Xuan Wena

Name SML Mug Gin
Delgado Industrial Moulding L
Fuentes Excavation Facility S L
Henslow Colony S M  
Paez Freeport S M  
Poirier Dredging Station S
Qiao Manufacturing Facility L
Vidal Engineering Enterprise S
Xiao Engineering Facility M
Yuschenko's Foundry L

Closest systems to Xuan Wena


8.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Antonio de Andrade Silo S M L  
Borman Installation S M L  
England Plant S M  
Laval's Cheer
Lovelace Installation S M L  
Robinson Engineering Foundry S
Sacco Terminal S M  
Sarpong Munitions Outpost S L
Whitworth Beacon S M L  
Yarovy's Works S L


9.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Akpabio Hydroponics Habitat S L
Araujo Agricultural Garden
Baffin Dock S M  
Burgess Enterprise S M L  
Bustamante Nutrition Enterprise S L
Carrel Industrial Base
Cohen Botanical Base S L
Contreras Chemical Assembly L
Csoma Enterprise S M  
Evans' Pride S M L  
Ferreyra Manufacturing Site L
Gavrylyuk's Biosphere S L
Griffin Horticultural Garden S L
Hovell Terminal S M L  
Jones Legacy S M L  
Kohli Synthetics Exchange L
Manzo Agricultural Complex S
Murakami Tourism Site S L
Ptaszynski's Heights S L
Ren Visitor Hostel M
Schilling Enterprise S M L  
Soto Terminal S M L  
Vaillant Horticultural Estate S
Vroegop's Workshop
Watts Station S M  
White Works S M L  
Zelenko Manufacturing Facility L

BD+70 578

10.26 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ciferri Stop S M  
Dawes's Biochemicals S
Eisele Camp S M  
Kohli Research Complex S L
Makuto Biological Laboratory S L

BD+66 696

10.99 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Antonio de Andrade Orbital S M  
Anyadike Defence Base M
Chauhan's Productions M
Clark Military Complex S L
Dakhno Hydroponics Holding S L
Fernao do Po City S M L  
Fife Gateway S M L  
Holland Synthetics Installation L
Khmelnytsky Drilling Exchange S L
Lunan Terminal S M  
Martinez Military Garrison S L
Nguesso Mines S L
Otto Military Complex M
   Prabhune Industrial Foundry - - - -
Shenna Industrial Installation L
Varma Command Complex S L

GCRV 6406

11.38 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Coulter Dock S M L  
Meyer Drilling Rigs L
Olanrewaju Agricultural S L
Rymar Drilling Installation M
Sakamoto Hydroponics Biome S
Vannier Botanics S L

DK Ursae Majoris

13.67 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Akintola Synthetics Plant S
Csoma Landing S M  
Mellier Mineralogic Hub S L
Sangweni Extraction Exchange S L
Slusser Hub S M L  
Westerfeld City S M  


13.67 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Borodavka's Installation L
Cummings Arsenal S M L  
Dawes Biological Facility S L
Dukaj Refinery S M  
Flewitt Industrial Installation L
Fra Synthetics Site L
Gidey's Analytics S L
Hasegawa Analytics Site S
Heyerdahl Orbital S M  
Holthausen Nurseries
Jeury Beacon S M L  
Lagarde Industrial Foundry S
Martinez Biochemical Lab S L
Mehta Astrophysics Complex S
Motrienko Biochemical Enterprise S L
Rybalka Research Enterprise S
Silva Synthetics Facility L
Smoszna Research Centre


14.27 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Golds Horticultural Base S L
Haldar Metallurgic Enterprise L
Hasegawa Horticultural Hub S L
Newton Depot S M  


