
Name SML Mug Gin
Augar Research Laboratory S L
Awolowo Jurisdiction S L
Badeaux Military Installation S L
Benton Engineering Depot L
Buhle Obligation S L
Chebyshev Relay S M L  
Chernykh Port S M  
Christensson's Camp S L
Cohen Synthetics Base M
Dietrich Analysis Site S
   Egan Keep - - - -
Faconti's Laboratory S
Faircliff Munitions Hold M
Firpo Munitions Facility M
Fletcher Industrial Holdings L
   Flynn Vision - - - -
Frimout Hub S M  
Furnival Fortification S L
Ganguly's Armament S
Geiger Defence Site S L
Gerasimenko Visitor Hostel S L
Hook Biochemical Institution S L
Kamga Chemical Depot M
Makonda Astrophysics Site S
Martins Chemical S
Mathibeli Biochemical Assembly S
Newland Munitions Base S L
Oyawale Barracks S M
Piazza's Chemicals S L
Shimizu Astrophysics Expedition S
Shunkai Orbital S M L  
Sousa's Fortress S L
Vasylyshin's Fortification S L
Villeneuve Obligation M
Wacera Astrophysics Site S L
Xiao Genetics Centre S
Yamashita Biochemical Facility S L
Zhong Fortress S M

Closest systems to Mwamen


2.79 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Almeida Biological Enterprise S L
Bell Astrophysics Facility S
Blaylock Dock S M  
Bockarie Biological Installation S
Briscoe Biological Consulting S L
Brown Nutritional S L
Burke Chemical Depot L
Castillo Analytics Installation S
Crosby Excavation Complex S L
Dewan Excavation Exchange S L
Esme Genetics S
Gcobani Synthetics Base L
Ilsley Industrial Forge L
Kennicott Holdings S M  
   Kidman's Inheritance + - - - -
Konashevych Botanical Exchange S L
Murphy Prospecting Exchange S L
   Oja Silo ++ - - - -
Paredes Mining Base M
Rahman Genetics Institution S
Roh Research Centre S
Sargent's Biological S
Thomas Chemical Plant L


6.83 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Almeida Genetics Forum S L
   Anderson Point ++ - - - -
Barrera Industrial L
Bear Relay S M L  
Caraiman Forge L
   Cori Survey +++ - - - -
Diabate Mining Site S
Fuglesang Installation S M L  
Guerrero Prospect S M L  
   Hope Horizons - - - -
Horwood Genetics Exploration S L
Johnson Manufacturing Forge L
Ling Chemical Productions L
Marino Synthetics Site L
Moller Military Enterprise S L
Osei Synthetics Site L
Povaliy Mineralogic Facility S L
Resnick Silo S M L  
   Ryazanski Survey + - - - -
Saez Excavation Platform M
Seidel Manufacturing Facility M
Senior's Castings S L
Shaula Synthetics Facility S L
Shepherd Orbital S M L  
   Stapledon's Progress - - - -
Techno Biochemical S
Tian Industrial Silo S
   Turtledove Oasis ++ - - - -
West Chemical Silo L
Wilkinson Chemical Assembly M

Tarach Tor

11.38 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adekunle Excavation Territory S L
Carrel Nutrition Enterprise S
Carter's Haven S M L  
Davies Nutrition Biome S L
Li Drilling Base S L
Makubuya Prospecting Installation S
Mendez Mineralogic Exploration S
Morais Agricultural Market S L
Ortiz Territories S L
Perez's Plantation S L
Russell Prospect S M  
   Shatner Barracks - - - -
Soh Agricultural Exchange S
Tranquillity S M L  
Tummino Dredging Installation S L

BD-22 286

12.58 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alaneme Jurisdiction M
Ampere Port S M  
Barbet Hydroponics Base S L
Breguet Manufacturing Exchange M
Emeagwali Visitor Zone M
Estrada's Lodgings S L
Ford Refinery S M  
Gerasimenko Formulations S
Gill's Abode S L
Jayashankar's Lodges M
Jones Vision S M L  
Kapoor Synthetics Depot L
Ma Research Centre S
Mukherjee Analytics Forum S L
Pena View S L
Quinn Astrophysics Lab S
Santos Shelter M
Wei Cultivation Market S
Zyma's Laboratory S L

