Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c5

Name SML Mug Gin
Coney Landing S M L  
Phillips Enterprise S M L  

Closest systems to Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c5

Hsuan Zu

3.93 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Araujo Chemical Works M
Barrera Agricultural Complex S L
Beauchamp Nutrition Biome S L
Biddiscombe's Constructions M
Blaauw Settlement S M  
Busch Horticultural Collection S
Chawla's Syntheticals S
Crossland Mineralogic Territory L
Denisenko Dredging Enterprise S L
Fujii Hydroponics Site S L
Geum Prospecting S
Goh Extraction Exchange S L
Grover Extraction Station S L
Hidalgo Excavation Site S L
Jawara Cultivation Market S L
Kabbah Agricultural Habitat S L
Korolenko Dredging Enterprise S L
Krisjanis Dredging Reserve S L
Maiboroda Botanical Collection S L
Meyer Horticultural Nursery S
Morfett-Jones Drilling Site L
Nansen Survey S M L  
Okoro Mining Exchange S L
Oksamit's Creations S L
Owen Industries S
Oyawale Extraction Base M
Pereira Synthetics Silo M
Priest Horticultural Plantation S L
Rah Mineralogic Hub S
Richter Horticultural Holdings S
Sastry Plantations S L
Satapathy Extraction Exchange S L
Scott Mineralogic Reserve S L
Serduk Horticultural Habitat S
Suk Hydroponics Biome S
Tavernier Hydroponics Farm S L
Verquerre Excavation Complex S L
Wada Botanical Habitat S
Wei Extraction Site S L
Zoungrana Drilling Platform M


12.8 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
AdelaidePoonToon S M L  
Andrukhovych Industrial Depot S L
Bellamy Gateway S M L  
Borel Barracks S M L  
Fadlan Point S M L  
Gimenez Cultivation Biosphere S L
Hardy Vista S M L  
Holthausen's Camp S L
Hunter Plantations S L
Loeffler Horticultural Centre S L
Maiga Defence Facility S L
Martins Engineering Exchange S
Staden Lab S M L  
The Shoulder Of Orion S M L  

Nai No Kami

15.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Halley Gateway S M L  


16.63 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Barbeau Command Site M
Barnwell Prospect S M  
Barreau Command Facility M
Bauer Institution S L
Bechard Biological Lab S L
Bengrina Biochemical Laboratory S
Bogun Astrophysics Complex S L
Bonetti's Obligation S M
Bueckardt Analytics Enterprise S L
Cha Engineering Foundry M
Costa Passage S L
Crosby Expedition M
Dhaenens Astrophysics Enterprise S
Diabate Botanical Nursery S
Doshi Biochemical Complex S
Elmore's Claim S M  
Gerasimenko Fortification S M
Herrmann's Garrison S L
Hirano Military Outpost M
Horsman's Honour M
Huang Biochemical Forum S L
Hughes Military Encampment S L
Ito Agricultural Habitat S
Juarez Arsenal M
Kamara Cultivation Holding S
Kato Botanics S
Kava Munitions Outpost S L
Kenyatta's Barracks S M
Ladipo Nutrition Biosphere S
Leclerc's Outpost M
Lorenzo Research Facility S
Lusmore Biochemical S
Mao Point M
Mellier Jurisdiction M
Mogyla Military Outpost S L
Mordovski's Garrison S M
Nakayama Genetics Installation S L
Ngalula Munitions Installation M
Oliveira Vista M
Paredes Cultivation Base S
Patel Hydroponics Facility S L
Polischuk Military Hub S L
Reynolds Installation S M L  
Ryabokin Astrophysics Lab S L
Sakurai Defence Hub M
Sastry Hydroponics Facility S L
Singh's Control S L
Sohn Biochemical Centre S
Suarez Military Hub S M
Tutunnyk Fortification M
Valentino Military Expedition S M
Varela Military Enterprise M
Vercher Institution S
Yook's Camp S L

HIP 117878

16.96 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bunnell's Claim S M L  
Uto Arsenal S M L  
Velho Horizons S M L  