14.83 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Lambert's Pride S M  

LTT 13125

15.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarie Nutrition Biome S L
Aloisio's Resort S L
Alvarez de Pineda Orbital S M  
Aoki Cultivation Facility S L
Avery Agricultural Site S L
Berners-Lee Relay S M L  
Brunt Botanical Habitat S L
Charnas Terminal S M  
Dowling Port S M L  
Eames Cultivation Nursery S L
Griffin Point S M L  
Grimwood Beacon S M L  
Hamilton Hub S M L  
Ito Penal colony S M L  
Lopez Hospitality Complex M
Markham Orbital S M L  
Matarov Botanical Centre S L
McHugh Depot S M L  
Mckenzie Botanical Collection S L
Morgan Terminal S M  
Povaliy Industrial Assembly L
Ross Port S M L  
Ruiz Hydroponics Habitat S L
Sar Manufacturing Forge L
Springer City S M L  


16.23 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Antonio de Andrade Works S M L  
Cobb's Pride S M L  
Eisenstein Dock S M  
Fujimoto Extraction Platform S
Ngalula Cultivation Garden S L
Ngidi's Chemicals L
Pangborn Dock S M L  
Quinn Cultivation Market S L
Russell Hub S M  
Schaeffer Engineering Depot L
Seong's Conservatory S L
Tanaka Plant S M L  


16.69 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bourne Industrial Base L
Brin Port S M  
Chaviano Keep S M L  
Chung Chemical Workshop L
Cotton Manufacturing Complex L
Dabral Construction L
Edwards's Lodges S L
Enju Mining Exploration S L
Fay Industrial Plant L
Flanagan's Muse S L
Gupta Synthetics Complex L
Gupta's Serenity S L
Hale's Serenity S L
Holland Manufacturing Depot L
Ishikawa Depot L
Jeffries's Haunt S L
Kennan Exchange S M L  
Khatri Prospecting Platform L
Kikelomo Synthetics Assembly S
Kuhn Boarding Hostel S L
Loboda Chemical Exchange S
Lovell's Progress S M L  
Mehta Nutrition Biome S L
Piazza Botanical Farm S L
Ponce Industrial L
Poroshenko's Farm S L
   Pryor Town ++ - - - -
Puche Engineering Hub L
Rios Industrial Productions S L
Rojas Excavation Exchange L
Saliba Heights S L
Sanchez Engineering Forge L
Schreiber Synthetics Plant L
Scott's Pride S M L  
Soto Chemical Holdings S L
   Stabenow Landing +++ - - - -
The Last Call S M L  
Wallis's Jewel S L
Washer's Prominence S L
Werner Manufacturing Complex S
Wilhelm Station S M L  
Yuschenko's Installation L


17.13 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aniefuna Hydroponics Collection S L
Baudelaire's Constructions L
Carleson Installation S M L  
Chang's Haunt S L
Cotton's Stop S L
Dunlop Horticultural Plantation S
Fairbairn Gateway S M  
Fancher Terminal S M  
Heroux Industrial Hub L
Hibberd Bay S L
Hlatshwayo's Creations L
Kapoor Engineering Installation S
Kerr Enterprise S M L  
Kovalenko Industrial Silo S
Linsley Synthetics Holdings S
Mazumder Nutrition Base S
Molina's Lodgings S L
Navarrete Chemical Workshop M
Navarro Cultivation Centre S L
Sharpe Chemical Complex L
Weyl's Progress S M L  
Whittaker Industrial Installation L


17.21 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Card Vista S M L  
Fernandes Port S M L  
Hahn Drilling Exchange S
Onai Mineralogic Reserve S
Teng Relay S M L  

HIP 51197

17.96 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Allen Mines S M  
Deol Extraction Enterprise S L
Diesel Installation S M L  
Ishikawa Botanical Biosphere S L
Jackson Botanical Habitat S L
Lehmann Fort M
Nakano Mining Installation S L
Okiro Horticultural Complex S
Otsuka Metallurgic Platform S L
Parry's Claim S M  
Riviere Botanical Farm S L
Scott's Biome S L
Selye Penal colony S M L