HR 197

12.61 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon Research Site S
Apte Nutrition Base S L
Baek Hospitality Resort S L
Baker Botanics S
Bauer Hydroponics Facility S
   Baydukov Landing - - - -
Casari's Rest S L
Chapman Nutrition Site S L
DeBrocart Biological Assembly S
Deng Formulations S
Deshmukh Visitor Resort S L
Dexter Boarding Complex S L
Faircliff Genetics Enterprise S L
Fernandez Vision S M  
Fletcher Horticultural Habitat S L
Foster Manufacturing Base L
Fourier Prospect S M  
Galitzki Construction L
Ganguly Synthetics Workshop L
Geeson Chemical Hub L
Grushevsky Nurseries S L
Hammond Biochemical Laboratory S
Indongo Industrial Foundry S
Jeschke Refinery S M L  
Kava's Biochemicals S L
Krause Botanics S L
Laghari Biological Laboratory S
Long Manufacturing Enterprise L
Marino Landing S M
Mitchell Military Barracks S M
O'Neill Synthetics Enterprise L
Okusanya Biological Forum S
Otanez Agricultural Holding S L
Pelissier Defence Encampment S M
Pereira Nutrition Farm S
Pestille Hydroponics Holdings S L
Sandoval Horticultural Exchange S
Skoropadsky's Plantation S L
Stammers Honour M
Sugimoto Research Facility S
Sugimoto's Consulting S
Sung Horticultural S
Taylor's Castings S
van den Hove Terminal S M L  
Vargas Chemical Holdings L
Wilkinson Research Site S L
Xiang Chemical Works S


13.08 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abara Armament M
Amaechi Obligation M
Amato Synthetics S
Asaju Mineralogic Hub S L
Barone Nutrition Habitat S
Berdo Drilling Complex S L
Capretto Industrial Installation S
Chakladar Munitions Encampment S L
Chidubem Astrophysics Installation S
Diawara Analysis Complex S
Fozard Relay S M L  
Gomez Extraction Platform S
Gwon Industrial Productions L
   Heinlein Beacon - - - -
Ishii Forge L
Kenyatta Genomics S
Kostenko Industrial Silo L
Mathibeli's Manufacturings L
Midgeley Penal colony S M L  
Mozhaysky Gateway S M L  
Onyeneme Chemical Silo S
Otueome Nutrition Biosphere S L
Parekh Industrial Hub S
Ross Excavation Facility S L
Sanchez Synthetics Plant L
Shvets Manufacturing Workshop M
   Silverberg Base - - - -
   Tavernier Settlement - - - -
Vargas Chemical Plant M
Zyma Research S


13.48 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Deshmukh Biological Laboratory S
Devarajah Excavation Facility S L
Hickey Mines S L
Malins Horticultural Farm S L
Moreau Nutrition Exchange S
Pawelczyk Station S M  
Smith Manufacturing Silo L
Sousa Horticultural Enterprise S L
Stupka Engineering Base M
Sumlak Biological S


16.04 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Jyrki JJ Kasvi Point S M L  
Rushd Holdings S M  

LTT 606

16.19 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Archimedes Colony S M L  
Chovnyk Analytics Site S L
Datta Industrial Works L
Jeremy S M L  
   Kohoutek Observatory - - - -
Kondo Research Forum S
Luna's Pharmaceuticals S
Marianne's Journey to Arcadia S M L  
Montes's Farm S L
Neumann Legacy S M L  
Ozarkevich Agricultural Nursery S L
Panchenko Research Laboratory S
Papacosta Manufacturing M
Sherlock Astrophysics Expedition S


