Hu Jung

Name SML Mug Gin
Faiers Industrial Depot L
Harvey Dock S M L  
Shaula Engineering Installation S

Closest systems to Hu Jung


4.87 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Blakytny Industrial Moulding L
Cayley Vista S M L  
Egan Station S M  
Fujii Arms Site M
Lemaire's Jurisdiction M
Maiboroda Inventions S L
Mckenzie Command Point S L
Miller Port S M  
Mordovski Research Complex S L
Oluwusi Chemical M
Seega Camp S M L  
Williams Dredging Platform L
Won Biological Institution S


9.47 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Weston Relay S M  


11.03 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Gloss Settlement S M L  
Grant Dock S M  
Kravchenko Extraction Platform L
Mahto Mining Exploration S L
Shepherd Dock S M L  


11.2 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Gunther Engineering Foundry M
Ikeya Station S M  
Mendy's Chemicals S
Poblete's Engineering L
Selous Relay S M L  
Toll Keep S M L  
Tremblay Chemical Productions L


12.85 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Chakladar Botanical Base S L
Correia Cultivation Holding S
Dickinson Biological Expedition S
Dino Prospecting Platform M
Han Horticultural Market S L
Hennessy Astrophysics Expedition S
Herrera Analysis Complex S
Hogan Research Institution S L
Hoshi Vision S M L  
Hurley Settlement S M  
Iglesias Biological Expedition S
Laval Biological Expedition S
Lyashenko Prospecting S
Lyashenko Research Expedition S
Manzo Excavation Hub M
Mendoza Metallurgic Reserve S L
Montrose's Progress S M L  
Munoz Horticultural Habitat S L
Ota Extraction Enterprise S L
Powter Cultivation Range S
Ryazanski Refinery S M  
Sharma Nurseries S L
Taylor Astrophysics Enterprise S L
Zambo Extraction Exchange S L


12.97 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Beauchamp Chemical Depot M
Bordage Hub S M L  
Chuke Stop M
Dogo's Workshop L
Drake Relay S M L  
Elaschuk Arms Encampment S L
Esposito Tourist District M
Fernandez Nutrition Holding S
Frost Chemical Plant S L
Gabriel City S M  
Gorbanenko Industries
Henriquez Industrial Complex M
Herjulfsson Keep S M L  
Hopkinson Terminal S M  
Jenkinson Terminal S M L  
Kanu Hostel S L
Kewell's Stop M
Krusvar Dock S M  
Lichtenberg City S M L  
Majoro Chemical Workshop S L
Margulies Station S M  
Mehta Agricultural Collection S
Nemere Keep S M L  
Orji Industrial Depot M
Pierce Keep S M L  
Powers Vista S M L  
Pratchett Installation S M L  
Remec City S M L  
Spark Industrial Works M
Urkovic Gateway S M L  
Waudby Synthetics S
Webb Orbital S M  
Wright Entertainment Complex S L
Zyma Synthetics Foundry S


13.0 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ando Nutrition Base S L
Angstrom Hub S M  
Araki Vision S M L  
Arsenault Botanical Enterprise
Barnett Watch S M
Baruwal Engineering Enterprise S
Belezjak's Command M
Blanchet Tourist Lodge S L
Blayney Munitions Stockade S M
Botman Horticultural Collection S L
Chon's Hold M
Dubey Nutrition Habitat S
Dubois Watch S M
Fiorentino Military Barracks S L
Florianz Synthetics Facility L
Fraser Boarding Zone S L
Giuliani Military Complex S L
Goh Arms Encampment S L
Grebby Agricultural Nursery S L
Hawkins Botanical Estate S
Keller Fortification S M
Lagos's Outpost M
Lai Synthetics Enterprise S
Luna Command Complex M
Makubuya Military Bastion S M
Mayer Hub S M  
Menariya Synthetics L
Murdoch Botanical Site S L
Oluwusi Vista S L
Otto Leisure S L
Panasenko Synthetics Workshop L
Ptaszynski's Respite M
Quinn Defence Facility M
Riess Prospect S M L  
Rusten Defence Hub M
Sakurai Botanical Range S
Soh Industrial Workshop L
Spark Command Complex M
Stein Munitions Enterprise M
Sul Botanical Collection S
Thornycroft Settlement S M L  
Vance Survey S M L  


13.07 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Precourt Port S M L  

14 Eridani

13.3 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aniefuna's Mine S
Barbier Dredging Station M
Bechard Mines M
Brandt Dredging Facility M
Choo Extraction Prospect S L
Cortes Mining Territory M
Dhar Mineralogic Base S
Farias Excavation Facility S
Galitzki Dredging Base S L
Hawkins Mineralogic Base S L
Hunter Drilling Facility S
Kyrylo Prospecting Complex S
Lamarck Vision S M L  
Leinster Hub S M L  
Mahto Metallurgic Installation M
Meucci Station S M  
Ngobi Extraction Prospect S L
Ryu Metallurgic Facility S
Sarich Stop S M L  
Schulz Mining Complex S
Traore Chemical Productions L
Vidal Mineralogic Exploration S
Wright's Laboratory S


