HIP 293

Name SML Mug Gin
Barbeau Agricultural Estate S L
Bortnik Horticultural Biome S L
Buzko Nutrition Centre S L
Chovnyk Cultivation Complex S L
Nahavandi Vision S M  
Ogden Horizons S M L  
Yanai Orbital S M  

Closest systems to HIP 293


11.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arnold Survey S M L  
Biggs Research Lab S
Geiger Manufacturing Exchange L
Giger Enterprise S M  
Herschel Orbital S M  
Mahajan Extraction Territory M
Mao Prospecting Station S
McIntyre Vision S M L  
Papacosta Horticultural Nursery S L
Rothman Vista S M L  
Stride Mineralogic Territory S

HIP 118106

13.08 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Chandola's Journey S L
Garcia Hydroponics Complex S L
Honda Platform S M  
Kuchner Depot S M  
Maiboroda Horticultural Enterprise S L
McDarsh Manufacturing Installation L
Mieville Beacon S M L  
Onai Botanical Facility S L
Pollard Synthetics Silo L
Ribeiro's Biochemicals S L
Sugimoto's Terminus S L
Valdes Genetics Forum S
Xiao Botanical Enterprise S L


17.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arkhangelsky Vision S M L  
Banno Station S M  
Calvo Hydroponics Enterprise S L
Chauhan Nutrition Facility S
Costa Cultivation Exchange S L
Crossland Horticultural Farm S
Fay Horticultural Market S L
Fletcher Agricultural Facility S
Fraser Drilling Base L
Geller Colony S M  
Jenkerson Prospecting Enterprise L
Kotyschenko Nutrition Farm S L
Lawty Hydroponics Estate S L
Ota Botanical Plantation S
Parra Nutrition Holding S L
Rossi Nutrition Facility S L
Sengupta's Nursery S L
Sharma Hydroponics Biome S L
Syrotuk Mining Exploration S
Tirjak Cultivation Enterprise S L
Tuvey's Conservatory S L
Whitford Landing S M  
Wittgenstein Vision S M L  
Wolff Mineralogic Exploration S L

HIP 116553

17.87 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arp Port S M  
Grinchenko Synthetics Hub L
Jael Installation S M L  
Sanhueza Excavation Hub S
Schwarzschild's Exile S M  
Shin Dredging Base L
Vercher Dredging Reserve S L


18.08 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bauer Dredging Platform L
Flores Mineralogic Base S L
Levada Botanical Collection S L
Roche Installation S M L  
Segzdavicius Dredging Hub S L
Sewell Relay S M L  
Simon's Burrow L
Vakhmistrov Legacy S M  


18.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bai Armament S M
Banyard Military Barracks S L
Barreau Biological Expedition S L
Collins Biological Complex S
Cook Armament S L
Dino Genetics Site S
Gallo Astrophysics Complex S
Getsyk's Works M
Goto Command Site M
Henry Defence Site M
Henry Observatory S M L  
Ingall Research Assembly S
Isherwood Survey S M L  
Ishii's Keep S L
Lange Command Installation S L
Lopez de Haro Relay S M L  
Lorenzo Analytics Facility S
Mallett's Control S M
Malyarenko Industrial Works M
Mayer City S M L  
McDarsh Industrial Forge M
   Mordovski's Works - - - -
Polischuk's Encampment S L
Ponce Military Complex M
Poroshenko Biochemical Lab S
Rawlinson Genetics Assembly S
Richardson Industrial Depot M
Rodgers Garrison S L
Sadangi Chemical Hub L
Sanhueza's Armoury M
Schroter Port S M  
Seidel Analytics Enterprise S
Taniguchi's Barracks S M
Verquerre Synthetics Complex S
   Zivai Genetics Site - - - -


