophysics Forum S L
O'Neill Agricultural Market S L
Peters Port S M  
Rodgers Industrial L
Saito Foods S L
Watson Reach S M L  
Yamada Engineering Complex

Kappa Reticuli

16.83 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aku Tourist Resort M
Bobko Gateway S M L  
Celsius Terminal S M  
Conway Installation S M L  
Fiorentino Botanical Site S L
Frechet Camp S M L  
Ivanchenkov Settlement S M L  
Li Hydroponics Biosphere S L
Newman Hub S M  
Omenma's Journey M
Richards Depot S M L  
Roosa Dock S M L  
Rose Settlement S M L  
Schirra Dock S M L  
Schuster Horticultural Biome S
Smeaton Hub S M L  
Thompson Depot S M L  


17.1 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aku Hydroponics Hub S L
Barbaro Town S M L  
Birminghamport S M L  
Blaes Synthetics Assembly L
Bokeili Colony S M L  
Carter Hanger S M L  
Csoma Vision S M L  
Engel Synthetics Enterprise L
Fernandez Mineralogic Base S
Frost Drilling Base S
George's Inheritance S M L  
   Goldstein Terminal +++ - - - -
   Lander Market ++ - - - -
MacVicar Port S M  
   Morgan Penal colony - - - -
Neborak Industrial Hub S
   Robson Enterprise - - - -
Rush's Camp S M L  
Smith Vision S M  
Syrotuk Dredging Complex M
Toro Extraction Exchange S L
   Tucker's Claim - - - -
   Veblen Terminal - - - -
   Viete Silo ++ - - - -
   Watts Prospect + - - - -

Chi Eridani

17.22 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alten Holdings S M L  
Armstrong Mines S M  
Berners-Lee Refinery S M L  
Blanchet Metallurgic Installation S
Bonetti Engineering Exchange L
   Cernan Settlement - - - -
Delgado Horticultural Collection S L
Egebe Formulations S
Endo Agricultural Garden S
Enju's Find S
Fry's Burrow M
Ling Nutrition Holdings S
Markus's Exploration S L
Mehta Drilling Rigs S
Mellier Synthetics Facility S
Nishimura's Habitat S L
Peralta Horticultural Plantation S L
Polischuk Nutrition Biome S L
Powell Cultivations S L
Reddy's Analytics S
Riquelme Biological Facility S
Shah Metallurgic Platform L
South Botanical Base S
Steve Masters S M L  
The Ascending Phoenix S M L  
Vera Agricultural Market S L


17.68 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Almagro Bastion S M L  
Arsenault Botanical Biosphere S L
Cabrera Mineralogic Claim
Castro Inventions S
Dashiell Legacy S M  
Eadon Industrial Installation
Fellows Research Facility
Halil Hydroponics Complex S L
Henriquez Mineralogic Exploration S
LeConte Silo S M L  
Lehmann Mining Site S
Moy Prospecting Base
Neff Vision S M  
Orakpo Dredging Hub S
Pelissier Munitions Facility M
Polubotok's Garden S L
Rutten Botanical Enterprise S
Senior Engineering Installation L
Thompson Spa M
Tikwa Metallurgic Enterprise M


17.96 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Borrego Port S M  
Esme's Bay S L
Joo Engineering Complex M
Kozak's Spa M
Maslo Industrial Enterprise S
Olowe's Workshop L
Schlesinger City S M L  
Schneider Chemical Exchange L
Taschieri Engineering Hub M
Tshang Base S M L  
Xiao Synthetics Plant L
Yook Tourist Complex S L

LFT 78

18.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Altamura's Watch M
Altieri Arsenal S M
Azevedo Defence Enterprise S L
Bahuguna Munitions Stockade M
Barthwal's Camp S L
Bortnik Armament S M
Cardoso's Conservatory S L
Chabanenko Genetics Complex S
Cooper Biochemical S L
Corbin Manufacturing Forge S
Coye Orbital S M L  
Daisley's Productions L
DeBrocart Research S
Dickinson Munitions Facility S M
Drach Military Garrison M
Fernandez Astrophysics Facility S
Hair Chemical Installation L
Hale Orbital S M  
Hartmann Military Barracks S L
Hawkins's Watch S M
Hickey Biological Site S
Hilbert Lab S M L  
Hou Defence Encampment S L
Hughes Military Bastion S L
Kirkwood Terminal S M  
Lamar Arms Hub M
Lockett Munitions Installation S L
Maslo Command Base S M
Matsumoto Defence Enterprise M
Nakajima Military Enterprise S L
Niijima Silo S M L  
Onyeneme Military Complex S M
Painter Medical S
Pardue's Link S L
Pascali Industrial Enterprise L
Pavluk Genetics Exploration S
Qiao's Astrophysics S L
Rhee Chemical Hub L
Seol's Consulting S L
Sommer Genetics Assembly S
Stimpson Industrial Foundry L
Sumlak Arms Encampment S L
Torres Synthetics Assembly L
Wallis Analytics Complex S L