
Name SML Mug Gin
Barbeau Prospecting Site M
Bauer Engineering Foundry
Bengrina Industrial Foundry L
Blayney Mining Enterprise S
Bohm Synthetics Assembly L
Bustos Excavation Base S L
Byun Engineering Installation L
Camus Orbiter S M L  
Chon Botanical Market S
Crosby Mining Facility S L
Dunlop Synthetics Site L
Goloborodko Manufacturing Site L
Hartmann Horticultural S L
Hassanein Port S M  
Hayashi Synthetics Hub L
Hong Leisure District S L
Hully's Welcome S L
Hume Relay S M L  
Jeffries Agricultural Complex S L
Kent Reach S M L  
Matthewson High S M L  
Maxwell City S M L  
Moulin's Workshop L
Mourelle's Claim S M L  
Nagata Orbital S M  
Nnadi Garrison S L
Nwadike Mining Station M
Oluwusi Excavation Platform S
Owen Drilling Site S L
Pelliot Gateway S M L  
Perets's Farm S L
Russell Vision S M L  
Sar Hydroponics Garden S
Shewayish Engineering Site L
Silva Hydroponics Hub S L
Vera Terminus S L
Villalba Botanical Market S
Watson Relay S M L  
Yuschenko Cultivation Site S L

Closest systems to Alkaid


12.32 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alaneme Hydroponics Market S L
Chasles Base S M L  
Chua Industrial L
Cloutier Agricultural Garden S L
Crozier Chemical Productions L
Davies's Vista S L
Dibrova Institution S
Donoso Biological Centre S L
Du Synthetics Plant L
Dukuly's Rest S L
Indongo Chemical Foundry L
Jain's Prize S L
Kyrylo Engineering Installation S
Laffey Synthetics L
Lobbo Research Complex S
Lukyanenko Horizons S M L  
Nakano Manufacturing Site L
Pardue Manufacturing Enterprise M
Piccard Dock S M L  
Rousseau Visitor Complex S L
Sauer's Leisure S L
Shore Botanical Habitat S
Song Manufacturing Complex L
The Jackrabbit S M L  
Vinet Botanical Exchange S L
Yin Industrial Plant L


13.35 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarado City S M L  
Bai Nutrition Biosphere
Becker Chemical Plant L
Biobaku's Shelter S L
Caceres Manufacturing Silo
Carrel Nutrition Holdings S
Cartier Botanical Market S
Dakhno Botanical Farm S L
Farrukh Dock S M  
Galouye Penal colony S M L  
Getsyk Horticultural S L
Gowon Synthetics Site
Hennepin City S M L  
Isherwood's Progress S M L  
Kelly Gateway S M L  
Khatri's Plantation
Lane Synthetics Facility L
Leonard Nutrition Habitat S L
Makuto's Lodges M
Malchiodi Dock S M  
Noel Cultivations
Noguchi Cultivation Nursery S L
Orji Agricultural Nursery S L
Pidkova Hydroponics Farm
Ponomarenko Nutrition Holding S L
Qiao Horticultural Exchange S L
Redko's Biome S L
Richards Industrial Complex S L
Stammers Horticultural Biosphere S
Stokes Enterprise S M L  
Szentmartony Enterprise S M  
Vega Forge L
Zhilenko Cultivation Habitat S L
Zubairu Nutrition Holding S
Zyma Botanical Nursery S


13.37 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baldock Drilling Facility M
Littlewood Dock S M  
McCabe Mining Exchange L
Sepulveda Mining Site L
Sugiyama Territories S L
Teng Hub S M  


13.7 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baibuza Mineralogic Hub L
Batra Botanics
Besonders Vision S M L  
Bloom Prospecting Enterprise L
Bolotov Hub S M L  
Bulgarin Terminal S M  
Chiweshe Dredging Site
Cho Metallurgic Station
Cranfield Extraction Territory S L
Diaz Metallurgic Complex M
Dickinson Mining Enterprise S L
Dietrich Engineering L
Fawcett Relay S M L  
Gimenez Cultivation Range S L
Graf Extraction Rigs L
Harland's Prospect L
Korolenko Drilling Site M
Li Excavation Prospect S L
Lyashenko Metallurgic Complex S L
Medina Cultivation Site S L
Melo Extraction Exchange S L
Morelli Chemical Workshop L
Moursi Botanical Exchange S L
Pereira Dredging Facility L
Pond Survey S M L  
Ribeiro Excavation Platform L
Rojas Metallurgic Hub L
Ross Dredging Station S
Sakurai Horticultural
Skoropadsky Manufacturing Plant L
Skov Excavation Hub L
Vyshnya Extraction Hub L
Wilkes Survey S M  
Young Extraction Rigs L

