
Name SML Mug Gin
Frobenius Horizons S M L  
Hand Enterprise S M L  
Hinz Hub S M L  
Moriarty Prospect S M L  
Nesvadba Orbital S M L  
Pidmohylny's House M
Rossi Industrial Holdings S
Sankoh Manufacturing Depot L
Shah Industrial Site L

Closest systems to Ashtart

Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19

8.13 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Prosperity Core S M L  

LHS 2482

8.42 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aloisio Junction M
Bacigalupi Terminal S M L  
Chakraborty Industrial Workshop L
Froude Hub S M  
Yourkevitch Terminal S M  

Bragurom Du

10.91 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anenih Industrial Installation
Barnaby Gateway S M L  
Beaulieu Defence Encampment M
Carvalho's Fortress
Citrolo Tourist Site S L
Correa Chemical Site L
Crossland Command Complex M
Davis Industrial Base L
Fontaine Industrial Complex S
Fry Obligation S L
Heighton Industrial Assembly L
Heroux Extraction Exchange L
Mellier Military Bastion S L
Morelli Fortress S L
Okpara's Rest S L
Oyawale Munitions Facility M
Pellegrino Station S M L  
Ryu Jurisdiction M
Sepulveda's Keep
Vasylyshin Command Outpost S L


11.04 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bastien Command Base S
Basu Drilling Rigs M
Bauer's Honour S L
Bianco Munitions Hub S L
Blakytny Biological Installation S L
Blanco Analytics Complex S L
Brillant Depot S M L  
Carvalho Military Facility S M
Chaly Defence Encampment S L
Chern Installation S M L  
Coumbassa Institution S
Courbet Engineering Depot L
Evans Research Assembly S L
Flewitt Astrophysics Enterprise S L
Fujimoto's Syntheticals L
Gairola Metallurgic Reserve S L
Golub Military Facility
Hitchen Military Garrison M
Hobbs Control S
Hunter Biochemical Laboratory S L
Madan's Obligation S L
Malecela Encampment M
Malik's Fortification S
Mallett Chemical Site S
   Miyazaki's Laboratory - - - -
Munn Military Barracks S L
Munoz Garrison M
Murakami Arms Base M
Poncelet Terminal S M  
Rahman Astrophysics Laboratory S L
Rocha's Watch S L
   Trau Research Facility - - - -
Vasquez Military Armoury M
Webb Munitions Hub
Whittaker Arms Encampment S L
Yamada Mining Complex L
Younghusband Landing S M  
Zeng Chemical Plant S L
Zyma Expedition S M

LHS 2541

11.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baldock Agricultural Exchange
Bhardwaj Cultivations
Bokeili Hub S M  
Castro Cultivation Biome S L
Chauhan Command Installation S L
Denisenko Hydroponics Range
Diabate Cultivation Site
Flores's Obligation
Fujii's Service
Giuliani Resolve S M
Hannu Base S M L  
Holthausen Defence Encampment
Huber Drilling Facility M
Janifer Survey S M L  
Klein Military Stockade
Kong Military Base
Kroehl Plant S M  
Lopez de Haro Works S M L  
Mazumder Dredging Reserve
Miletus Dock S M  
Moore Installation S M L  
Munoz Analysis Laboratory
Osman's Resolve S L
Petrenko Biochemical Enterprise S L
Richards's Drilling
Schmidt Horticultural Farm S L
Sul Biological Complex S L
Teklehaimanot's Reserve
Yokoyama Cultivation Holding

LP 377-100

13.22 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
   Amnuel Survey - - - -
   Bujold Bastion - - - -
Byeon Entertainment Complex M
Correa Agricultural Habitat S
du Fresne Horizons S M L  
Fletcher Keep
Goloborodko Synthetics Foundry
Hill Ring S M  
Hutchinson Orbital S M L  
Klein Control
Lastra Barracks S L
Levy Survey S M L  
Modi Chemical Depot L
Phillips Port S M  
Pizarro Industrial Creations S
Rousseau Industrial Holdings
Suh Chemical Exchange
Tamura Hydroponics Holding S L
Vaaler's Manufacturings L
Walachnia Horticultural Nursery S L
Yamashita Manufacturing Facility
Yoon Lodgings


