LHS 1228

Name SML Mug Gin
Ahn Honour S L
Akpabio Analytics Laboratory S
Aloisio Military Encampment S L
   Alvarado Enterprise - - - -
Becker Analytics Site S
Bennett Synthetics Hub L
Blanc Defence Facility S L
   Blaylock Bastion - - - -
Bloom Industrial Silo M
Bohm Genetics Enterprise S L
   Broutsos Astrophysics Site - - - -
Cataldo Munitions Site M
Chamapiwa Defence Encampment S
Chancellor Astrophysics Site S L
Colley Analytics Forum S L
Conteh Cultivation Collection S L
Cooper City S M L  
Cooper's Pharmaceuticals S L
Cukkemane Barracks M
Culpeper Relay S M L  
Egebe Analysis Complex S
Gallo's Forge L
Goto's Creations L
Hahn's Command S L
Hao Analytics Forum S
Hashimoto Armoury M
Ihejirika Biochemical Centre S L
Ilsley Military Stockade S L
Kang's Armoury S L
Lavoisier Hub S M  
Ledesma Venue M
Leroy Nutrition Biosphere S L
Mallett Formulations S L
Mazumder Agricultural Garden S
Motrienko Analysis Lab S
Nwadike Industries S
Olowe Defence Enterprise M
Ouedraogo's Research S L
Ovcharenko Obligation M
Poroshenko Engineering Site M
Ramirez's Prize S L
Richardson Botanics S L
Riviere Biochemical Institution S L
Rusten Armament S L
Sacco Bastion S M L  
Semwal Hydroponics Biosphere S
Shaula's Encampment S L
Sherlock Resolve S L
Siakam Nutrition Biosphere S L
Skoropadsky Research Expedition S L
Suk Analysis Site S L
Tarasenko Command Garrison M
Tracy Defence Enterprise S M
Tsarenko Agricultural Plantation S
   Varela Arms Base - - - -
Vidal Keep S L
Walker Terminal S M  
   West Vision - - - -
   Winkler Garrison - - - -
Yamaguchi Analysis Institution S L
Yeo Engineering Silo L
Young Hydroponics Enterprise S L

Closest systems to LHS 1228


8.82 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
   Acaba's Progress - - - -
Burbank Plant S M  
Chabanenko Biological Installation
Faucher Drilling Station S L
Friedrich Mineralogic Site M
Hedley Dock S M  
Jayashankar Analysis Facility
Khmelnytsky's Biosphere S L
Moy Horticultural Centre S
Powter Munitions Complex S M
Rivera Analysis Centre S L
Sangweni Biochemical Facility S L
   Stross Camp +++ - - - -
Takeda Chemical Installation S
Ueda Astrophysics Forum S
   Zadzisai's Industrial - - - -

53 chi Ceti

10.85 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Andoyer Prospect S M L  
Barcelos Barracks S M L  
Benelhag Botanical Market S
Caselberg Dock S M  
Chun Laboratory S M L  
Conteh Lodgings S L
Desargues Gateway S M  
Dubois Nutrition Centre S
Farouk Gateway S M  
Ferenczi-Houlden Cultivation Exchange S
Francisco de Eliza Ring S M L  
Franko Cultivation Estate S
Ganguly Horticultural Complex S L
Grebby Botanical Market S L
Kirtley Ring S M L  
Kravchenko Horticultural Holding S L
Kuhn Horticultural Enterprise S
Mallett Orbital S M L  
Mellors Synthetics L
Ogawa Horticultural Site S L
Ohm Beacon S M L  
Oladele Passage M
Preuss Enterprise S M L  
Rawn Ring S M  
Stevin Gateway S M  
Uniyal Cultivation Base S L
Vroegop's Vice M
Wirtanen Base S M L  
Yamamoto Cultivation Exchange S
Zhou's Conservatory S L
   Zubrin Penal colony +++ - - - -


