LP 764-108

Name SML Mug Gin
Achike Biochemical Site S L
Ademola Synthetics Hub L
Araya Inventions S
Chakladar Chemical Works L
Courbet's Engineering L
Hlatshwayo Biological Laboratory S
   Ingstad Beacon - - - -
Makubuya Engineering Enterprise S
Markus Institution S L
May Silo S M L  
Meghani Analysis Enterprise S L
Meikle Works S M  
Moreno Engineering Site S
Okwo Biological Forum S
Riches Synthetics Enterprise M
Ruiz Chemical Hub L
Schmitt's Manufacturings S
   Slade Holdings - - - -
von Helmont Point S M  
Zabuzhko's Genetics S L

Closest systems to LP 764-108

9 Ceti

9.77 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarie Synthetics Site S
Anderson Garrison S L
Barthwal Chemical Hub L
Baruti Industrial Foundry L
Benoit's Armoury M
Burrows Military Enterprise M
Crossland Industrial Installation L
Fanning Vision S M L  
Fletcher Drilling Station S L
Griffin Encampment S L
Ikeda Cultivation Holdings S L
Jeffries Engineering Hub L
Kabbah Manufacturing Silo L
Kobayashi Arms Site S M
Kosach Synthetics Holdings L
Lavigne Munitions Site S M
Levada Chemical Facility M
Ma Industrial Creations L
Magnusson's Syntheticals L
Marsh Military Facility S M
Mazumder Military Site M
Menariya's Forge S
Nischan Industrial Exchange L
Nishimura Extraction Rigs S L
Nomura Mineralogic Station S L
Otero Liberty S L
Payson Bastion S M L  
Pettitt Mineralogic Hub M
Priest Command Site S L
Reddy Armament M
Rhee Manufacturing Complex L
Ribeiro Engineering L
Sasaki Command Base S L
Sepulveda Manufacturing Installation S
Sirko Defence Enterprise S L
Taniguchi's Constructions L
Turay Horticultural Complex S L
Wilkinson Command S M
Zoungrana Hydroponics Exchange S

LTT 149

11.9 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bao Arsenal S M L  
Chowdhury Metallurgic Base S
Dubey Dredging Hub S L
Hiraga Hub S M  
Lind Survey S M L  
McCabe Prospecting Platform S L
Mendy's Find M
Shenna Engineering Installation L
Toussaint Excavation Platform
Trau's Pharmaceuticals S L


12.72 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
   Acaba's Progress - - - -
Burbank Plant S M  
Chabanenko Biological Installation
Faucher Drilling Station S L
Friedrich Mineralogic Site M
Hedley Dock S M  
Jayashankar Analysis Facility
Khmelnytsky's Biosphere S L
Moy Horticultural Centre S
Powter Munitions Complex S M
Rivera Analysis Centre S L
Sangweni Biochemical Facility S L
   Stross Camp +++ - - - -
Takeda Chemical Installation S
Ueda Astrophysics Forum S
   Zadzisai's Industrial - - - -

LTT 9821

13.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Archimedes Installation S M  


14.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arai Nutrition Holdings S L
Bengrina Mineralogic Installation S
Betancourt Station S M  
Cummings Bastion S M L  
Dewan Mineralogic Base L
Jones Munitions Encampment S M
Kewell Chemical Foundry S
Moreno Leisure S L
O'Neil One S M L  
Ota Military Complex S M
Purandare's Creations S
Ryabokin Medical S
   Saunders Camp - - - -
Schroder Industrial Productions S
Schulte Hydroponics Facility S L


14.78 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Akpabio Industrial Exchange S
Andrews Agricultural Biome S L
Arrowsmith Biological Lab S L
   Back Laboratory - - - -
Barbet Engineering Facility L
Barbier Mining Rigs S
Bondarek Orbital S M L  
   Brera Base ++ - - - -
Bunyan Manufacturing Complex S
Chisholm Engineering Facility L
Chon Horticultural Holding S L
Chukwunyelu Astrophysics Lab S L
Davidenko Horticultural Holdings S L
Deslandres Point S M L  
Diawara Mineralogic Platform S
Dickinson Cultivation Facility S L
Fuentes Chemical Hub M
Furaha's Nursery S L
Gaultier de Varennes Hub S M L  
Geiger's Installation L
Gonçalves's Chemicals L
Gowers Drilling Installation L
Gwon Drilling Exchange M
Gwon's Biosphere S L
Hatwal Industrial Works L
Hlatshwayo Metallurgic Hub S L
Hume Horticultural Biome S L
Jackson Drilling Exchange S L
Kashyap Synthetics Silo S
Konig's Plantation S L
Kosach Manufacturing Hub S
Kozak Mineralogic Installation M
Kramer Industrial Holdings L
Kulkarni's Works L
Kvitka Horticultural Collection S L
Lagrange Hydroponics Hub S L
Liu Engineering L
Luna Synthetics Site L
Maiga's Farm S L
Mani Hydroponics Base S L
Martins's Deposit L
Matsuda's Biochemicals S
Mendoza Chemical Works L
Morales Synthetics Base S
Mori Manufacturing Depot L
Nalyvaiko Industrial Silo L
Nicolet Orbital S M  
Ortega Hydroponics Habitat S L
Ozarkevich Cultivation Hub S L
Pavluk Genetics Lab S
Samson S M L  
Savchenko Manufacturing Enterprise L
Shvets Extraction Territory M
Sul Chemical Site S
Takeuchi Horticultural Hub S L
Thomas Chemical Site L
Tsarenko Industrial Forge L
Worster Botanical Base S L

