
Name SML Mug Gin
Abetti Survey S M L  
Baltazar Analytics Institution S L
Blakytny Botanical Base S L
Esposito Engineering Hub L
Everest Terminal S M L  
Ferenczi-Houlden Chemical S
Flores Manufacturing L
Johnson Settlement S M  
Khurana Engineering Base L
Maji Analytics Institution S
Nakano Manufacturing Silo L
Narlikar Port S M  
Omenuko Manufacturing Installation L
Onishi's Manufacturings L
Segzdavicius Industrial Base M
Ware Horticultural Site S L
Wen Engineering L

Closest systems to Kausha

Lacab Kui

6.08 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Antonaci's Quarry S L
Barrera Synthetics Site L
Benedetti Manufacturing Silo L
Bernier Industries L
Bray Dredging Enterprise S L
Broutsos Synthetics Silo S
Carvalho's Burrow S
Constantine's Inheritance S M L  
Devarajah Synthetics Enterprise L
Galitzki Territories S L
Gutierrez Mineralogic Platform S L
Hicks Dredging Station L
Hitchen's Constructions L
Indongo Mineralogic Hub S L
Kandrup Colony S M  
Kary Manufacturing Installation L
Kyrylo's Forge L
Lobbo Prospecting S
Mallett's Dwelling S L
Marsh Metallurgic Complex L
Mendez Extraction Enterprise S L
Miura Chemical S
Otero Dredging Site S
Parra Metallurgic Installation S L
Pollard Engineering Complex S L
Polubotok Prospecting Complex S
Powter Metallurgic Installation S L
Quiroga Synthetics Site M
Reyes's Mine L
Richelieu Mineralogic Site L
Rodriguez Dredging Site L
Shunkai Mines S M  
Skoropadsky Mines M
Soria Industries L
Sosa's Jewel M
Sugiyama Prospecting Platform S
Suri Terminal S M  
Temitope Mineralogic Site L
Trumpler Installation S M L  
Ueno Metallurgic Station S L
Ukah Chemical Holdings L
Uniyal Industrial Creations S
Weber Prospecting Complex L
Xing Extraction Exchange S L


6.14 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Gaensler Station S M L  
Gokhale Agricultural Garden S
Griffiths Horticultural Holding S
Hampson Terminal S M L  
Horrocks Terminal S M  
Kikuchi Agricultural Farm S L
Makonda's Biosphere S L
Robinson Nutrition Holding S L
Romano Botanical Biosphere S
Seyfert Installation S M  


8.77 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bechard Horticultural Biosphere S
Berger Nutrition Biosphere S
Bhatt Arms Facility S M
Bonetti Botanical Enterprise S
Bullialdus Palace S M L  
Craig Entertainment Lodge M
Iyer Horticultural Biome S
Lamar Agricultural Biosphere S
Long's Crest S L
Maldonado's Lot M
Mckenzie's Venue S L
Melo Horticultural Market S L
Mitchell Agricultural Base S L
Paredes Tourist Haven M
Pu City S M L  
Qi Cultivation Hub S L
Quetelet Dock S M L  
Reinhold Orbital S M  
Riviere Stop S L
Skjellerup Vista S M L  
Smith Horticultural Exchange S
Sumlak's Zenith S L
Thomas Ring S M  
Tian's Club S L
Zander Vision S M  

CD-61 6801

10.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abiodun Biological Lab S
Anderson Military Armoury
Apara Analytics Installation S L
Belshaw Munitions Hold S L
Blaes Military Base S L
Bockarie Medical S L
Bonfils Bastion S L
Bus Port S M L  
Cha Hydroponics Holding S L
Cha's Liberty S L
Charitou Defence Complex S L
Close Agricultural Complex S L
Cook Industrial Forge L
Dakhno Dock
Dias Analysis Centre S L
Dino Synthetics Assembly L
Dubois Hold S L
Faiers Military Fortification
Farr Genetics Installation S L
Fujimoto's Expedition M
Gamow Bastion S M L  
Ghatak Nutrition Enterprise S L
Goh Jurisdiction S L
Hah Botanical Holding S L
Heath Command Point S L
Ishida Chemical Foundry S
Iyengar Chemical Installation L
Lisunov's Farm S L
Malakar Astrophysics Laboratory S
Moller's Biome S
Moulin Chemical Facility L
Nagata Enterprise S M L  
Noel's Resolve
Nomura's Arsenal
Oyawale Military Camp S L
Pandey Cultivation Facility S L
Parkhomenko Synthetics Moulding L
Peng's Industrial L
Rusten Industrial Site
Saleeby Munitions Complex S L
Savchenko Defence Complex M
Wen Chemical Installation L
Young Fort S L