HIP 117322

19.19 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arsenault Manufacturing Hub S
Bak Chemical Workshop L
Bankole Chemical Depot L
Beaufort Metallurgic Platform S
Beaulieu Drilling Exchange M
Bloom Chemical Exchange S
Brinkmann Prospecting Complex L
Brundage Depot S M  
Carrel's Claim S L
Chun Prospecting Station M
Citrolo Excavation Territory S L
Corbin Chemical Base L
Costa Synthetics Workshop M
Davidenko Manufacturing Installation S
Dhillon Drilling Installation S L
Fahlbusch Astrophysics Site S L
Fernandez Mining Prospect M
Gibbs Industrial Moulding L
Grebby Mineralogic Installation S
Halil's Productions L
Hitchen Mining Territory S L
Jayashankar Chemical Productions L
Kreutz's Claim S M  
Lange Extraction Station L
Leckey Drilling Base S L
Lukashenko Biological Assembly S
Magnusson's Territory S
Makuto Engineering M
Matsuda Extraction Station M
Mazumder Mineralogic Installation S
Morelli's Syntheticals S
Nakayama Engineering Hub M
Ovcharenko Mineralogic Station S L
Oyawale Excavation Complex S
Panchenko Analysis Lab S
Panchenko Drilling Station M
Redko Biochemical Site S
Rivera Extraction Platform S L
Saleeby Metallurgic Hub S
Skovoroda Dredging Reserve S
Stant Mining Rigs S L
Tavernier Synthetics Installation L
Valentino Drilling Exchange S L
Van Leeuwen Minerology M
Wolff Prospecting Site S L
Yang Mining Prospect L


19.78 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Braines Astrophysics Facility S
Brewer Genetics Assembly S
Charman Botanical Facility S
Haas Hydroponics Habitat S L
Hansteen Orbital S M  
Jeon Botanical Estate S L
Lin Horticultural Centre S L
Nomura Analytics Institution S
Nomura Prospect S M  
Osman Astrophysics Enterprise S
Washer Dredging Reserve S

HIP 117114

19.99 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abbot Enterprise S M  
Aniefuna Biochemical Facility S
Arai Industrial Enterprise S
Araujo's Honour M
Arya Command Installation S M
Bazin Biological Installation S
Berger Chemical Foundry L
Bhasin Manufacturing Silo M
Blanchet Drilling Hub S L
Bot Nutrition Farm S
Buckley's Industrial L
Bustos Agricultural Facility S L
Chandola Synthetics Enterprise L
Chapman Synthetics Plant S
Chovnyk's Dock S L
Chuke Agricultural S
Clifford's Manufacturings S
Collinson Nutrition Collection S
Crozier Manufacturing Installation S
Degefa Synthetics Exchange L
Desmond Agricultural Farm S
Deverell Munitions Enterprise M
Dewan Mining Complex S
Drach's Installation M
Du Botanical Holding S
Fabbri Extraction Exchange S L
Faucher Defence Facility S L
Fernandez Munitions Enterprise S M
Ferraro Arms Installation M
Frost Biochemical Lab S
Fukuda Defence Hub S M
Giudice's Constructions S
Gold Hub S M L  
Gonchar Mining Base S
Goncharenko Prospecting S L
Gowers Command Base M
Gupta Manufacturing Base L
Hah's Obligation S L
Hardy Manufacturing Site L
Herraez's Foundry M
Hitchen Arms Hub S L
Inoue Biochemical S
Ivaschenko Chemical Site L
Jawara Astrophysics Laboratory S
Jenkerson Keep S M
Kaiser Industrial Foundry L
Kaplan Industrial Hub L
Keita Synthetics Hub M
Kikuchi Engineering Depot L
Kohli Obligation S L
Kostenko Horticultural S
Kotsubinsky Arms Hub S M
Laflamme Research Expedition S
Lin Synthetics Site S
Lopez Synthetics Silo M
Lugun Analysis Lab S L
Malins Munitions Enterprise S M
Matarov Synthetics Depot S
McGuire Analytics Forum S L
Medina Prospecting Enterprise M
Mellors Arms Hub S M
Miyamoto Synthetics Holdings M
Molyneux Horizons S M  
Morita Cultivation Base S
Narlikar Vision S M L  
Nkoana Military Site S L
Nweke Inventions S
Okada Forge L
Okoro Astrophysics Site S L
Onyeneme's Drilling S
Owen Chemical Silo M
Panasenko Metallurgic Installation S
Parra Mineralogic Complex S
Peralta Military Installation S L
Petrenko Defence Outpost S M
Plumb Command Point S M
Pohl Construction L
Powell Mineralogic Site S
Pyeon's Castings L
Quandt Fortification M
Quantock Honour M
Ratcliffe Manufacturing Base M
Rios Manufacturing Complex S
Rocha Biological Forum S
Ross Astrophysics Site S
Rudenko Chemical Enterprise S
Sahni Synthetics Workshop L
Savchuk Analytics Forum S
Schwarz's Installation S
Sepulveda's Point M
Shore Nutrition Centre S L
Skoropadsky's Fortress M
Sung Mineralogic Installation M
Tanaka Drilling Base M
Tirjak Biological Centre S
Vaillant's Honour S M
Varma Chemical Silo S
Wolff Manufacturing Silo L
Yamada Chemical Works L
Yoshida Chemical Site S
Zabuzhko's Liberty M
Ziegler Industrial Holdings L

Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c11

20.04 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Henderson Point S M L  
Kohoutek Point S M L  

Tucanae Sector AF-A d71

20.54 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Gann Arsenal S M L  
Kizim Installation S M L  


20.63 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Brundage Terminal S M  
Cockrell Relay S M L  
Espenak Prospect S M  

HIP 116232

22.47 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Howarth Mineralogic Site S L
Westerhout's Claim S M  
Wolszczan Base S M L  


22.49 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Herbig Reformatory S M  
Jin Mining Territory M
Papacosta Nutrition Biome S L
Potter Agricultural Farm S L
Wolszczan Plant S M L  

HIP 2761

22.75 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aeryn Nutrition Hub S
Afia Horticultural Nursery S L
Aithal's Exploration S
Alarcon Research Facility S
Araujo Industrial Works M
Bahuguna Extraction Site S L
Bastien Metallurgic Hub S L
Benton Prospecting Territory S L
Blaes Industrial Creations S
Brown Mineralogic Facility M
Cataldo Mining Site S
Chidozie Mineralogic Enterprise L
Chon Metallurgic Facility S L
Chovnyk Genetics Centre S
Chukwunyelu Metallurgic Installation L
Correa Horticultural Estate S
Cortes's Drilling M
Desai Horticultural Plantation S
Dzuba Agricultural Habitat S
Enver Cultivation Holdings S
Esposito Dredging Territory S L
Fabbri Dredging Platform S
Farr's Mine S
Faucher Mining Hub S
Ferreyra's Reserve S L
Garnier Mineralogic Site S
Hickey Extraction Site S
Hilborn Dredging Platform S L
Hitchen Biochemical Lab S
Imai Metallurgic Exchange S
Jung Cultivation Holdings S L
Keita's Syntheticals L
Kohli Prospecting Facility L
Kotyschenko Dredging Base L
Lagrange Botanical Collection S
Malakar Astrophysics Site S
Malins Territories L
Mannan Dredging Complex S
Marsden Camp S M  
Martins Manufacturing Plant M
Matsuda Analytics Laboratory S
Miyamoto Botanical Nursery S
Moulin Chemical Installation L
Naubakht Works S M  
Nnadi Hydroponics Facility S L
Nwadike Territories L
Onyeneme's Foundry L
Orlay Research Enterprise S
Ortega Metallurgic Exploration M
Oyinlola Inventions S L
Panchenko Extraction Station L
Papacosta Metallurgic Exchange S
Penfold Mineralogic Exchange M
Ratcliffe Botanical Enterprise S
Ryabokin Botanical Nursery S
Staff's Genetics S
Thomas Metallurgic Complex L
Van Leeuwen Botanical Enterprise S L
Van Muiswinkel Laboratory S
Vogel Analysis Site S
Vyshnya Cultivation Complex S L
Williams Excavation Territory S
Winkler Extraction Prospect S L
Yook Extraction Enterprise S L
Young Research Expedition S
Zhao Metallurgic Site M


24.25 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Botman Territories L
Diaw Excavation Hub S L
Firpo Drilling Facility S L
Malakar Botanical Complex S
Riquelme Nutrition Enterprise S L
Rymill Mining Hub M
Schaumasse Prospect S M  
Scholz Hydroponics Garden S L
Trau Drilling Enterprise M