6 Ceti

14.86 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abnett Survey S M L  
Abraham Hydroponics Complex S L
Agarwal's Jurisdiction M
Alonso Engineering Depot S
Aveline Military Garrison S L
Barbier Botanical Habitat S L
Barbier Engineering Depot L
Baruti Armament S L
Bonetti Engineering Facility L
Brown Agricultural Base S L
Burn's Garden S
Chandola Industrial Holdings L
Coumbassa Agricultural Collection S L
Davies Keep S L
Dominguez Cultivation Complex S L
Estrada Horticultural Holding S
Franklin's Foundry L
Goto Botanical S
Hale Industrial Forge M
Hoffmann Cultivation Holding S L
Hyde Military Garrison M
Jara Cultivation Collection S L
Kedige Horticultural Holding S L
Kim Agricultural Garden S L
Kosach Excavation Hub S L
Lacek Horticultural Biosphere S
Ladipo Cultivation Nursery S L
Lindbohm Orbital S M  
Lupoff Penal colony S M L  
Marinov Horticultural Biome S
Mazumder Industrial Moulding S L
Meyer Nutrition Holding S L
   Navigator Installation - - - -
Nxasana Cultivation Garden S L
Olatunji's Workshop L
Onai Armoury S L
Owor's Command M
Panasenko Manufacturing Forge L
Panchenko Junction S L
Pasichnyk Industrial Forge S
Petrenko Command S M
Phillips Orbital S M  
Poirier's Farm S L
Prevost Manufacturing Depot L
Rodriguez Industrial Moulding L
Rybalka Horticultural Site S L
Sakurai Horticultural Nursery S L
Schaeffer Military Barracks S L
Schneider Botanics S
Senior Engineering Foundry L
Seol Botanical S
Serrao Orbital S M L  
Suzuki Plantations S
Valdes Hydroponics S L
Yang Synthetics Hub L
Yoshida Metallurgic Claim M
Zhadan Hydroponics Holdings S
Zivai Honour S L
Zsigmond Industrial Works L

GD 1192

14.93 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarado Mining Station S
Bak Industrial Site S
   Belyanin Depot - - - -
Boumal Research Enterprise S
Fincham's Territory M
Guo Hydroponics Centre S L
Gutierrez Hydroponics Market S L
Henry Hydroponics Enterprise S L
Holland Plant S M L  
Jain Drilling Site S
Kotov City S M  
Lim Agricultural Market S L
Melvin Hub S M L  
Phillips Manufacturing S
Wheeler Arsenal S M L  
Zoungrana Dredging Enterprise S L

HR 197

15.81 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alarcon Research Site S
Apte Nutrition Base S L
Baek Hospitality Resort S L
Baker Botanics S
Bauer Hydroponics Facility S
   Baydukov Landing - - - -
Casari's Rest S L
Chapman Nutrition Site S L
DeBrocart Biological Assembly S
Deng Formulations S
Deshmukh Visitor Resort S L
Dexter Boarding Complex S L
Faircliff Genetics Enterprise S L
Fernandez Vision S M  
Fletcher Horticultural Habitat S L
Foster Manufacturing Base L
Fourier Prospect S M  
Galitzki Construction L
Ganguly Synthetics Workshop L
Geeson Chemical Hub L
Grushevsky Nurseries S L
Hammond Biochemical Laboratory S
Indongo Industrial Foundry S
Jeschke Refinery S M L  
Kava's Biochemicals S L
Krause Botanics S L
Laghari Biological Laboratory S
Long Manufacturing Enterprise L
Marino Landing S M
Mitchell Military Barracks S M
O'Neill Synthetics Enterprise L
Okusanya Biological Forum S
Otanez Agricultural Holding S L
Pelissier Defence Encampment S M
Pereira Nutrition Farm S
Pestille Hydroponics Holdings S L
Sandoval Horticultural Exchange S
Skoropadsky's Plantation S L
Stammers Honour M
Sugimoto Research Facility S
Sugimoto's Consulting S
Sung Horticultural S
Taylor's Castings S
van den Hove Terminal S M L  
Vargas Chemical Holdings L
Wilkinson Research Site S L
Xiang Chemical Works S