16.23 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Apte Liberty M
Bai Obligation S L
   Beaufoy's Inheritance - - - -
Bennett's Resort S L
Berger's Fort M
Bloch Port S M  
Burke's Expedition S L
Christensson Arms Encampment M
Cortes's Armament S L
Delany Beacon S M L  
Dubois Synthetics Hub S
Dyr Ring S M L  
Farias Depot S
Fellows Honour S M
Fischer Agricultural Site S
Gallo Nutrition Holdings S
Jackson's Barracks S L
Krupkat's Folly S M L  
Kvitka Chemical Assembly L
Leighton Obligation S L
Linnett Expedition S L
Lyashenko Manufacturing Silo L
Obiakolam Military Hub M
Oluwusi Defence Site S L
Osman Fort S M
Paulo da Gama Port S M  
Quandt Military Stockade M
   Ray's Inheritance - - - -
Ricci's Honour S L
Roberts's Command S M
Romano's Jurisdiction S L
Sasaki Synthetics Installation L
Stupka Industrial Foundry S
Thompson Arms Facility S L
Umburter Tourist Hostel S L
Valentino Military Enterprise S M
Verne Command Complex S L

EGM 559

17.32 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anderson's Stockade S M
Baruwal Mining Hub S L
Berhe Astrophysics Facility S L
Bevis Metallurgic Base M
Burke Dock S M  
Cha Industries M
Charbonnier Extraction Platform M
Chatterjee Metallurgic Platform S
Chidubem Mineralogic Exploration S
Dewan Mineralogic Hub L
Dhillon Metallurgic Reserve S
Garcia Metallurgic Exchange S
   Gill Keep - - - -
Gimenez Mining Base S L
Ivanychuk Chemical Site S
Kaplan Manufacturing Base L
Kovalenko Munitions Site M
Lugun Mining Exchange S L
Mogyla Mining Territory L
Owen Prospecting Platform M
Owusu Prospecting Installation M
Villalba Metallurgic Facility L
Vitale Mines M
Zeng Analytics Site S L


17.36 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aravena Industrial Holdings L
Bauwens Manufacturing Complex L
Edwards Terminal S M L  
Emeagwali Manufacturing Hub L
   Fraley Hub - - - -
Fry Analysis Facility S
Gallo Research Forum S
Guzman's Works L
Hale Engineering Forge S
Kambanda Manufacturing Enterprise M
Koroma's Workshop S
Nalyvaiko Industrial Plant S
Pace's Biological S
Stott Engineering Base L
Vogt Biological Facility S L
Vyshnya Astrophysics Expedition S
Wilton's Biochemicals S L


18.3 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Fort Klarix S M L  

18 Ceti

18.69 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Akinyemi Synthetics Installation L
Asprin Barracks S M L  
Bella City S M  
Benoit Expedition S M
Bernier Synthetics Hub L
Bhardwaj Agricultural Biome S L
Chukwunyelu Manufacturing Plant L
Correia Extraction Complex S L
Costa Synthetics Moulding L
Daisley Synthetics Workshop S
DeBrocart's Liberty S L
Denisenko Hydroponics Nursery S L
Dovzhenko Leisure Site S L
du Fresne Outpost S M L  
Emeagwali Agricultural Plantation S
Goswami's Link S L
Hayashi Defence Facility S L
   Humphreys Silo - - - -
Kobayashi Hydroponics Garden
Landsteiner City S M L  
Lovell Dock S M  
Lowry Vision S M L  
Olivares Hydroponics Hub S L
Parra Arms Site M
Pesci Nutrition Complex S L
Sarpong Prospecting Enterprise
Soukup Keep S M L  
Turay's Biome S
Wagner Nutrition Facility S
Zhilenko Cultivation Biome S L
Zsigmond Drilling Base S L


19.0 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
   Acaba's Progress - - - -
Burbank Plant S M  
Chabanenko Biological Installation
Faucher Drilling Station S L
Friedrich Mineralogic Site M
Hedley Dock S M  
Jayashankar Analysis Facility
Khmelnytsky's Biosphere S L
Moy Horticultural Centre S
Powter Munitions Complex S M
Rivera Analysis Centre S L
Sangweni Biochemical Facility S L
   Stross Camp +++ - - - -
Takeda Chemical Installation S
Ueda Astrophysics Forum S
   Zadzisai's Industrial - - - -