LTT 14094

14.06 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Argento Research Forum S L
Asimov Settlement S M  
Batra Genetics Exploration S
Cavendish Refinery S M L  
Colley's Research S
Deng Analysis Forum S
Deverell Manufacturing Silo L
Garg's Industrial S L
Guerrero Installation S M L  
Hunter Astrophysics Facility S
Hutchinson's Pharmaceuticals S
Kanu's Productions L
Ki Research Facility S
Kondo's Biochemicals S
Kramer Biological Centre S
Schmidt Research Facility S L
Skolem Colony S M L  
Wamsteker Research Installation S L
Zimmermann Biological Installation S


14.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arya's Installation M
Auclair Horticultural Exchange S L
Auer Point S M L  
Bawa Research Facility S
Cho Horticultural Estate S
Clauss Orbital S M  
Gallardo Botanical Garden S L
Kennedy Terminal S M  
Lacek Nutrition Complex S L
Min's Dwelling S L
Obiakolam Cultivations S L
Oyekan Hydroponics Site S L
Pasichnyk Industrial Moulding L
Ricci Botanical Habitat S
Tirjak Manufacturing Site


15.07 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alexandrov Port S M L  
Andrey Popov Works S M L  
Chaly Hydroponics Habitat S L
Dabral Horticultural Habitat S L
Ehrlich Legacy S M L  
Hasegawa Manufacturing Forge S L
Onyilogwu Chemical Exchange L
Pereira Cultivation Estate S L
Piazza's Laboratory S
Prevost Industrial Assembly M
Shibata Analytics Enterprise S L
Wilkes Legacy S M L  


15.41 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Clothier Mineralogic Platform S L
Dias Excavation Base L
Due Prospect S M  
Geiger Analysis Forum S L
Hasegawa Pharmacology S L
Hicks Synthetics Plant L
Lima's Foundry L
Nahm Horticultural S L
Ndam Hydroponics Biome S
O'Neill Mineralogic Territory S L
Powter Territories L
Sangweni Manufacturing Silo S L
Satapathy Engineering M
Tracy Mineralogic Installation M
Tremethick Analytics Centre S L


15.99 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bunch Enterprise S M L  
Dall Keep S M L  
Dawes Biochemical Forum
Faucher Dredging Hub
Gcobani Industrial Facility L
Gurney Gateway S M L  
Herraez Synthetics Base S L
Jeon Biochemical Assembly S
Kamga Construction L
Leckey Hydroponics Market
Lugun's Farm S L
Mendy Mineralogic Claim L
Mensah Research Laboratory S
Newland Excavation Complex L
Oliveira Chemical L
Painter Drilling Complex L
Pan's Research
Pascali Synthetics Workshop S
Porzio Hydroponics Nursery S
Rawlinson Manufacturing L
Smoszna Manufacturing Hub L
Taylor Botanical Enterprise S L
Tutunnyk's Habitat
Vercher Astrophysics Assembly S L
Ziljak Settlement S M L  


16.42 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aloisio Command Site S L
Barbier Astrophysics Expedition S L
Bullen Munitions Complex S L
Bustos Outpost S
Chapman Military Garrison S M
Charitou Garrison S L
Charman Landing S L
Chidozie's Garrison S L
Garg Biochemical Laboratory S L
Guo's Outpost
Ivaschenko Analytics Facility S L
Lee Landing S M  
Mitchell Command Installation S L
Morales Command S
Newton's Command S L
Nwachukwu Keep S L
Osnovianenko Astrophysics Forum S L
Pavlenko Genetics Centre
Ren Honour S L
Savko Jurisdiction S L
Segzdavicius Biological Assembly S L
Shao Defence Encampment S M
Shimizu Genetics Centre S L
Vogel's Astrophysics S L
Zebrowski Hub S M  