LHS 4032

15.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Asher Hub S M L  
Bauer Military Complex S
Beauchamp's Liberty S L
Bourne Military Site M
Chabra's Honour S
Chuke's Arsenal S L
Contreras's Liberty M
Currie's Inheritance S M L  
DeBrocart Analysis Laboratory S
Dyachenko Arsenal S L
Dykul Genetics Installation S
Faconti Defence Encampment S
Faircliff Industrial Workshop L
Fischer Command Garrison S
Garnier's Hold S L
Gill Botanical Estate S L
Han's Analytics S L
Herrmann Astrophysics Enterprise S
Kapadia Command Complex S M
Lane's Consulting S
Lemaire Genomics S L
Lugun Cultivation Garden S
Okusanya Analytics Enterprise S
Peralta's Biological S
Russell Landing S M L  
Shaula Munitions Stockade S
Temitope Arms Installation S
Vidal Liberty S L
Vitale Defence Enterprise M
   Vizcaino Prospect - - - -


15.88 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aravena Industrial Holdings L
Bauwens Manufacturing Complex L
Edwards Terminal S M L  
Emeagwali Manufacturing Hub L
   Fraley Hub - - - -
Fry Analysis Facility S
Gallo Research Forum S
Guzman's Works L
Hale Engineering Forge S
Kambanda Manufacturing Enterprise M
Koroma's Workshop S
Nalyvaiko Industrial Plant S
Pace's Biological S
Stott Engineering Base L
Vogt Biological Facility S L
Vyshnya Astrophysics Expedition S
Wilton's Biochemicals S L

EGM 559

17.24 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Anderson's Stockade S M
Baruwal Mining Hub S L
Berhe Astrophysics Facility S L
Bevis Metallurgic Base M
Burke Dock S M  
Cha Industries M
Charbonnier Extraction Platform M
Chatterjee Metallurgic Platform S
Chidubem Mineralogic Exploration S
Dewan Mineralogic Hub L
Dhillon Metallurgic Reserve S
Garcia Metallurgic Exchange S
   Gill Keep - - - -
Gimenez Mining Base S L
Ivanychuk Chemical Site S
Kaplan Manufacturing Base L
Kovalenko Munitions Site M
Lugun Mining Exchange S L
Mogyla Mining Territory L
Owen Prospecting Platform M
Owusu Prospecting Installation M
Villalba Metallurgic Facility L
Vitale Mines M
Zeng Analytics Site S L


17.89 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Atwood Holdings S M L  
Benton Junction M
Biddiscombe Research Site S
Blanco Mineralogic Territory M
Collins Station S M L  
Devarajah's Find S
Ferenczi-Houlden Mining Prospect S L
Herrera Chemical L
Hong Analysis Site S
Johnson Orbital S M  
Kato's Steal S L
Lobbo Engineering Base L
Long Biochemical Lab S
Mazumder's Steal S L
Mnogogrishny Engineering Silo L
Ngidi Engineering Complex L
Obetsebi Drilling Exploration S
Ouedraogo Chemical Complex L
Schmidt Deposits S L
Tamura Dredging Hub S
Wallerstein Works S M L  
Wen Industrial Facility L


17.93 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Almeida Genetics Forum S L
   Anderson Point ++ - - - -
Barrera Industrial L
Bear Relay S M L  
Caraiman Forge L
   Cori Survey +++ - - - -
Diabate Mining Site S
Fuglesang Installation S M L  
Guerrero Prospect S M L  
   Hope Horizons - - - -
Horwood Genetics Exploration S L
Johnson Manufacturing Forge L
Ling Chemical Productions L
Marino Synthetics Site L
Moller Military Enterprise S L
Osei Synthetics Site L
Povaliy Mineralogic Facility S L
Resnick Silo S M L  
   Ryazanski Survey + - - - -
Saez Excavation Platform M
Seidel Manufacturing Facility M
Senior's Castings S L
Shaula Synthetics Facility S L
Shepherd Orbital S M L  
   Stapledon's Progress - - - -
Techno Biochemical S
Tian Industrial Silo S
   Turtledove Oasis ++ - - - -
West Chemical Silo L
Wilkinson Chemical Assembly M

LTT 606

18.1 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Archimedes Colony S M L  
Chovnyk Analytics Site S L
Datta Industrial Works L
Jeremy S M L  
   Kohoutek Observatory - - - -
Kondo Research Forum S
Luna's Pharmaceuticals S
Marianne's Journey to Arcadia S M L  
Montes's Farm S L
Neumann Legacy S M L  
Ozarkevich Agricultural Nursery S L
Panchenko Research Laboratory S
Papacosta Manufacturing M
Sherlock Astrophysics Expedition S