LHS 1590

Name SML Mug Gin
Apara Synthetics Base L
Aravena Industrial Base L
Archer Enterprise S M L  
Bonfils Industrial Exchange S
Bot Military Installation M
Braun Arms Stockade S M
Bunyan Stockade S M
Christensson Entertainment Site M
Clark's Vista S L
Desai Defence Barracks S M
Dino Research Enterprise S L
Dyachenko Chemical Base L
Feng Synthetics Site L
Fukuda's Gate S L
Hahn Analytics Laboratory S
Hara Defence Enterprise S L
Kaiser Astrophysics Forum S
Kisekka Genetics Exploration S L
Kohli Munitions Stockade S L
Lacek Manufacturing Site S
Lange Astrophysics Assembly S L
Leichhardt Plant S M  
Nakano Fortress
Okorafor Hangar S M L  
Okoye Industrial Silo L
Oshpak Engineering Forge S
Parnenzini Vista M
   Saito Military Fortification - - - -
Spark Military Bastion S L
Tanner Outpost S L
Thagard's Inheritance S M L  
Toure's Point M
Valenzuela Chemical Facility L

Closest systems to LHS 1590

LTT 1652

8.96 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon Research S L
Anderson Formulations S L
Argento Horticultural Complex S L
Barbeau Biological Complex S
Barone Hydroponics S L
Benz Keep S M L  
Bondar Botanical S L
Bueckardt Synthetics Base L
Cavalcante Industrial Facility L
Delgado Botanical Exchange S L
Dovzhenko Manufacturing Facility L
Dukhnovenko Biological Laboratory S
Esme Genetics Forum S L
Falade Nutrition Farm S L
Farr Chemical Installation L
Gwon Genetics Installation S L
Haberlandt City S M  
Ibaka's Installation L
Jensen Escape S M L  
   Kabbah Engineering Silo - - - -
Konig Genomics S
Meyer Analysis Lab S L
Moulang Analysis Laboratory S
Okiro Astrophysics Institution S
Onyeneme's Plantation S
Powter Genetics Facility S L
Qian Biological Expedition S
Vega Genetics Facility S
Wheelock Holdings S M  
Wu Industries L
Yarovy Genetics Exploration S

LP 772-72

9.17 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Tilley Relay S M  

Mong O

11.62 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Potter Holdings S M  


12.36 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bakshi Mineralogic Enterprise
Bakshi Mining Exchange S L
Belezjak Prospecting Territory L
Bogun Medical S
Bohm Mineralogic Reserve S
Bray Manufacturing Forge L
Christensson's Claim S
Dai Chemical Foundry S
Deol Hydroponics Enterprise S L
Fay Excavation Enterprise L
Fra Mining Station L
Lagarde Prospecting Platform L
Laister Pharmacology S
Li Excavation Hub L
Lukashenko Agricultural Hub S L
Maiga Depot L
McGuire Prospecting Station L
Morais Astrophysics Laboratory S L
Onyilogwu Horticultural Hub S
Rawlins Extraction Hub S L
Rocha Excavation Enterprise M
Ross Colony S M  
   Sakamoto Astrophysics Complex - - - -
Seidel's Installation S
Techno Biological S L
Tuvey Drilling Hub L
Ueda Synthetics Holdings S


13.64 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Merril Ring S M L  
Neff Ring S M  
Ryman Market S M L  

LP 714-58

14.33 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adelakun Extraction Platform S L
Ahmed Bastion S M L  
Drach Excavation Site S
Farias Excavation Station L
Macquorn Rankine Depot S M  
Mondeh Outpost S M  
Piazza Excavation Territory S L
Rosewell Metallurgic Reserve S


15.23 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarez Hydroponics Nursery S
Dantius Citadel of House Thiemann S M L  
E.S.S. Owl S M L  
Furaha Mineralogic Reserve S
Greenland Depot S M L  
Mattingly Settlement S M L  
Mazepa Cultivation Base S
McKee's Folly S M L  
Morfett-Jones Agricultural Site S L
   Pythagoras Landing - - - -
Trau Biological Institution S

Coqui Xee

15.63 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adams' Folly S M L  
   Bailey Installation - - - -
Bell City S M  
Bichard Metallurgic Platform L
Bockarie Excavation Enterprise L
Bogun Metallurgic Claim M
Degefa Hydroponics Facility S L
Donoso Excavation Platform S
Durrance Hangar S M  
Evans Mining Exploration S L
Franko Metallurgic Claim S L
Fraser Analysis Centre S L
Gann Silo S M L  
Gardner Base S M L  
Hoffmann Forge L
Hutchinson Stop S M L  
Ivaschenko Engineering Silo L
Kaplan Mineralogic Platform
Khmelnytsky's Pearl S L
Maier Metallurgic Exchange S L
Mannan Metallurgic Exploration S L
Mullane Platform S M  
Nzeribe Mining Complex S
Taschieri Manufacturing Workshop L
Tracy Prospecting Facility S L
Vytrebenko Chemical Enterprise L
Wilton Chemical Foundry S

StKM 1-442

16.99 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bortnik Manufacturing Installation L
Chidubem Synthetics Base L
Datta Astrophysics Laboratory S
Leavitt Orbital S M  
Matarov Analytics S
Rivas Manufacturing Forge S
Spark's Foundry L
Toll Relay S M L  

LP 711-32

17.35 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Batra Military Site S M
Bear Terminal S M L  
Beliaev City S M L  
Block Terminal S M  
Buchli Holdings S M L  
Dickinson Nutrition Farm S
Henson Enterprise S M L  
Kobyliansky Agricultural Holding S L
Lloyd Landing S M L  
Loeffler Military Armoury M
Nylund Station S M L  
Panshin Gateway S M L  
Rymill Nutrition Facility S L


17.61 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Andrews Armament S L
Andrukhovych Munitions Enterprise M
Antonaci Munitions Base M
Chandola's Fortress M
Chaudhary Port S M  
Cho Command S L
Cramer Point S M L  
Crellin-Davies Arms Hub S L
Deshpande Military Garrison S M
Drignat's Arsenal S L
Dubois's Armament S M
Garnier Defence Complex S M
Geeson Synthetics Holdings L
Gluschenko Forge L
Howe Enterprise S M L  
Kay Command Outpost S L
Kvitka Synthetics Facility L
Ledesma Command Point S M
Nakano Military Barracks M
Noel Liberty S M
Okada Arms Garrison S M
Orellana Synthetics Installation L
Pythagoras Enterprise S M  
Rodgers Manufacturing Plant M
Romero's Keep S M
Rutten Military Garrison S L
Rybalka Landing M
Savchuk Chemical Enterprise L
Shimizu Arms Base M
Thomas Military Encampment S M
Uzoh's Garrison M
Wei Control S L

Li Cha

17.72 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Archer Enterprise S M L  
Barbosa Extraction Enterprise L
Bogun Mining Hub L
Bosch City S M L  
   Ferguson Landing - - - -
Furaha Genetics Institution S L
Grover Manufacturing Workshop L
Moore Survey S M L  
Wei Analysis Enterprise S L
Wilson Chemical Facility L


17.77 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Smith Beacon S M  

LP 711-43

17.9 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
McCarthy Orbital S M  
Spinrad Gateway S M L  


17.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Berhe Genetics Site S L
Chamapiwa Astrophysics Lab S L
Cook Base S M L  
Higginbotham Dock S M L  
Sosa Chemical Enterprise L