14.04 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Barrera Analysis Laboratory S L
Barrera Formulations S
Boulaid Botanical Garden S
Castro Dredging Facility S
Correa Analytics Centre S L
Delgado's Biome S L
Garg Botanical Habitat S
Gomez Research Laboratory S
Hirano Synthetics Plant L
Hong's Installation S
Howarth Biochemical S L
Hulse Station S M  
Hutchinson Botanical Holdings S L
Izdryk's Productions L
Kong Cultivation Garden S L
Linnett's Consulting S L
Mazepa Analytics Institution S
Otueome Agricultural S L
Palma Horticultural Facility S L
Poirier's Pharmaceuticals S L
Robinson Manufacturing Complex S
Rochon Base S M L  
Sadangi Engineering Site S L
Saleeby Genetics Laboratory S
Sanchez Hydroponics Market
Santos Botanical Nursery S L
Sargent Genetics Institution S
Semwal's Syntheticals L
Seok Mineralogic Site S L
Theofelus Metallurgic Territory
Zhong Excavation Platform S L


14.29 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alioune Agricultural Farm S L
Bot Chemical Base L
Brown Chemical L
Bruneau Horticultural Farm S L
Bugby Nutrition Nursery S
Busch's Journey S L
Choi Agricultural Centre S
Colley Manufacturing Silo L
Davis Chemical Hub S
Fahnbulleh Agricultural Collection S L
Ferenczi-Houlden Horticultural Nursery S L
Gokhale Cultivation Base S
Goswami's Territory S
Hire Port S M L  
Kabbah Cultivation Hub S
Kohler Plantations S
Kotsuba Horticultural Facility S
Meghani Hydroponics Collection S L
Mendoza Sanctuary S L
Meyer Stockade S M
Morledge's Engineering S L
Munn's Quarry S
Oshpak Chemical Site S
Pan Synthetics Facility S
Pereyra Hospitality Zone S L
Piazza Industrial Productions S L
Rawlinson Cultivation Habitat S L
Rayne Horticultural Complex S L
Rutten's Manufacturings S
Ryu Synthetics Silo L
Sankoh Prospecting Rigs S
Veach Vision S M L  
Wan Botanical Nursery S L
Zimmermann Botanical Estate S
Zivai Agricultural Estate S


14.56 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ameziane Engineering Complex L
Cixin Camp S M L  
Herreshoff Platform S M  
Shapiro Settlement S M  


14.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Barr Terminal S M  
Behnisch Hangar S M  
Kang Astrophysics Laboratory S L


14.87 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarez Horticultural Complex S L
Bell Astrophysics Lab S L
Black Station S M L  
Cox's Fort
Crowther Hydroponics Biosphere S
Dakhno Cultivation Base S
Dashkevych Honour S L
Engel Military Facility S L
Fellows Hydroponics Site S L
Gupta Cultivation Site S L
Heinrich Horticultural Centre S
Henriquez Analytics Site S
Ingall Nutrition Base
Ishikawa Genetics Lab S
Jain Prospecting Facility M
Jenkerson Military Base M
Kewell Agricultural Habitat S
Khanna Command Site M
Kolev Agricultural Estate S L
Kostenko's Drilling
Kulkarni Cultivation Range S
Lambert Exchange S M L  
Leckey Nutrition Holdings S
Martinez's Laboratory
Min Research Lab S
Mofu Engineering Enterprise S
Mulford Horticultural Base S
Murata Boarding Lodge M
Myeni Cultivation Site S L
Neugebauer Hangar S M  
Nwadike Biological Installation S L
Okoye Hydroponics Biome S
Olivares Horticultural Base S L
Ortiz Astrophysics Assembly
Pan Cultivation Biome S
Plumb's Research S L
Polischuk Command Garrison S L
Prieto Mining Complex M
Remy Hydroponics Holdings S L
Reyes Biological Consulting S
Song's Service M
The Discordian Society S M L  
Trau Keep S L
Ueno Biological Laboratory S L


15.07 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Almeida's Folly S L
Berezuk Nutritional S L
Bergmann Chemical Complex S
Brown Industrial Depot S
Egebe Industrial Enterprise S
Fahlbusch Synthetics Exchange L
Garg Mineralogic Base S
Gehry Port S M L  
Gold Prospect S M L  
Gonzalez's Minerals S
Jaitly Mining Facility S
Karlsefni Plant S M L  
Khatri Hydroponics Hub S
Mooz Terminal S M  
Ota Nutritional S L
Parkhomenko Industrial Works L
Pettitt Agricultural Exchange S
Phillips Dock S M  
Rocha Horticultural Biosphere S
Takeuchi's Creations L
Toussaint Foods S