Nu Kuni

Name SML Mug Gin
Altamura's Anvil S L
Aniefuna Industrial Silo L
Aoki Chemical Enterprise L
Atte-Oudeyi Terminus M
Barbet Synthetics Holdings S
Chuong's Leisure S L
Daramy Manufacturing Plant L
Fernandez Manufacturing Plant L
Gwon Stop S L
Harland Industrial Installation S
Lyulka Vista S M L  
Moskowitz Prospect S M L  
Oyawale Chemical Holdings L
Piazza House S L
Piazzi Hub S M L  
Schulz Industrial Assembly M
Shvets Depot S L
Singh Chemical S L
Theofelus Manufacturing Site L
van Rhijn City S M  
Yakimchuk Manufacturing Workshop S

Closest systems to Nu Kuni


8.16 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Grushin Prospect S M L  


8.42 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bonestell Dock S M  
Hickam Terminal S M  


9.93 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
al-Kashi's Inheritance S M L  
Biruni Gateway S M L  
Kingsmill Penal colony S M L  


11.36 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Basu Genetics Enterprise S L
Bruno Engineering Base S L
Charnas Survey S M L  
Coles Reach S M L  
Cottenot Prospect S M L  
Dominguez's Deposit L
Dragomanov Prospecting Site L
Flagg Landing S M  
Furnival Industrial Foundry L
Hariot Station S M  
Herndon Survey S M L  
Iyengar Horticultural Farm S L
Lee Terminus S L
Lobbo's Reserve S L
Pan Dredging Hub L
Rousseau Mining Rigs S L
Shewayish Synthetics Silo L
Shute Colony S M  
Theofelus Engineering Base S L
Watson Prospecting Territory S L
Ziegler Industrial Silo L


11.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Glen's house of Lambada S M L  
Gregory Ryan Young S M L  

CD-52 187

11.75 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abega Industrial Exchange M
Adesiyan Command Garrison S M
Afia's Plantation S L
Akintola's Productions L
Azevedo Manufacturing Enterprise L
Barbet Chemical Base S L
Barmin City S M  
Barreau Tourist Hostel M
Bengrina's Link S L
Bhasin Vista S L
Botman Engineering Silo L
Bravo's Gate S L
Brown Synthetics Plant L
Corner Synthetics Foundry S
Correia Cultivation Site S L
Cummings Dock S M  
Dakhno's Wandering S L
Daramy Hospitality Complex S L
Davies Cultivation Estate S
Doroshenko Depot M
Dragomanov Cultivation Estate S
Drignat Depot L
Eadon Tourist Complex S L
Frost Munitions Enterprise M
Fuentes Tourism Hostel S L
Furaha Tourism Site S L
Gimenez Manufacturing Plant L
Hao Industrial Assembly L
Hawkins Cultivation Base S
Heinrich's Junction S L
Hernandez's Haunt S L
Hlatshwayo's Engineering L
Hynek City S M L  
Ishii's Respite M
Ji Engineering Enterprise L
Kostenko Synthetics Hub L
Kotsubinsky View S L
Kovalenko Lodgings S L
Kravchenko Engineering Exchange L
Lawhead Legacy S M L  
Levada's Falls S L
Loboda Nutrition Nursery S L
Lomonosov Ring S M  
Lopez's Dwelling S L
Lowell Vision S M  
Martin Industrial Forge L
Martins's Dream M
Mazumder's Quest S L
Miyamoto's View M
Morales Hydroponics Biome S
Morrow Ring S M  
Motrienko's Journey S L
Moursi Nutrition Hub S L
Mukherjee's Dream S L
Nojiri Dock S M L  
Nzeribe's Globe S L
Otanez Plantations S L
Piazza Horticultural Farm S L
Rahman's Humility S L
Ramos's Installation L
Reddy Industrial Enterprise L
Ross's Haven S L
Rymar's Reception S L
Sadangi Botanical Centre S
Sastry's Respite S L
Schoenherr Station S M L  
Sopwith Port S M L  
Syrotuk Resort S L
Tanaka Terminus M
Taschieri Sanctuary S L
Vasyluk Tourist Site S L
Winkler Horticultural Site S
Yeon Synthetics Hub S
Younghusband Exchange S M L  
Zhou Garrison M
Zuniga Visitor Lodge S L

Lambda-2 Phoenicis

12.36 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
   Bertin Survey - - - -
Deshmukh Agricultural Nursery S
Egebe Industrial Site L
Elmore Camp S M L  
Foreman Prospect S M L  
Giudice's Syntheticals L
Herjulfsson Relay S M L  
Hodgson Observatory S M L  
Izumikawa Orbital S M L  
Kerimov Keep S M L  
Kobayashi Dock S M L  
Kostenko Synthetics Installation S L
Meyrink Vision S M L  
Peltier Vision S M  
Pena Horticultural Centre S
Pidgaiko Engineering Exchange S L
Schumacher Station S M  
Stevenson Vision S M  
Struzan Vision S M L  
Sukhoi Terminal S M L  
Tracy Spa S L
Zel'dovich Ring S M  


12.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Lombardelli's Legacy S M L  


