Momus Reach

Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarez Expedition M
Antonaci's Manufacturings L
Belezjak Industrial Moulding L
Cardoso Munitions Facility M
Choi Metallurgic Site S L
Faircliff Industrial Assembly L
Gagnan Colony S M L  
Gunther Industrial Forge L
Gutsalo's Castings L
Gwon Military Outpost S L
Herrera Metallurgic Claim S
Hook Industrial Facility L
Kambanda Command S M
Lee Manufacturing Enterprise S
Lopez Mining Rigs L
Marchand Chemical Site S
McCabe Metallurgic Base S L
Mendez Agricultural Facility S
Poulton Biochemical Complex S L
Ralphus S M L  
Ricci Metallurgic Station L
Rodgers Munitions Hub S L
Ryabokin Liberty S L
Stelmah Arms Facility S
Tartarus Point S M L  
Tavernier Territories M
Terry Palace S M L  
Vogel's Exploration L
Wacera Biochemical Exploration S
Wei Munitions Facility S

Closest systems to Momus Reach


8.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Rushworth Horizons S M  


9.36 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anotidaishe's Bridge M
Arias's Bastion S M
Arsenault Manufacturing Plant L
Azevedo Botanical Site S
Brothers Vision S M  
Cavalcante Military Barracks S L
Chevalier Engineering Site S
Dawes's Anchor S L
Dembele Manufacturing Silo L
Dickinson's Dock M
Dubois Engineering Site M
Elgin Port S M  
Frobisher Terminal S M L  
Garcia Munitions Base S L
Greco Manufacturing Workshop L
Hahm's Installation L
Harland Defence Facility
Jin Tourist Haven M
Johnson Munitions Base M
Khatri Chemical Complex L
Marques Gateway S M L  
   Moriarty Base - - - -
Naudiyal Engineering Facility L
Otanez Service S M
Pak's Terminus M
Pavluk's Engineering L
Poulin's Tranquility S L
Powell Command Installation M
   Rawat Installation - - - -
Richter Synthetics Assembly L
Thomas's Armament M
Waudby Mineralogic Station S
Wilton Depot M

CK Arietis

11.02 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bray Industrial Base L
Crown Orbital S M L  
Dzsejt Outpost S L
Getsyk's Control S L
Hair's Point S L
Heinrich's Consulting S L
Hooke Port S M  
Knight Point S M L  
Lacek Genetics Laboratory S
Loeffler's Jurisdiction S
Mitchell Biochemical Facility S
Morgan Industrial Silo S L
Navarro's Honour M
Newberry Military Barracks S
Prieto Synthetics Facility L

Michael Pantazis

12.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Brandt Industrial Hub L
Cho Chemical Complex L
Drake Hub S M L  
Due Colony S M  
Lorenzo Manufacturing Exchange L
The Anna Marie Pantazis S M L  
   van Vogt Base - - - -
Xuanzang Prospect S M L  


12.17 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adekunle Metallurgic Hub S
Garnier Prospect S M  
Lawhead Survey S M L  
Siegel Base S M  


12.81 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Chun Engineering Silo S L
Davies Hydroponics Nursery S
Dembele Botanical Holdings
Durand Hydroponics Collection S L
Hilmers Base S M L  
Huang Synthetics Exchange L
Lewis Chemical Complex S L
Scalzi Silo S M L  
Soria Botanical Habitat S
Thomas Agricultural Farm S L
Williamson Dock S M L  
Ziegler Chemical Productions S


12.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Al-Jazari Port S M  
Curtis Enterprise S M L  
Dynamo Manufacturing Facility L
Endo Botanical Range S
Fahnbulleh Chemical Exchange S
Filter Landing S M L  
Gregory Laboratory S M L  
Hertz Market S M L  
Hinz Barracks S M L  
Jones Port S M L  
Mazepa Agricultural Enterprise S L
Osman Hydroponics Holdings S L
Ostwald Terminal S M L  
Ranganathan's Barracks M
Sadi Carnot City S M L  
Sar Industrial Assembly S


13.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ansari Enterprise S M  
Antonaci Synthetics Exchange L
Anyadike Mineralogic Station S L
Azevedo Boarding Hostel S L
Bagryany's Works L
Barreau Manufacturing Forge L
Beaufort Botanical Site S L
Belezjak Excavation Territory S
Belshaw Nurseries S L
Bray Hydroponics Site S L
Carvalho's Claim S
Chopra Excavation Platform L
Coulstock-Cockeram Industrial Facility L
Crowther Drilling Exploration L
Datla's Edge M
Dhar Synthetics Holdings L
Enju Visitor Lodge S L
Ferenczi-Houlden Agricultural Habitat S
Flanagan's Cheer M
Fletcher Metallurgic Territory L
Flindt Prospecting Hub S L
Gcobani's Constructions
Guzman Boarding Lodge S L
Kary's Pearl S L
Kohli Manufacturing Forge L
Lagos Synthetics Plant S
Ludwig's Venue S L
Maji Industrial Base L
Makuto Manufacturing Installation S
Matsuda Mines S L
Navarrete Extraction Exchange L
Orji's Syntheticals L
Otsuka Engineering Forge L
Owor Boarding Lodge S L
Pesci Industrial Hub S
Shvets Prospecting L
Sinclair Port S M  
South's Plantation S
Stefansson's Pride S M L  
Stott Manufacturing Exchange S
Syrylak Mineralogic Territory L
Tani Hub S M L  
Toure Military Stockade S L
Vogt's Venture S L
Ware Engineering Exchange L
Yang Dredging Station L