11.81 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ahluwalia Agricultural S L
Arkwright Hub S M L  
Bojti Cultivation Enterprise S L
Boole Barracks S M L  
Cixin Mines S M L  
Corbin Horticultural Holdings S L
Dewan's Syntheticals S
Eisele Terminal S M  
Hernandez Dock S M L  
Ivanov Ring S M L  
Jacquard Terminal S M  
Kalam's Inheritance S M L  
Kopra City S M  
Malik's Retreat S L
Manakov Hub S M L  
Osuigwe Horticultural Holdings S
Owor Chemical Workshop
Somerset Enterprise S M  
Teklehaimanot Horticultural Biome S
Waldrop Holdings S M L  
Wan Botanical Holding S L
Windt Arsenal S M L  
Yegorov Port S M  
Yurchikhin Beacon S M L  

Tarach Tor

12.41 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adekunle Excavation Territory S L
Carrel Nutrition Enterprise S
Carter's Haven S M L  
Davies Nutrition Biome S L
Li Drilling Base S L
Makubuya Prospecting Installation S
Mendez Mineralogic Exploration S
Morais Agricultural Market S L
Ortiz Territories S L
Perez's Plantation S L
Russell Prospect S M  
   Shatner Barracks - - - -
Soh Agricultural Exchange S
Tranquillity S M L  
Tummino Dredging Installation S L


12.96 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abasheli Terminal S M  
Alasa Armament S M
Aveline Industrial Moulding S
Maldonado Fortification S M
Martins Fortification M
Molina Synthetics Silo L
Starlace Station S M L  
Towarnicki S M L  
Vargas's Jurisdiction S L
Vogt Synthetics Exchange S

LTT 11103

14.27 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Hammond Synthetics Site S
Korniyenko Terminal S M L  
Kuchner Penal colony S M L  
Ndam Genetics Institution S L
Thakur Manufacturing Forge S
Vogt Engineering Exchange L


14.39 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Barnes Barracks S M L  
Bitterlin Hospitality Site S L
Blaes Boarding Site S L
   Brothers Terminal - - - -
Dynamo Extraction Hub S L
Ferreira's Eden S L
Herrera Agricultural Farm S L
Kava's Industrial S
Kryyst Agricultural Holding S L
Laffey Manufacturing Hub S
Macleod Excavation Exchange L
Melnick Market S M L  
Plante Landing S M L  
Prevost Industrial Holdings S
Prieto's Castings L
   Varley Vision +++ - - - -

GR 316

15.72 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Hoyle Point S M  
Sucharitkul Settlement S M  

9 Ceti

17.02 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarie Synthetics Site S
Anderson Garrison S L
Barthwal Chemical Hub L
Baruti Industrial Foundry L
Benoit's Armoury M
Burrows Military Enterprise M
Crossland Industrial Installation L
Fanning Vision S M L  
Fletcher Drilling Station S L
Griffin Encampment S L
Ikeda Cultivation Holdings S L
Jeffries Engineering Hub L
Kabbah Manufacturing Silo L
Kobayashi Arms Site S M
Kosach Synthetics Holdings L
Lavigne Munitions Site S M
Levada Chemical Facility M
Ma Industrial Creations L
Magnusson's Syntheticals L
Marsh Military Facility S M
Mazumder Military Site M
Menariya's Forge S
Nischan Industrial Exchange L
Nishimura Extraction Rigs S L
Nomura Mineralogic Station S L
Otero Liberty S L
Payson Bastion S M L  
Pettitt Mineralogic Hub M
Priest Command Site S L
Reddy Armament M
Rhee Manufacturing Complex L
Ribeiro Engineering L
Sasaki Command Base S L
Sepulveda Manufacturing Installation S
Sirko Defence Enterprise S L
Taniguchi's Constructions L
Turay Horticultural Complex S L
Wilkinson Command S M
Zoungrana Hydroponics Exchange S


17.03 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Brereton Station S M L  

LFT 163

17.14 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arend Laboratory S M L  
Bahuguna Agricultural Range S L
Bockarie Agricultural Complex
Chidubem Chemical Holdings L
Close Industrial S
Dakhno Engineering S L
Dobrovolski Plant S M L  
Erdos Landing S M L  
Franko Astrophysics Forum
Hair Research Centre S
Haller Plant S M  
Hyeon's Biome S L
Kaiser's Farm S L
Malenchenko Dock S M  
Mazumder Nutrition Biome S
Powter Synthetics Complex S L
Qian Nutrition Exchange
Rukavishnikov Depot S M L  
Scholey Nutrition Centre S L
Shimizu Industrial Facility
Vadamootoo Synthetics Enterprise L
Zhou Genomics S
Zivai Engineering Base S