HR 8829

10.97 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arsenault Mining Enterprise M
Ashbrook Dock S M L  
Beaufort Horticultural Holding S L
Bibeau Drilling Base
Corner Engineering Exchange S
Dalal Horticultural Estate S
Elbakyan Survey S M  
Hardy Hydroponics Habitat S L
Hirano Prospecting Base S
Ikeda Biological Expedition S L
Jones Chemical Assembly S
Khatri Hydroponics Market S
Kozak Agricultural Centre S L
Lopes Horticultural Farm S L
Makonda Prospecting Installation S L
Maruyama Mining Complex M
Namgung Horticultural Biome S
Nischan Prospecting Station
Nnamani Cultivation Range S L
North Installation S M L  
Onai Biochemical Laboratory S
Reddy Agricultural Holding S L
Remy Manufacturing Hub M
Sanchez Prospecting Station S
Sung Drilling Platform M
Taniguchi Dredging Hub S L
Vadamootoo's Industrial L
Wallis Minerology M
Werner Chemical Enterprise L
Young Manufacturing Complex L


11.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarez Nutrition Holding S L
Aniefuna Cultivation Biome S
Araujo Hydroponics Biosphere S
Aravena Industries L
Ariss Botanical Range S
Asire Dock S M L  
Bernier Horticultural Nursery S L
Bhardwaj Industrial Creations S
Biswas Hydroponics Nursery S
Blanc Botanical Centre S L
Borodavka Manufacturing Exchange L
Buzko Nutrition Facility S L
Byeon Horticultural Centre S
Campos Agricultural Biosphere S
Chiweshe Cultivations S
Chun's Locus M
Coney Port S M L  
Davis Chemical Site S
Ferraro Synthetics Base S
Fry's Productions L
Garg Horticultural Habitat S
Gomez Cultivations S L
Harada's Biome S
Hennessy Visitor Complex M
Jun's Jewel S L
Kaur Hydroponics Enterprise S
Kay Synthetics Facility S L
Korolenko Nutrition Biome S L
Lamar Botanical Farm S
Lee City S M L  
Lorenz Hydroponics Complex S L
Manzo Chemical Plant S
Meghani Hydroponics Nursery S L
Meng Industrial Site S
Mitchell Orbital S M  
Moloi Industrial Depot L
Moore Dock S M L  
Morales Botanical Nursery S L
Moursi Botanical Complex S
Nakajima Tourist Site M
Perez Cultivation Holding S
Poulin Horticultural Estate S
Prince Chemical Silo S
Prohasko Botanical Holding S L
Prytula Horticultural Site S L
Rechtin Gateway S M L  
Sano Tourist Complex S L
Sklyarenko Cultivation Site S L
Soria Agricultural Habitat S
Tanner's Venue S L
Wada Botanical Enterprise S L
Wilkinson's Link M
Winstone Cultivation Habitat S
Worster Agricultural Site S
Yarovy Junction S L


11.96 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aoki's Pharmaceuticals S L
Blanco Synthetics Foundry L
Brazier Research Forum S
Crellin-Davies Biochemical Lab S L
Dzuba Engineering Forge L
Faircliff Synthetics Holdings L
Flores Genetics Lab S
Hammond Engineering Installation S
Hartog Synthetics Enterprise L
Hernandez Analytics Enterprise S
Laffey Chemical Assembly L
Ma Synthetics Plant L
Mohanty Manufacturing Hub S
Newland Biological Institution S
Panasenko Analysis Centre S L
Piazza Astrophysics Complex S
Roche Works S M  
Rojas Industrial Depot L
Sahaidachny Astrophysics Installation S L
Schwarz's Research S
South Manufacturing Site L
Stott's Installation L
Vega Genomics S
Yuan Manufacturing Hub L