14.16 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aravena Prospecting Territory S
Bahuguna Biochemical Forum
Berdo Synthetics S
Bianchi Horticultural Plantation S
Bojti Engineering Site L
Botman's Lodges S L
Boyer Horizons S M L  
Cataldo's Syntheticals L
Dzuba Engineering Installation L
Emem's Reserve S
Ganguly's Lodges S L
Ghatak Munitions Site M
Hickey Construction L
Holland Synthetics Complex S L
Hoshide Orbital S M  
Igwe Construction S
Ishida's Syntheticals L
Ito Botanical Hub S
Levada Industrial Base S
Ludwig Manufacturing Exchange S
Mahajan Dredging Exchange S
Mahto's Creations S
McDarsh Engineering L
Nechuy Astrophysics Assembly S
Nnamani Drilling Exchange S L
Oluwusi's Biological S
Oyekan Chemical Site S
Pavluk's Consulting S
Perez Industrial Workshop S
Przhevalsky Legacy S M L  
Ranganathan's Berth M
Sakurai's Command S L
Tesla Terminal S M L  
Vaillant Synthetics Enterprise L
Vannier Dredging Hub L
Walter Synthetics Installation S L
Wilton Hydroponics Biosphere S
Wylie's Inheritance S M L  

13 Trianguli

14.36 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adama Tourism Zone S L
Andrukhovych's Control S M
Bartoe Hub S M L  
Bernard Chemical Base S
Chidozie Manufacturing Plant S
Crossland Outpost
Deloney Genetics Forum S
Fabbri's Reception S L
Fry Genetics Forum S
Gutierrez's Bastion S L
Harada's Hold S L
Jara's Fortification M
Jin Engineering Foundry S
Kerwin Hub S M  
Konashevych Metallurgic Claim S L
Kong's Keep S L
Lee Survey S M L  
Margrave Industrial Hub L
Mendeleev Base S M L  
Ramos Biological Enterprise S
Ramos's Analytics S
Saccone Research Lab S L
Symons's Quarry
Wei Chemical Silo L
Wells's Humility S L
Williams Chemical Facility L


15.01 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arias Agricultural Hub S L
Bauer Hydroponics Centre S L
Bianchi Biochemical Assembly S
Blakytny Analytics Laboratory S
Boldyr Horticultural S L
Chisholm Agricultural Holding S L
Chun Astrophysics Laboratory S
Davidenko Cultivation Holdings S
Delgado Astrophysics Expedition S
Laval Research Laboratory S L
Ngalula Biological Expedition S
Oladoyinbo Botanical Holdings S
Oyekan Genetics Installation S
Pinto Settlement S M  
Popov Depot S M  
Rhee Mining Station M
Sadangi Dredging Installation M
Scavo's Mineralogical S
Schneider Agricultural Garden S L
Serrao Beacon S M L  
Staff's Laboratory S L
Stott Nutrition Facility S
Yang Analysis Centre S


15.83 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bogacki Excavation Complex S L
Burke Terminus S L
   Chidozie's Reserve - - - -
Cseszneky Ring S M L  
Dickinson Engineering Hub S
Dzhanibekov Terminal S M  
Fincham Extraction Complex M
Fossey Terminal S M  
   Grinchenko Botanical Holding - - - -
Haas Mining Installation M
Hayden Mine S M L  
Khurana Chemical Enterprise L
Lamar Mining Complex S
Lavigne Mineralogic Territory M
Lockett Synthetics S
Meghani Territories S
Motrienko Nutrition Exchange S
Nwachukwu Nutrition Facility S L
Osuigwe Boarding Site S L
Quantock Metallurgic Installation
Rowe Hospitality Complex S L
Rymar Prospecting Site S L
Schwarz Visitor Hostel
Stanley Holdings S M L  
Stride Metallurgic Exploration
Valentino Entertainment District S L
Vogt Forge L
Wagner Prospecting Territory S
Yamaguchi's Industrial L
Yuan Synthetics Holdings L
Zillig Vision S M L  

LP 298-52

15.96 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Brust Port S M  
Bunsen Legacy S M L  
Chapman's Haven S L
Compton Gateway S M L  
   Cook Beacon - - - -
Cook Nutrition Exchange S L
Doroshenko Botanical Habitat S L
Eschbach Station S M  
Fernao do Po Hub S M  
Fidalgo Terminal S M L  
   Greenland's Progress - - - -
Grigson Vision S M L  
Mallett Chemical Complex L
Mallory Point S M L  
Moore Terminal S M L  
Oksamit Nutrition Biome S L
Parekh Cultivation Habitat S L
Selberg Dock S M  
Takeuchi Botanical Biosphere S L
Wait Colburn Port S M L  


16.19 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bai Industrial Moulding S
Daramy Metallurgic Site S L
Fremont Port S M  
Kary Synthetics Base L
Mawson Terminal S M L  
Morelli Manufacturing Plant
Nixon Port S M  
Paez Prospect S M L  
Schwarz Defence Base S L
Shao Hydroponics Site S L
Takeda's Lodgings S L
   Varthema Installation - - - -
Welleweerd's Encampment M
Won Nutrition Complex S L

BD+31 434

16.32 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baudry Settlement S M  
Bell Genetics Exploration S L
Bibeau Industrial Foundry S
Choi's Chemicals S
Dara Industrial Forge S
Dawkes's Mine L
Hahm Institution S
Huber Research Institution S
Kaplan Engineering Enterprise S
Lister Holdings S M  
Lyashenko Manufacturing Site L
Platt Base S M L  
Vercher Industrial Depot L