16.31 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Acaba Survey S M L  
Ahern Enterprise S M L  
   Baker Camp - - - -
Chwedyk Base S M L  
Dietrich Manufacturing S
Hirano Synthetics Foundry S
Horsman Industrial Plant L
Iwasaki Chemical Installation L
   Malocello Enterprise - - - -
Mnogogrishny Industrial Foundry
   Nelder Enterprise - - - -
   Neumann Base +++ - - - -
Qian Industrial Base L


16.91 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ahmed Dock S M L  
Alvarado Industrial Installation L
Bakshi's Workshop L
Barbeau Engineering Facility L
Beauchamp Chemical Assembly S L
Bellamy's Castings L
Collinson Chemical Depot L
Cooper Engineering Depot L
Gotlieb Penal colony S M L  
Hao Forge L
Jarvis's Syntheticals S L
Konig Chemical Holdings S L
Pozandr's Castings L
Schulz Chemical Holdings S
Takahashi's Installation L
Young Industrial Productions L

Wolf 248

17.07 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarez Biochemical Assembly S
Blanchard's Workshop L
Christensson Hospitality Zone S L
Constancia Biochemical Facility S L
Hencke Centre S M L  
Kaku Hub S M L  
Myeni's Terminus S L
Shimizu Boarding Complex S L
Wan Resort S L

G 121-8

18.15 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Benoit Cultivation Biosphere S L
Busch Horticultural Base S L
Davis Mineralogic Station S L
Goh Genetics Facility S L
Hartog's Biochemicals
Horsman Research Site
Kapp Vision S M L  
Krisjanis Biological Installation S L
Leiva Synthetics Site L
Lorenz Construction S
Murdoch's Constructions L
Nylund Horizons S M  
Richards Dredging Installation L
Sakamoto Mineralogic Exchange S
Spielberg Dock S M  
Yi Synthetics Hub
Yokoyama Biochemical Exploration S

Ross 115

18.37 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bailey Agricultural Holdings S L
Bauwens Industrial Assembly L
Bonfils Industrial Hub
Dai Chemical Plant L
Dzsejt Genetics S L
Eudoxus Works S M L  
Fernandez Analytics Centre S L
Orlay Hydroponics Farm S L
Pasichnyk Synthetics Site S
Planck Orbital S M  
Shin Cultivation Enterprise S L
Yarovy Analysis Complex S L