14.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aitken Terminal S M  
Araujo Spa S L
Asprin Survey S M L  
Bakshi's Works L
   Barr Bastion - - - -
Bernier Agricultural Exchange S
   Blair Depot - - - -
Bojti's Crest S L
Brosnan Settlement S M L  
Donoso Lodges S L
Espinoza Industries L
Fan Vision S M  
Feng's Forge L
Geiger's Castings S
Goto's Journey M
Gurshtein City S M  
Hornoch Beacon S M L  
Igbinedion Landing M
Ihejirika Outpost M
Ikeda Manufacturing Hub S
Ikeda's Manufacturings L
Jain Nutrition Hub S L
Jenner Relay S M L  
Kowal City S M L  
Lafitte's Gate S L
Laumer Holdings S M L  
Lopez de Villalobos Base S M L  
Marchal Hydroponics Range S
Mehta Manufacturing Facility L
Melotte Hub S M L  
Mueller Station S M L  
Murdoch Chemical Silo S
Naburimannu Gateway S M  
Poirier Engineering Complex S
Riccioli Station S M  
Sarpong Cultivation Exchange S
Shavyrin Terminal S M L  
Song Military Stockade S L
Stant Fortress M
Toussaint Horticultural Plantation S
Tsybulya Engineering Complex S
Wacera's Biome S L


14.25 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Apte's Claim L
Jin Extraction Rigs L
Kuchner Vision S M L  
Lawty Agricultural Nursery S
Mao Engineering Site
Roberts's Dwelling M
Saito Nutrition Habitat S L
Siegel Depot S M L  
Skovoroda Synthetics Workshop
Tange Terminal S M  
Vogel Port S M  

Macu Kuang

14.25 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Beauregard Chemical Base L
Carstensz Barracks S M L  
Charbonnier Manufacturing Plant S
Cox Horticultural Site S
Esposito's Habitat S
Frost Synthetics Depot L
Gardner Arsenal S M L  
Garnier Nutrition Holding S L
Hibberd Analytics Enterprise S
Ivanychuk Agricultural Complex S L
Koh Industrial Complex S
   Lasswitz Relay - - - -
Linnehan Works S M  
Lobbo Horticultural Exchange S L
Melo Synthetics Installation L
Moloi Hydroponics Range S L
Sarafanov Settlement S M  
Vega's Stop M

Tir Na Nog

14.95 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alioune Biochemical Enterprise
Deshmukh's Resolve S L
Doshi Industrial Plant L
Enver Synthetics Hub M
Hully Military Installation S M
Kolsuk's Voyage S L
Levy Relay S M L  
Nishimura Manufacturing Workshop L
Pickering Station S M  
Purandare Industrial Forge L
Sabine Keep S M L  
Toure's Workshop L
Won Garrison S L

LTT 911

15.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ameziane's Respite S L
Anenih's Locus S L
Babangida's Journey S L
Barbosa's Farm S L
Basu Industrial Installation L
Bernard Forge L
Bresnik Dock S M  
Brunel City S M L  
Ferreira Nutrition Nursery S L
Flewitt Hostel S L
Furaha Synthetics Complex L
Golub Botanical Collection S
Golub Hospitality Complex S L
Gomez Horticultural Nursery S L
Herrera Leisure S L
Jeffries's Lodgings S L
Jokester's Station S M L  
Kato Botanical Holdings S L
Koo's Retreat S L
Lymar's Reserve S L
Manzo's Prize S L
Marsh Horticultural Habitat S L
Massey Cultivation Centre S L
McGuire Botanical Holding S L
Melo Tourist Complex S L
Murdoch Boarding Complex S L
Nishimura Nutrition Site S
Oladele Chemical Hub L
Ovcharenko Hydroponics Exchange S L
Pawlikowski's Biosphere S L
Ramirez Leisure District S L
Seong Synthetics L
Shimizu Synthetics Holdings L
Skovoroda Manufacturing Installation S
Taschieri Engineering Complex S
Varley Survey S M L  
Vercher's Habitat S
Verne Engineering Site S
Washer Spa S L
Wilton's Steal S L
Womack Beacon S M L  


15.59 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Basu's Chemicals M
Esme Genetics Exploration S
Hobbs's Works M
Horsman's Journey S L
Mancini Bridge S L
Manzo Industrial Works
Park Medical S L
Pavlenko Visitor Resort S L
Poroshenko Industrial Site S
Sagan Port S M L  
Savko Research Forum
Syrotuk's Falls S L
Zahn Survey S M L  

LHS 1071

16.35 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aku Military Garrison M
Alasa Arms Site S L
Barbosa Manufacturing Base
Baruwal Forge M
Benton Military Barracks S M
Bhasin Command Installation S L
Chabanenko Manufacturing Hub L
Chua Defence Enterprise S M
Daramy Defence Enterprise S L
Degefa Industrial Facility S
Ganguly Biological Lab S
Gibson La Lisa Station S M L  
Mitanek Orbiter S M L  
Ndam Arms Stockade S L
Nzeribe Industrial Creations L
Parkinson's Claim S M L  
Pesci Engineering Depot S
Polischuk Munitions Site S L
Pylypenko's Arsenal S L
Rah Military Armoury S L
Richards Synthetics Hub L
Scholz Analysis Facility S L
Trumpler Colony S M  
Verrier Horizons S M L