BD+44 2250

16.46 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Apara Biological Complex S L
Auclair's Works L
Carrizo Biological Centre S L
Cavalcante Horticultural Holding S L
Chidozie Agricultural Market S L
Efremov Refinery S M  
Enju Cultivation Base S L
Kapoor Research Forum S
Kedige Industrial Silo L
Ladipo Biological Complex S
Makuto Tourism Complex S L
Matsumoto Genetics Exploration S L
Mowatt's Laboratory S
Nalyvaiko Analytics Forum S
Ndam Synthetics L
Onyilogwu Horticultural Plantation S L
Poblete Horticultural Nursery S L
Pollard's Productions M
Ribeiro Biological Centre S
Riviere Visitor Site S L
Romano Analytics Installation S L
Rose Refinery S M  
Staff Analysis Laboratory S L
Wen Manufacturing Base L
Whittaker Analytics Institution S L
Wilkins Chemical Foundry L

MCC 684

17.11 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Barthwal's Manufacturings L
Clement Orbital S M  
Eames Industrial Base S
Engel Genetics Exploration S
Ferenczi-Houlden Industrial Workshop L
Fisher Camp S M L  
Ghatak Analysis Laboratory S L
Landsteiner City S M  
Rusten Synthetics Exchange L


18.43 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bedi Biochemical Lab S L
Bester Hangar S M  
Carvajal Chemical Exchange M
Choi Engineering Installation L
Dalal Engineering Foundry M
Engel's Armoury S L
Fra Military Stockade S M
Goloborodko Synthetics L
Kotsuba Synthetics Workshop L
Ledesma's Syntheticals L
Mitchell Forge L
Newberry Astrophysics Installation S L
Pozandr Military Hub S L
Sarmiento de Gamboa Settlement S M  
Seok Biological Installation S L
Stammers Munitions Stockade M
Tanner Analysis Laboratory S L
Uchida Synthetics Plant L


19.05 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Batra Extraction Hub S L
Bawa's Pharmaceuticals S L
Berdo Industrial Complex L
Berhe Research Institution S L
Brule Penal colony S M L  
Burrows Industries L
Chen Extraction Rigs M
Favre Biochemical Installation S
Gcobani Synthetics Facility S
Gil Genetics Exploration S L
Haas Drilling Base S L
Heighton Biological Forum S L
Heinrich Dredging Site M
Hoffmann Dredging Exchange S L
Horsman Engineering Hub S
Jenkerson Industrial Workshop S
Jin Drilling Enterprise S
Kamga Genetics Assembly S
Karlsefni Survey S M  
Kneale Hub S M L  
Kozak Astrophysics Laboratory S L
Lastra Synthetics M
Linnett Chemical Works L
Lopes's Medicines S
Lorenzo Genetics Enterprise S
Madan Mining Complex S L
Makuto Industrial Productions L
Mao Manufacturing Enterprise L
Morita Mining Exchange S L
Mowatt Research Institution S L
Otero Genetics Forum S
Panasenko Prospecting Facility L
Paulmier de Gonneville's Claim S M  
Poirier Manufacturing Depot S L
   Polya Silo - - - -
Quiroga's Genetics S L
Resnick's Inheritance S M L  
Sakai Industrial Installation M
Schofield Research Forum S L
Traore's Pharmaceuticals S
Vaillant Manufacturing L
Vercher's Burrow S L
Whittaker Drilling Exchange S L
Wilkinson Chemical Productions L
Yeon Extraction Exchange S L


19.43 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Altamura Industrial Holdings L
Augar Hydroponics Enterprise S L
Borde Horticultural Habitat S L
Cho Horticultural Base S L
Citrolo Agricultural Facility S
Dickinson Cultivation Exchange S L
Donoso Agricultural Hub S L
Dykul Nutritional S L
Figueroa Horticultural Base S
Fincham Horticultural Farm S
Godoy Hydroponics Garden S
Hobbs Retreat S L
Mendy Botanical Market S L
Mendy's Leisure S L
Miller Survey S M  
Nixon Base S M  
Pan's Haunt S L
Phillips Biological Facility S L
Quandt Agricultural Collection S L
Quinn Hydroponics Site S L
Sakamoto Biological Laboratory S
Sar Horticultural Biome S L
Schmitt Agricultural Complex S L
Schuster Cultivation Base S
Scott Nutrition Holdings S L
Sepulveda Horticultural S L
Sharpe Biological Institution S L
Shibata Genetics Installation S
Simelane Botanical Facility S L
Simon Nutrition Holdings S L
Vinet's Biochemicals S L
Wamsteker Biochemical Facility S L
Wilson Genetics S L
Womack Vision S M L  
Zadzisai Cultivation Biosphere S L
Zhadan Agricultural Exchange S