LHS 142

17.64 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ackroyd Engineering Complex L
Ademola's Wandering S L
Bawa's Quest M
Belyayev Port S M  
Bendell Prospect S M L  
Collins Boarding Complex M
Constancia Hospitality Zone M
Degefa Engineering Hub L
Devarajah's Keep M
Fearn Point S M L  
Fischer Engineering L
Forest Landing S M L  
   Forstchen Enterprise - - - -
Garg Industrial Complex S
Grandin Dock S M  
Haignere Station S M  
Harland Chemical Works L
Hennessy Tourist Lodge S L
Hyeon Hospitality Resort S L
Ibaka Manufacturing Forge L
Kozeyev Orbital S M L  
Kregel Enterprise S M L  
Liang Engineering Silo L
MacVicar Vision S M L  
Matsumoto Manufacturing Facility S
Meyer Manufacturing Complex L
Mofu Industrial Holdings L
Morledge Boarding Hostel S L
Mukherjee's Chemicals L
Noriega Port S M L  
Omenma's Bastion S L
Osman's Lodgings S L
Povaliy Engineering Installation L
Reyes Tourist Hostel S L
Sanchez Tourist District S L
Sandoval's Engineering L
Sartre Leisure S L
   Schrodinger Horizons - - - -
Sherlock Entertainment Zone S L
Shin Engineering Installation L
Sommer Engineering L
Temitope Entertainment Complex S L
vo Dock S M L  
Watson Station S M L  
Weil's Claim S M L  
Weitz Port S M  
Zimmermann's Passage M


18.16 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Andrukhovych Metallurgic Territory L
Batterham's Deposit L
Bellamy Hub S M L  
Bond Beacon S M L  
Bullen's Farm S L
Burke's Prospect L
Citroen Base S M L  
Crowther's Prospect L
   Diesel Relay - - - -
Donoso Botanical Range S
Flewitt Drilling Territory L
Fontaine Extraction Enterprise
Foster's Find L
Fra Metallurgic Hub S L
Giuliani Dredging Site S
Hahn Excavation Exchange S
Hennessy Excavation Exchange S
Howarth Prospecting S L
Jia Deposits L
Laghari Hydroponics Habitat S
Lucy Young's Orbital Happy Home S M L  
Milestones S M L  
Mofu Cultivation Holding S L
Oladele Mineralogic Exploration S L
Owor Extraction Prospect S L
Poisson Plant S M  
Schubert Prospecting Base L
Torres Metallurgic Claim S
Tsarenko Mining Station S
Tummino Minerology S
Tusi Vision S M L  
Varela Mining Rigs L
Villalba Excavation Station M

LTT 606

18.22 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Archimedes Colony S M L  
Chovnyk Analytics Site S L
Datta Industrial Works L
Jeremy S M L  
   Kohoutek Observatory - - - -
Kondo Research Forum S
Luna's Pharmaceuticals S
Marianne's Journey to Arcadia S M L  
Montes's Farm S L
Neumann Legacy S M L  
Ozarkevich Agricultural Nursery S L
Panchenko Research Laboratory S
Papacosta Manufacturing M
Sherlock Astrophysics Expedition S

EGM 559

18.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anderson's Stockade S M
Baruwal Mining Hub S L
Berhe Astrophysics Facility S L
Bevis Metallurgic Base M
Burke Dock S M  
Cha Industries M
Charbonnier Extraction Platform M
Chatterjee Metallurgic Platform S
Chidubem Mineralogic Exploration S
Dewan Mineralogic Hub L
Dhillon Metallurgic Reserve S
Garcia Metallurgic Exchange S
   Gill Keep - - - -
Gimenez Mining Base S L
Ivanychuk Chemical Site S
Kaplan Manufacturing Base L
Kovalenko Munitions Site M
Lugun Mining Exchange S L
Mogyla Mining Territory L
Owen Prospecting Platform M
Owusu Prospecting Installation M
Villalba Metallurgic Facility L
Vitale Mines M
Zeng Analytics Site S L