HIP 11585

Name SML Mug Gin
Adelakun Metallurgic Enterprise S L
Gowon Excavation Territory M
Gunter Dock S M  
Hayashi Bastion S M L  
Herschel Point S M  
Hiraga Hub S M L  
Hughes Prospecting Base S
Mahama Extraction Complex S
Maldonado Extraction Facility S L
Watson Extraction Prospect L
Xiao Prospecting Territory M
Yanez Extraction Prospect S

Closest systems to HIP 11585


8.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bai Dredging Site S L
Coande Point S M  
Crossfield Settlement S M  
Hardy Horticultural Plantation S
Lee's Reserve S L
Moloi Extraction Hub M


16.8 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Nilson Survey S M  
Piramal Medical S L
Simon Mineralogic Enterprise S


19.35 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Belezjak Mining Enterprise S
Brosnatch Terminal S M  
Cohen Mineralogic Installation S L
Crellin-Davies Dredging Complex S L
Emshwiller Terminal S M L  
Etienam's Corner S L
Humason Prospect S M  
Kay Metallurgic Platform S L
Kuo Mines S M L  
Min Venue M
Munoz's Wandering M
Okiro Biological Site S
Oluwusi Analysis Centre S
Yoshida Drilling Exploration S L

HIP 10570

21.88 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Boyer Prospect S M  
Cartier Platform S M L  
Fernandez's Claim S M L  
Priest Silo  
Shewayish Horticultural Centre S L


22.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bojti Prospecting Enterprise S
   Burke Agricultural Garden - - - -
Chua Biological Forum S
Dzsejt Agricultural Hub S
Fan Outpost S M  
   Golds Prospecting Territory - - - -
Gutsalo's Garden S
Hernandez Hydroponics Garden S
Ishida Analysis Facility S
Lamar Genetics Exploration S L
Moore Mineralogic Station S L
   Nightingale Extraction Territory - - - -
Phillips Inventions S L
   Prabhune Mineralogic Exchange - - - -
Ricci's Farm S
   Rivera Dredging Platform - - - -
   Vaaler's Minerals - - - -

HIP 9768

22.54 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Brooks Settlement S M  
Filippenko Survey S M  
Hodgkinson Terminal S M L  


24.77 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
van Houten Colony S M  

HIP 9846

25.7 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Griffin Dredging Installation S L
Hogan's Installation S
Lyot Stop S M  


27.32 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Almagro Settlement S M L  
Arfstrom Terminal S M L  
Arrowsmith Manufacturing Workshop S L
Baio Leisure Zone M
Blakytny Industrial Installation L
Cisse Manufacturing S
Cisse Manufacturing Forge S
Crowther Metallurgic Territory S
Donoso Chemical Exchange S L
Engel's Find S
Ferreira Mineralogic Claim S
Gonchar Manufacturing Complex L
Goncharenko Dredging Territory S
Gustard Metallurgic Claim S
Han Engineering Exchange L
Hatwal Chemical Facility L
   Heceta Settlement - - - -
Iyengar's Burrow S
Kashyap Industrial Forge S
Korolev Vision S M  
Laing Vision S M L  
Li Synthetics Site L
Long Synthetics Moulding S
McCabe Chemical Enterprise L
Mendoza Mineralogic Exchange L
Moller Drilling Facility S L
Mordovski Military Barracks S L
Nischan Engineering Foundry L
Olatunji Extraction Rigs S L
Ota Manufacturing Base L
Pascali Metallurgic Platform L
Penfold Prospecting Station S L
Peralta Extraction Station L
Pinzon Silo S M L  
Prevost Metallurgic Reserve L
Qiao's Works S
Rivero Industrial Depot S
Ruiz Manufacturing Installation L
Schunmann Munitions Enterprise S
Seitter Vision S M  
Seong Mining Rigs S L
Van Leeuwen Excavation Station L
Vytrebenko Manufacturing Hub S
Wegner Bastion S M L  
Yamada Synthetics Enterprise L
Yarovy Extraction Territory M

HIP 13514

28.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amos Excavation Hub M
Bugby Genetics Forum S
Kawle Mining Site S L
Kidinnu Point S M  
Namgung Genetics Institution S L
Okusanya Dredging Installation S
Spassky's Folly S M L  
Struve Settlement S M  


28.48 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Beaumont Mineralogic Base M
Deshmukh Prospecting Facility S
Deshpande Hydroponics Exchange S
Favre Astrophysics Site S
Hair Excavation Enterprise M
Herraez Botanical Exchange S L
Mellier Industrial Plant L
Semwal Mining Installation S
Soto Research Complex S L
Taylor Jr. Survey S M  


28.48 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Albrecht Genetics Lab S
Artin Relay S M L  
Asaju Analytics Installation S L
Auclair's Forever S L
Baily Enterprise S M L  
Carvajal Research Institution S
Choi Biological Centre S
   Coney Point - - - -
Craig Biological Complex S
Diabate Command Point S M
Fay Engineering Hub L
Fletcher Military Armoury M
Gustafsson Observatory S M L  
Harrington Settlement S M L  
Heo Leisure District S L
Jang's Jurisdiction M
Makuto Manufacturing Plant S
Mannan Manufacturing Facility S
Mbarga Barracks S
Meghani Genetics Laboratory S L
Mowatt Arms Installation S L
Ndaitwah Bastion M
Ndam Biological Institution S
Obetsebi Formulations S
Openko Analytics Centre S
Purandare Military Complex S L
Riess Port S M  
Salinas Analysis Lab S L
Sangweni Arms Installation S
Schmidt's Armoury S L
Schunmann's Jewel S L
Slusar Watch S L
Smith Chemical Silo S
Takeuchi Spa S L
Tanaka Munitions Enterprise S
Vaillant Arms Installation S L
Vannier Liberty S L
Villeneuve Biological Consulting S
Wilhelm Landing S M  
Zambo's Chemicals S L

HIP 11913

28.5 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Cherry Mines S M  
Green Penal colony S M L  
Hyde Mining Territory L
Jayashankar Manufacturing Hub S
Lehmann Synthetics Plant M
Lichtenberg Keep S M L  
Russo Industrial Works L


28.56 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Celsius Installation S M  
Desai Biochemical Facility S
Dewsnap Biological Laboratory S
Ibanez Industrial Silo S
Kava Biochemical Consulting S
Kotsuba Biological Site S
Noel's Workshop L
Pesci Biological Lab S L
Plumb's Medicines S
Rowe's Creations L
Shajn Terminal S M L  
Skov Genetics Lab S
Sung Research Enterprise S L
Thorn Biological Assembly S
Venegas Synthetics Plant L
Yakimchuk Biological Laboratory S
Yamaguchi Industrial Works S L
Zimmermann's Productions L


29.6 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Clarke Biochemical Institution S L
Courbet Biological Complex S
Devarajah Research Assembly S
Dickinson Platform S M  
Fry Research Institution S
Keller Analytics Complex S
Koo Biochemical Institution S
Matarov Manufacturing Facility L
Mehta's Consulting S L
Oyawale Analysis Forum S L
Oyinlola Laboratory S
Powter Chemical Complex S L
Romano Chemical Holdings S
Sitter Vision S M  
Slusar Genetics Institution S L
Stelmah Astrophysics Expedition S
The Jet's Hole S M L  
Vasylyshin Inventions S
   Viete Enterprise + - - - -
Yeo's Research S
Zeng Biological Centre S