59 Virginis

18.4 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alonso Hydroponics Garden S L
Altadonna Synthetics Hub L
Anotidaishe's Creations S
Ariss Chemical Silo L
Bailey Visitor Hostel S L
Bakshi Agricultural Estate S L
Barbet Horticultural Facility S
Barrera's Vice S L
Bauer's Forge L
Bedi Synthetics Hub L
Biddiscombe Agricultural Base S L
Blaes Hydroponics Range S L
Bonetti Cultivation Exchange S L
Bonetti Nutrition Collection S L
Bradshaw Barracks S M L  
Broderick Escape S M L  
Bullen Horticultural Exchange
Bullen Synthetics Moulding S
Cantor Camp S M L  
Carvalho Nurseries S L
Chawla Hydroponics Market S L
Cheng Botanical Enterprise
Chern Point S M L  
Chevalier Entertainment Complex M
Dukuly Visitor Zone M
Dzuba Hydroponics Holding S L
Fahnbulleh Tourism Site S L
Ferraro Agricultural Estate
Gerrold Refinery S M L  
Golub Botanical Holding
Gowon Cultivation Biosphere
Grinchenko Command Installation M
Gutsalo Nutritional S L
Gwon Hydroponics Estate S L
Henriquez Nutrition Complex S L
Hertz Oasis S M L  
Hickey Engineering Depot
Hottot Camp S M L  
Huxley Arena S M L  
Igwe Chemical Complex
Ihejirika Chemical Plant L
Kambanda Bridge M
Kava Manufacturing Enterprise L
Kay Horticultural S
Kimura Industrial Facility L
Landsteiner Terminal S M L  
Lee's Reception S L
Linnett's View S L
Macleod Cultivation Complex S
Malakar's Expedition S M
Maldonado Engineering Silo L
Mallett Boarding Lodge S L
Mani Botanical Centre
Meng Agricultural Facility S L
Moore Agricultural Holding S
Motrienko Botanical Plantation S L
Murakami Hydroponics Centre S L
Nakamura Nutritional
Ngobi Engineering S
Nourse Plant S M L  
Onyilogwu Nutrition Biosphere S L
Owusu Agricultural Exchange S L
Patsayev's Progress S M L  
Petlura's Engineering S
Ponomarenko Boarding Hostel
Prince Industrial Depot L
Prohasko Manufacturing Site L
Pyeon Nutrition Complex S L
Rawlins Leisure Complex M
Reyes House S L
Sankoh's Harmony
Sauer's Zenith S L
Scholtz Chemical Holdings L
Semwal Botanical Biosphere S L
Singh Horticultural Hub S L
Skoropadsky Chemical Base
Sung Visitor Hostel S L
Taine Point S M L  
The Tavern S M L  
Uhm Expedition M
Watanabe Manufacturing Depot S L
Zettel Installation S M L  
Zhong Cultivation Hub S L
Zsigmond's Steal M

LHS 2494

18.43 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Chon's Stop
Correa's Falls
DeBrocart Industrial Site S
Dhillon Industrial Complex
Diawara Agricultural Hub
Ericsson Orbital S M  
Ivanishin City S M L  
Iyer Nurseries S L
McClintock Enterprise S M L  
Meyer Engineering Depot
Patrick Enterprise S M  
Patsayev Holdings S M L  
Syrylak's Slumber S L
Tapia's Falls M

LHS 351

18.48 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baek Research Complex S L
Benoit Hydroponics Complex S
Chuong Analytics Forum S L
Dino Genetics Enterprise S L
Ele Analytics Forum
Fahlbusch Nutrition Hub S
Ferreyra Horticultural Garden S L
Fletcher Botanical Site S L
Gcobani Cultivation Holding S
Giudice Analytics Centre S L
Heck Survey S M  
Holberg Point S M L  
Hou Research Installation S
Jiang Research Expedition S L
Leiva Horticultural Estate S
Menariya Nutrition Base S L
Ortiz Hydroponics Garden S L
Papacosta Botanical Farm S
Prieto Biological Enterprise S L
Ribeiro Biochemical Installation S
Ryu Genetics Lab S L
Sklyarenko Horticultural Site S L
Tanaka Botanical Habitat S L
Tapia Biological
Tapinas Relay S M  
Vroegop Biochemical Complex
Walter Analytics Institution S L

LP 493-64

18.98 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Apte Munitions Hold M
Atte-Oudeyi Plantations S
Bhatt Industrial Foundry S
Bianchi Military Complex S L
Cardenas's Honour S L
Chakladar Chemical Hub L
Chern Settlement S M L  
Chung Obligation S M
Fossey Gateway S M  
Hayashi Cultivation Site S L
Horwood's Constructions S
Hume Analytics Centre S L
Laister's Garrison S L
   Lukyanenko Survey +++ - - - -
   MacLeod Hub ++ - - - -
Martin Manufacturing Forge L
Quandt Biochemical Consulting S
Ramanujan Hub S M L  
Rey Industrial Hub S
   Sarmiento de Gamboa Relay - - - -
Shewayish Command S L
Thordarson Command Site M
Walter Defence Hub S M