Ross 274

Name SML Mug Gin
Akintola's Creations L
Castillo Synthetics Silo L
Goulart City S M L  
Haldeman II Vision S M L  
Ostrander Penal colony S M L  
Wallis's Forge S

Closest systems to Ross 274

Pegasi Sector XU-O b6-2

6.22 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Altshuller's Inheritance S M L  
Wingrove Relay S M L  
Zebrowski Beacon S M L  

Pegasi Sector XU-O b6-3

8.56 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Buckey Holdings S M L  
Shunn Horizons S M L  
Terry's Progress S M L  


9.17 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Altieri Botanical Plantation S L
Benelhag Analysis Site S L
Biswas Nutrition Centre S L
Bockarie Extraction Hub S
Borde Genetics Laboratory S
Braines Extraction Complex S
Choi Genetics S
Chovnyk Cultivation Habitat S L
Christensson's Conservatory S
Chua Analysis Enterprise S
Faucher Mining Base S
Gowon Dredging Installation L
Gupta Horticultural Hub S
Hah Inn M
Heroux Horticultural Facility S
Kedige Prospecting Enterprise S
Kratman Relay S M L  
Krisjanis Extraction Enterprise S
Nakano Minerology S
Osnovianenko Nutrition Nursery S L
Otsuka's Haunt M
Patel Mineralogic Station S
Polischuk Astrophysics Institution S
Rabinowitz Enterprise S M L  
Roh's Burrow S
Rudenko Extraction Facility L
Sahaidachny Mining Territory S
Spedding Base S M  
Tem's Inheritance S M L  
The Rheen-Haven S M L  
White Station S M  
Whittaker Prospecting Enterprise S L
Wolff Research Installation S
Yamada Dredging Station S


9.59 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ampere Colony S M  
Aubert's Drilling S
Bassett Chemical Exchange M
Bechard Agricultural Garden S
Bedi Mining Facility L
Bedi Mining Hub S L
Belshaw's Exploration L
Bustos Industrial Silo L
Carleson's Progress S M L  
Dawkes Botanical Range S L
Desmond Horticultural Biome S
Diabate Cultivation Habitat S
Dominguez Engineering Hub L
Dynamo Resort S L
Emeagwali's Biosphere S
Fincham Excavation Base M
Haas Prospecting Platform L
Hara Drilling Hub L
Hatwal Engineering Site S L
Horwood Synthetics Enterprise L
Huang Industrial Moulding S
Igwe's Prospect L
Ikeda Agricultural Holdings S L
Jain Dredging Hub S
Kozak Analytics Laboratory S
Krause Cultivation Biome S L
Margrave Research Enterprise S
Miyazaki Prospecting Platform S
Mohanty's Vista S L
Mori Drilling Platform L
Morita's Creations S
Mushket Agricultural Holdings S
Naudiyal Tourism Site M
Petlura Engineering Foundry S
Potrykus Dock S M  
Rah Industrial Installation S
Ramirez Horticultural Plantation S
Ranganathan's Research S
Reddy Cultivation Garden S L
Reddy's Genetics S L
Sano Extraction Base S
Savinykh Terminal S M L  
Semwal Nutrition Site S L
Sommer Industrial Works S
Stott Hydroponics Exchange S
Syrylak Nutrition Facility S
Tanaka Engineering Installation S
Temitope Synthetics Hub S
Thomas Inventions S L
Uchida Chemical Hub S
Vaillant Biological Assembly S
Vinet Prospecting Hub S
Virtanen's Folly S M L  
Whittaker's Forever M
Winter Metallurgic Complex S
Xie Excavation Station S
Yin Hydroponics Biome S L
Yokoyama Drilling Facility S


