LDS 883

Name SML Mug Gin
Ahuja Dredging Platform S
Akintola's Territory S
Aloisio Cultivation Biosphere S
Archambeau Extraction Station M
Arrowsmith Foods S L
Babu Mineralogic Installation M
Barnaby Estate S M  
Bot Prospecting Base S L
Boumal's Mineralogical M
Burrows Hydroponics Hub S L
Campos Drilling Exchange S L
Choi Cultivation Holding S L
Clothier Dredging Exchange S L
Clothier Drilling Complex S L
Durand Prospecting Complex S
Eke Extraction Prospect S L
Firpo Extraction Hub L
Franklin Excavation Territory S
Garratt Prospect S M L  
Getsyk Hydroponics Market S
Guzman Hydroponics Holdings S L
Hashimoto Cultivation Complex S
Kato Cultivation Biosphere S
Mahama Dredging Facility S L
Makarov Enterprise S M L  
Morrison Keep S M L  
   Nehsi Arena - - - -
Olatunji Nutrition Biosphere S
Osnovianenko Nutrition Complex S L
Pardue Hydroponics Garden
Peng Horticultural Market S L
Potter Botanical Base S L
Rae Terminal S M  
Rahman Mining Rigs M
Redko Drilling Territory S L
Saunders Nutrition Enterprise S
Schofield Mining Hub S L
Schuster Mining Station
Smith Reserve S M L  
Soriano's Find M
Taschieri Botanical Market S L
Tudela Relay S M L  
Watanabe Botanical Hub S L
Worster Excavation Base S
Yook Mineralogic Exchange S L
Zambo Mineralogic Claim S L

Closest systems to LDS 883

LP 355-65

8.13 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Andrews Munitions Complex S L
Aniefuna Armoury
Barba Ring S M L  
Barthwal Research Centre S
Boulton Port S M  
Buzko Cultivation Holding S L
Campos's Control S M
Davidenko Defence Hub S M
Dickinson Garrison S L
Dzsejt Military Installation S L
Fernandes Genetics Exploration S
Grushevsky Research Centre S L
Iyengar Arms Installation S M
Ji Analysis Facility S
Kikelomo Manufacturing Site L
Korolenko Bastion S L
Marinov Industrial Exchange
Marsh Service S L
Miklouho-Maclay Silo S M L  
Scavo Analysis Laboratory S
Seong Biological Assembly S L
Sheffield Camp S M L  
Simon Command Installation S M
Trau Hydroponics Site S L
Verne's Pharmaceuticals
Vinogradov Enterprise S M  
Yamashita's Control S L

LP 298-52

8.13 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Brust Port S M  
Bunsen Legacy S M L  
Chapman's Haven S L
Compton Gateway S M L  
   Cook Beacon - - - -
Cook Nutrition Exchange S L
Doroshenko Botanical Habitat S L
Eschbach Station S M  
Fernao do Po Hub S M  
Fidalgo Terminal S M L  
   Greenland's Progress - - - -
Grigson Vision S M L  
Mallett Chemical Complex L
Mallory Point S M L  
Moore Terminal S M L  
Oksamit Nutrition Biome S L
Parekh Cultivation Habitat S L
Selberg Dock S M  
Takeuchi Botanical Biosphere S L
Wait Colburn Port S M L  

Michael Pantazis

8.62 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Brandt Industrial Hub L
Cho Chemical Complex L
Drake Hub S M L  
Due Colony S M  
Lorenzo Manufacturing Exchange L
The Anna Marie Pantazis S M L  
   van Vogt Base - - - -
Xuanzang Prospect S M L  


9.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Cayley Dock S M  

LP 355-51

9.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Cousteau Platform S M  
   Erdos Installation - - - -
H. G. Wells Point S M  

51 Arietis

9.51 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bargh's Consulting S L
Barreau Chemical Holdings L
Bevis Construction S
Castro Industrial Depot L
Coulstock-Cockeram Mining Installation S L
Dai Manufacturing Depot S
Deshmukh Cultivation Estate S
Dhar's Industrial L
Dillon Hub S M L  
Egebe Manufacturing Base L
Goloborodko Engineering Facility S
Harada Biological Lab S L
Hawkins Biological Complex S L
Hippoc Bioceuticals Research Stn S M L  
Howarth Mineralogic Territory S L
Kang Medical S
Kondo Agricultural Market S
Lawty Synthetics Holdings M
Lopez de Villalobos Arsenal S M L  
Maji Excavation Base L
Martin Dredging Station S
Miura Genetics Institution S L
Murakami Synthetics Depot S
Murdoch Excavation Base L
Ndaitwah Astrophysics Installation S L
Nkoana Extraction Exchange S
Nomura Mining Base L
Olatunji's Claim L
Olivares Nutrition Biosphere S L
Petrenko Industrial Complex
Pierres Point S M L  
Porzio Medical S L
Powter Nutrition Holdings S
Rocha's Productions S
Vaaler Synthetics Base L
Vasylyshin Cultivation Biosphere S L
Wada Research Institution S L
Watanabe Horticultural Facility
Winstone Biochemical Centre S
Xiao Synthetics Complex L
Yokoyama Biochemical Laboratory S