11.96 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarado Arms Garrison S L
Beaumont's Resolve S L
Bengrina's Landing M
Chaly Military Base S L
Chancellor Arms Stockade M
Chowdhury Engineering S
Christensson Engineering Installation L
Deverell Service S M
Endo's Jurisdiction
Favre Munitions Installation S L
Greeboski's Outpost S M L  
Gutsalo Botanical Collection S L
Hale Industrial Enterprise S
Hughes Port S M L  
Ibanez Industrial Plant L
Kotyschenko Industrial Complex L
Loeffler Construction L
Matsuda Manufacturing Site L
Moskowitz Town S M L  
Ngalula Expedition M
Omenuko Nutrition Hub S L
Pidmohylny Engineering S
Pollard Industrial Hub L
Pomeroy's Armoury M
Rodgers Liberty S L
Salinas Military Barracks S L
Shinn Landing S M L  
Sopheos S M L  
Soto Defence Enterprise
The Victoria Chappell Foundation S M L  
Thomas Chemical Complex S
Toussaint Watch S M
Ueno Botanics S L
Winstone Industrial Foundry S
Wolff Industrial Forge S


13.63 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Armstrong Analysis Enterprise S L
Arrowsmith Manufacturing Plant M
Fraser Manufacturing Complex L
Liang Engineering Hub S L
Olatunji's Pharmaceuticals S L
Suarez Biochemical Enterprise S
Tago Stop S M  
Yeon Research Centre S

CD-54 9671

14.79 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baek's Venue S L
Barbet's Forge
Beaumont Hydroponics Centre S L
Chabanenko Munitions Base S M
Eadon Munitions Hub M
Fiorentino Industrial Complex S
Geeson Fortress M
Gonchar Military Expedition M
Hernandez Hostel M
Hirano Industrial Assembly
Hully's Landing S M
Inoue's Outpost S L
Ji Military Garrison S L
Joshi Defence Barracks S L
Kato Keep S L
Kato Service S
Kimura Manufacturing Enterprise L
Kotsuba Arms Base S L
Laflamme Military Base M
Linsley Hold S L
Mohr Landing S M L  
Morais Defence Outpost S
Omenuko Engineering Silo L
Plumb Botanical Hub S L
Sakamoto Synthetics Facility S
Somayaji Terminal S M L  
Soriano Industrial Site S L
Thorne Bastion S M L  
Tshang Relay S M L  
Van Leeuwen Agricultural Habitat S L

Omicron Gruis

15.25 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bedi Resolve M
Belyavsky Terminal S M  
Emshwiller City S M  
Francisco de Eliza Prospect S M L  
Furaha Horticultural Collection S
Geiger Control S L
Glass Port S M  
Gonnessiat Settlement S M L  
Keldysh Legacy S M L  
Korolev Hub S M L  
Makubuya Industrial Workshop L
Niijima Gateway S M L  
Rivera Hydroponics Garden S
Shajn Port S M L  
Sopwith Port S M  
Verrier Terminal S M L  
Ziegel Orbital S M  


15.78 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bawa Botanical Base S L
Brooks Camp S M L  
Brothers City S M  
Bruni's Junction S L
Busch Chemical S
Chang Botanical Hub S L
Doshi Industrial Assembly
Dowie Vision S M L  
Evans Gateway S M  
Fernandes' Progress S M L  
Finlay City S M  
Hashimoto Agricultural Plantation S
J. G. Ballard Laboratory S M L  
Leonard Synthetics Silo L
Mahajan Agricultural Farm S
Nijland City S M L  
Pace Horticultural Site S
Patry Dock S M  
Rasch Arsenal S M L  
Shklovsky Penal colony S M L  
Tisserand Ring S M L  
Virchow Horizons S M L  
Wales City S M L  
Watson Terminal S M  


16.27 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Basu's Chemicals M
Esme Genetics Exploration S
Hobbs's Works M
Horsman's Journey S L
Mancini Bridge S L
Manzo Industrial Works
Park Medical S L
Pavlenko Visitor Resort S L
Poroshenko Industrial Site S
Sagan Port S M L  
Savko Research Forum
Syrotuk's Falls S L
Zahn Survey S M L  

LHS 3921

16.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Araya Astrophysics Enterprise S L
Bruni Dredging Territory S L
Close Metallurgic Exploration S
Corner Chemical Silo S
Elgin Bastion S M L  
Goonan Keep S M L  
Grijalva Hub S M  
Guerrero Dredging Reserve S
Holdstock Market S M L  
Min Biochemical Lab S
Moloi Synthetics Complex L
   Nearchus Vision - - - -
Ramos Metallurgic Complex M
Rawlinson Dredging Site S
Romero Mineralogic Hub S
Sohn Drilling Enterprise S L
Stride Drilling Exploration M
Tirjak Chemical L
Uchida Analysis Centre S L
Uhm's Chemicals L


16.82 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Hansen Vision S M