12.41 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Farouk Orbital S M L  

HIP 108859

12.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bankole Industrial Depot S
Barbet Manufacturing Enterprise L
Bauwens Botanical Complex S L
Beauchamp's Find M
Bourne Agricultural Facility S
Bunyan Chemical Installation S
Bustos Excavation Station M
Capretto Horticultural Range S
Caraiman Research Assembly S
Chaly Prospecting Base S L
Chawla Hydroponics Farm S L
Cheng Agricultural Habitat S
Choo Agricultural S
Cohen Industrial Complex S
Dominguez Dredging Installation M
Drach Excavation Hub S
Egebe's Genetics S
Fletcher Industrial Base L
Fra's Consulting S
Fukuda's Reserve M
Gowers Metallurgic Exchange S
Grebby Mining Rigs M
Hao Biochemical Installation S
Hara Excavation Complex S L
Hilborn Metallurgic Platform S L
Horsman Mineralogic Hub M
Igbinedion's Syntheticals L
Jelani Botanical Garden S
Joshi Horticultural Holding S L
Keller Extraction Hub S
Khatri's Drilling M
Kimura Astrophysics Facility S
Kovalenko Extraction Prospect S
Laghari Prospecting Hub S L
Lagrange Agricultural Market S L
Madida Research Complex S
Maji Manufacturing Installation L
Martinez Mineralogic Platform S L
Morales Mining Hub S
Nakano Horticultural Biome S
Navarrete Synthetics Workshop S L
Ndam Horticultural S L
Nehsi Dock S M  
Nweke Prospecting Rigs S
Obetsebi Engineering Depot S
Oladele Mining Base S
Oluwusi Metallurgic Platform S
Pelissier Extraction Base S
Polischuk Biochemical S
Preece's Mine S
Quantock Horticultural Exchange S L
Rhee Genomics S
Ricci Biological Consulting S
Sahaidachny Analysis Forum S
Schmitt Cultivation Estate S
Schunmann Mineralogic Station S
Ueda Prospecting Platform S
Walker Biochemical Complex S
Waudby Analytics Forum S
White Terminal S M L  
Wilkins's Laboratory S
Winstone Botanical Biosphere S
Xiang Mineralogic Hub M
Yao Botanical Market S L


13.53 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Jernigan Dock S M  
Macquorn Rankine Holdings S M L  


13.59 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bakshi Genetics Installation
Berdo Manufacturing Facility L
Charman's Burrow S
Christopher Station S M  
Coles Relay S M  
Dexter Stockade M
Furaha Drilling Exploration S L
Herrera Astrophysics Complex S L


15.42 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Beltrami Colony S M  
Carvajal Extraction Prospect M
Heroux Excavation Territory L
Vyshnya Horticultural Hub S L
Yamamoto Horizons S M L  
Yanez Dredging Base S L
Zeng Excavation Complex S


15.46 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bacigalupi Works S M L  
Barbier Synthetics S
Bottego Orbital S M  
Caraiman Genetics Complex S
Clayton Station S M L  
Falade Engineering Silo L
Fournier Engineering Base S
Furnival Analytics Laboratory S L
Kobayashi Engineering Silo S
Madan Analytics Forum S
Montes Industrial Moulding S L
Obruchev Survey S M  
Pace Research Enterprise S L
Riches's Biological S
Serduk Engineering S
Vasyluk Chemical Assembly S L


15.6 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bedi Industrial Base S
Celebi Bastion S M L  
Chang Chemical Facility S
Herjulfsson Dock S M  
Kafka Bastion S M L  
Linnett Chemical Workshop L
Magnusson Synthetics Facility S
Pettitt Engineering Facility L
Pidmohylny Analysis Institution S
Pippin Dock S M L  
Rivera's Constructions S
Shiras Prospect S M  
Skoropadsky Analytics Lab S


15.66 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bargh Agricultural Estate S L
Bogun Cultivation Range S L
Buhle Agricultural S L
Deshpande Hydroponics Base S
Dietrich Hydroponics Market S L
Dunlop Cultivation Garden S L
Gcobani Horticultural Exchange S L
Gough Nutrition Centre S
Hartmann's Biome S
Hashimoto Agricultural Market S
Hou Botanical Garden S
Kamara Drilling Installation S
Kary Deposits L
Kobyliansky Extraction Enterprise S
Kulkarni Mining Facility S
Ludwig Cultivation Holding S
Magnusson Agricultural Collection S L
Mannan Botanical Farm S
McDevitt Reformatory S M L  
Murphy Cultivation Holdings S
Omenuko Cultivation Complex S
Peralta's Biome S
Pomeroy Cultivation Complex S
Savko Botanical Collection S L
Scholtz Hydroponics Holdings S
Stasheff Dock S M  
Tarasenko Agricultural Farm S
Thakur Horticultural Plantation S L
Tian Cultivation Biosphere S L
Washer Foods S
Yang Botanical Nursery S


15.95 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Haas Metallurgic Exchange L
Kroehl Port S M L  
Modi Prospecting Complex S L
Pike Terminal S M  
Pyeon Mineralogic Site S
Rivas Mineralogic Enterprise L
Staden Colony S M  
Umburter's Wandering M


18.23 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bueckardt's Nursery S
Foster Hydroponics Holding S L
Kuharenko Botanical Centre S
Malchiodi Beacon S M L  
Markov Terminal S M  
Nunez Botanical Enterprise S
Okusanya Hydroponics Market S
Pribylov Terminal S M  
Silva Horticultural Market S
Trau Horticultural Collection S L


18.45 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Armstrong Biochemical Lab S L
Muller Industrial Plant S
Pausch Landing S M  
Prabhune Industrial Installation L
Priest Chemical Depot M
Volkov's Progress S M L