10.81 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Meyrink Dock S M L  
   Redi's Inheritance - - - -
West Point S M L  


11.77 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Calvo Prospecting Installation M
Gcobani Cultivation Range S L
Harvest Dock S M L  
Kramer Industrial Complex L
Lie Hub S M L  
Mellors's Medicines S L
Moreau Analytics Laboratory S
Parnenzini Dredging Station S L
Priest Cultivation Collection S L
Ryu Horticultural Exchange S L
Schmitt's Nursery S
Scott Analysis Site S L
Song Biochemical Facility S L
   Soper Installation - - - -
Tosi Hide S M  


11.85 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
   Gibson Relay - - - -
Perez Dock S M L  
Smith Survey S M L  
Wafer Lab S M L  


11.91 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adekunle Metallurgic Hub S
Garnier Prospect S M  
Lawhead Survey S M L  
Siegel Base S M  

LP 353-74

12.76 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Akintola Synthetics Complex S
Albrecht Cultivation Holdings S L
Altamura's Biome S L
Alves Hydroponics Hub S L
Babu Industrial Facility L
Chon Hydroponics Garden S L
Delgado Research Assembly S L
Dhar Analytics Installation S L
Dunlop Synthetics Complex L
Gowon Plantations S
Henriquez Nutrition Holding S L
Holland Depot S M L  
Hyde Agricultural Centre S L
Ji Analytics Site S L
Kenyatta Laboratory
Khurana Chemical Site S
Liu Horticultural Habitat
Marsh Industrial L
Morledge's Chemicals L
Nahm Agricultural Holding S L
Oersted Mines S M  
Okamoto Synthetics Installation M
Povaliy Hydroponics Complex S
Roberts Botanical Site S L
Sandoval Cultivation Range
Silva Hydroponics Base S
Simon Research Complex S L
Stammers Hydroponics Range S L
   van Vogt Base - - - -
Watanabe Astrophysics Assembly S L
Worster Nutrition Farm S L
Zewail Mine S M  


13.85 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bentham Horizons S M L  
Brooks Arsenal S M L  
Daisley Biological S L
Espinoza's Foundry L
Golds's Forever S L
Grushevsky Astrophysics Enterprise S
Lamar Lodgings M
Melnick Station S M L  
Mendoza's Wandering S L
Olanrewaju Biological Forum S
Pasichnyk Industries S
Rybalka Engineering Installation L
Scheutz Terminal S M  
Ukah's Syntheticals L
Walter's Biological S
Yeo Industrial Enterprise L


13.85 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Al-Jazari Port S M  
Curtis Enterprise S M L  
Dynamo Manufacturing Facility L
Endo Botanical Range S
Fahnbulleh Chemical Exchange S
Filter Landing S M L  
Gregory Laboratory S M L  
Hertz Market S M L  
Hinz Barracks S M L  
Jones Port S M L  
Mazepa Agricultural Enterprise S L
Osman Hydroponics Holdings S L
Ostwald Terminal S M L  
Ranganathan's Barracks M
Sadi Carnot City S M L  
Sar Industrial Assembly S

LTT 10787

14.06 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin


14.12 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aniefuna's View M
Ashby Port S M L  
Binet Port S M L  
Burkin Horizons S M L  
Gibson Hub S M L  
Hammond Vision S M  
Horowitz Orbital S M L  
Hully Link M
Isherwood Installation S M L  
Kizim Relay S M L  
Koh Manufacturing Silo L
Makoun Nutrition Collection S
McBride Vision S M L  
Mohmand Hub S M  
Pawelczyk Enterprise S M L  
Prohasko Hydroponics Farm S
Rizvi Penal colony S M L  
Simpson City S M L  
Theofelus's Lot M
Thompson Engineering Forge L
Weber Terminal S M L  
Zhilenko Manufacturing Complex L