HR 4934

Name SML Mug Gin
Denton Reformatory S M  

Closest systems to HR 4934

HIP 65165

7.14 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Chamapiwa Synthetics Holdings L
Huberath Reach S M  
Madsen Colony S M  

LHS 2687

13.71 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baio Nutrition Enterprise S L
Bastien Synthetics Complex L
Beliaev Keep S M L  
Berdo Nutrition Collection S L
Crichton Settlement S M L  
   Dedekind Legacy - - - -
Fuentes Botanical Estate S L
Garnier City S M  
Haarsma Station S M  
Hair Synthetics Depot L
Heyerdahl Port S M  
Jenkinson City S M L  
   King Vision - - - -
Konig Nutrition Base S
Morrison Depot S M L  
Narita Gateway S M L  
Openko Botanical Farm S
Rojas Nutrition Centre S
Sugiyama's Jewel M
   Tilman Enterprise - - - -
Wells Terminal S M L  
Williamson Hub S M L  
Zhadan Agricultural Base S L


14.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Altamura Industrial Silo L
Beauchamp Cultivation Garden S L
Berezuk Industrial Enterprise L
Brooks Depot S M L  
Dhawan Manufacturing Base L
Dominguez Synthetics Depot L
Dubey's Terminus M
Eesuola's Slumber S L
Gibbs Chemical Foundry L
Gunther Biological Site S L
Hartog Agricultural Complex S L
Heinlein Works S M L  
Kong Resort M
Krause Agricultural Estate S L
Leroy Manufacturing Facility L
Mogyla Analysis Enterprise S L
Parekh Entertainment Site S L
Pozandr's Installation S
Richelieu Biological Installation S L
Schneider's Pearl S L
Scully-Power's Progress S M L  
Suzuki Mining Complex L
Takeda Horticultural Farm S
Tognini Horizons S M L  
Weber City S M  
Yokoyama Synthetics Enterprise L

HIP 64600

14.81 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bailey's Sanctuary S L
Barbosa Camp S M  
Espinoza Hospitality Zone M
Hayashi Heights S L
Herbert Orbital S M  

BD+69 530

15.54 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Azevedo Nutrition Facility S
Bellamy Base S M L  
Biddiscombe Engineering Hub L
   Blair Penal colony ++ - - - -
Burbank Gateway S M  
Busch's Wandering S L
Hippalus Beacon S M L  
   Jolliet Horizons ++ - - - -
Leoniceno Orbital S M L  
Macedo Keep S M L  
Ozarkevich Manufacturing Exchange L
Paterson's Service S L
Pidkova Manufacturing Site L
Popovich Terminal S M  
Saito Defence Complex S M
Stiegler Camp S M L  
Thomas Engineering Complex L


16.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Monge Station S M  
Phillifent Enterprise S M L  
Tennyson d'Eyncourt Hangar S M  
Zelenko Hydroponics Biome


17.01 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bourne Industrial Base L
Brin Port S M  
Chaviano Keep S M L  
Chung Chemical Workshop L
Cotton Manufacturing Complex L
Dabral Construction L
Edwards's Lodges S L
Enju Mining Exploration S L
Fay Industrial Plant L
Flanagan's Muse S L
Gupta Synthetics Complex L
Gupta's Serenity S L
Hale's Serenity S L
Holland Manufacturing Depot L
Ishikawa Depot L
Jeffries's Haunt S L
Kennan Exchange S M L  
Khatri Prospecting Platform L
Kikelomo Synthetics Assembly S
Kuhn Boarding Hostel S L
Loboda Chemical Exchange S
Lovell's Progress S M L  
Mehta Nutrition Biome S L
Piazza Botanical Farm S L
Ponce Industrial L
Poroshenko's Farm S L
   Pryor Town ++ - - - -
Puche Engineering Hub L
Rios Industrial Productions S L
Rojas Excavation Exchange L
Saliba Heights S L
Sanchez Engineering Forge L
Schreiber Synthetics Plant L
Scott's Pride S M L  
Soto Chemical Holdings S L
   Stabenow Landing +++ - - - -
The Last Call S M L  
Wallis's Jewel S L
Washer's Prominence S L
Werner Manufacturing Complex S
Wilhelm Station S M L  
Yuschenko's Installation L

HIP 67058

17.19 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Dietz Vision S M L  
Kepler Depot S M L  
Niven Hub S M L  
Vonarburg Terminal S M  
Wilder Station S M  


17.33 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Doyle Keep S M L  
Henize Platform S M  
Johnson Orbital S M L  
Kettle Vista S M L  
Resnik Terminal S M  
Shute Lab S M L  
Stott Point S M L  
Tolmie Chemical Hub


17.71 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Darboux Base S M  
Frank Prospecting Station S
Kress Reach S M L  
Olowe Drilling Enterprise S
Ramos Excavation Complex S
Temple's Folly S M L  

HIP 57350

20.04 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Batterham Research Forum S L
Dashkevych's Works
Flindt Industrial L
Gough Analysis Lab S L
Knapp Enterprise S M L  
Loboda Outpost M
Parazynski City S M  
Rossi Industrial Silo L
Rymill's Resolve S L
Singh Hydroponics Complex S L
Sklyarenko Biological Assembly S L
Spassky Keep  
Syrotuk Metallurgic Facility
Wilkinson Analysis Enterprise S L
Wilton Extraction Complex L
Yamashita Synthetics Moulding L
Yamazaki Biological Laboratory S L
Yang's Manufacturings L
Zander Survey S M L  


20.19 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Almagro Ring S M  
Diaw Biological Complex S
Iyer Hydroponics Enterprise S
Kapp's Progress S M L  
Namgung Industrial Exchange
Navarro Control S L
Sharp Hub S M  
Ziljak Port S M L  

MCC 684

20.56 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Barthwal's Manufacturings L
Clement Orbital S M  
Eames Industrial Base S
Engel Genetics Exploration S
Ferenczi-Houlden Industrial Workshop L
Fisher Camp S M L  
Ghatak Analysis Laboratory S L
Landsteiner City S M  
Rusten Synthetics Exchange L


20.69 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Chapman Manufacturing Site
Cummings Prospect S M L  
Frost Plant S M L  
Gallun City S M L  
Shiras Keep S M L  
Yakimchuk Lodgings

HIP 60652

20.74 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Banerjee Engineering Enterprise
Bordage's Inheritance S M L  
Chun Chemical Workshop
Friesner Mines S M L  
Hudson Ring S M L  
Jain Venue
Janszoon Installation  
Moy Cultivation Habitat
Newton Manufacturing Complex
Oyinlola Cultivation Base
Windt Holdings S M L  
Yeon Metallurgic Reserve