18.86 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Neumann Works S M  

HIP 117322

19.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arsenault Manufacturing Hub S
Bak Chemical Workshop L
Bankole Chemical Depot L
Beaufort Metallurgic Platform S
Beaulieu Drilling Exchange M
Bloom Chemical Exchange S
Brinkmann Prospecting Complex L
Brundage Depot S M  
Carrel's Claim S L
Chun Prospecting Station M
Citrolo Excavation Territory S L
Corbin Chemical Base L
Costa Synthetics Workshop M
Davidenko Manufacturing Installation S
Dhillon Drilling Installation S L
Fahlbusch Astrophysics Site S L
Fernandez Mining Prospect M
Gibbs Industrial Moulding L
Grebby Mineralogic Installation S
Halil's Productions L
Hitchen Mining Territory S L
Jayashankar Chemical Productions L
Kreutz's Claim S M  
Lange Extraction Station L
Leckey Drilling Base S L
Lukashenko Biological Assembly S
Magnusson's Territory S
Makuto Engineering M
Matsuda Extraction Station M
Mazumder Mineralogic Installation S
Morelli's Syntheticals S
Nakayama Engineering Hub M
Ovcharenko Mineralogic Station S L
Oyawale Excavation Complex S
Panchenko Analysis Lab S
Panchenko Drilling Station M
Redko Biochemical Site S
Rivera Extraction Platform S L
Saleeby Metallurgic Hub S
Skovoroda Dredging Reserve S
Stant Mining Rigs S L
Tavernier Synthetics Installation L
Valentino Drilling Exchange S L
Van Leeuwen Minerology M
Wolff Prospecting Site S L
Yang Mining Prospect L


20.36 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Harrison Works S M  


20.62 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aloisio Horticultural Nursery S L
Ameziane Research Laboratory S L
Chuong Extraction Station S L
Daramy Research Site S L
Dexter Extraction Rigs M
Dias Cultivation Exchange S L
Gao Research Facility S
Gulyaev Base S M L  
Henderson Stop S M  
Indongo Nutrition Enterprise S L
Ivaschenko Biological Expedition S L
Lai Excavation Territory L
Martinez Agricultural Nursery S L
Mead Metallurgic Claim M
Parkinson's Claim S M  
Perez's Habitat S L
Salinas Extraction Prospect S L
Varma Astrophysics Expedition S L
Williams Genomics S L
Winstone Mining Site S L
Yin Mineralogic Station M
Zubairu Agricultural Collection S L
Zyma Botanical Complex S L

HIP 116263

20.87 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Benedetti Prospecting Facility S
Bondar Analysis Forum S
Chakraborty's Castings S
Cranfield Engineering Depot L
Delany Enterprise S M L  
Deol Mineralogic Exploration S
Eadon Analysis Institution S L
Hakimi Arms Encampment M
Maury Enterprise S M  
Moreau Analysis Centre S
Oluwusi Extraction Base S L
Rah Nutrition Holdings S L
Sheepshanks Colony S M  
Shibata Prospecting Complex M
Soh's Pharmaceuticals S
Welleweerd Chemical Assembly S
Yao Landing S L


21.04 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ferenczi-Houlden Hydroponics Farm S L
Maunder Holdings S M L  
Mayor Mines S M  
   Mohanty's Laboratory - - - -
Newton Biological Centre S L
Wacera Industrial Depot L


21.24 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
AdelaidePoonToon S M L  
Andrukhovych Industrial Depot S L
Bellamy Gateway S M L  
Borel Barracks S M L  
Fadlan Point S M L  
Gimenez Cultivation Biosphere S L
Hardy Vista S M L  
Holthausen's Camp S L
Hunter Plantations S L
Loeffler Horticultural Centre S L
Maiga Defence Facility S L
Martins Engineering Exchange S
Staden Lab S M L  
The Shoulder Of Orion S M L  

Osire Fades

21.66 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Flammarion Terminal S M  


21.77 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Fahnbulleh Arsenal S L
Giuliani Genetics Laboratory S L
Goodricke Platform S M  
Gould Horizons S M  
J. G. Ballard Escape S M L  
Nkoana Outpost S L
Sakurai Manufacturing Base L
Wegener Port S M L