
Name SML Mug Gin
Benton Military Hub
Bitterlin's Venue S L
Blayney's Obligation S L
Carrizo Biochemical S
Carvajal Military Bastion S M
Dalal Astrophysics Enterprise S L
Dayal Command Installation M
Dhillon Industrial Assembly L
Emeagwali Engineering Foundry L
Fabbri's Garrison S L
Furnival Chemical Depot S
Kava's Consulting S
Kondo Chemical Assembly S L
Lacek's Pharmaceuticals S
Lange Vision S M L  
Makoun's Fortress S L
Merritt Port S M  
Morfett-Jones's Control S M
Owen's Reception S L
Owusu's Expedition S M
Pan Tourist Resort S L
Richer City S M  
Sauer Arsenal M
Whittaker's Keep S L

Closest systems to Mara

L 214-72

6.05 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Avery Drilling Site M
Benoit Biochemical Centre S
Blanchard Genetics Facility S L
Favre's Astrophysics
Mannan Astrophysics Enterprise S L
Nishimura Engineering Depot S
Noguchi Astrophysics Site S L
Nomura Landing S M  
Okpara Biochemical Enterprise S
Savchenko's Biological S
Stupka's Manufacturings M
Zoungrana Formulations S


7.1 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Miller Station S M L  


7.32 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Johnson Platform S M  
Levada Analytics Institution S L
Park Biochemical Forum
Pylypenko Genetics Exploration S


7.73 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Allen St. John Port S M  
Auclair Engineering Base S
Bagryany Defence Outpost S
Barka Vista S L
Barone's Jurisdiction S L
Blanc's Junction S L
Burke's Industrial S
Chovnyk Engineering Forge L
Delany Works S M L  
Devarajah Chemical Installation S
Drake Station S M L  
Farias Sanctuary S L
Fraser Horticultural Garden S L
Ganguly Construction L
Graham Station S M  
H. G. Wells' Progress S M L  
Hair Hydroponics Enterprise S L
Hornoch Prospect S M L  
Howarth Hospitality Resort S L
Kobyliansky Industrial Complex L
Kulkarni's Journey M
Lyulka Ring S M L  
Marsden City S M L  
Matsumoto Synthetics Foundry S L
McDarsh Nutrition Biome S
Mensah Industrial Depot L
Moursi Chemical Site L
Murdoch Industrial Moulding L
Naubakht Vision S M  
Otus Gateway S M  
Owen Agricultural S
Painter Chemical Depot L
Pasichnyk Camp S L
Payson Holdings S M L  
Pedder's Barracks S L
Plumb Synthetics Installation L
Poblete Hydroponics Farm S L
Rios Manufacturing Installation L
Rivero Botanical Enterprise S L
Shimizu's Folly S L
Suh Hydroponics Range S L
Toro Horticultural Site S L
Traore Lodgings S L
Xiao Industrial Creations L
Xiao's Garden S L
Xing Chemical Enterprise L
Yin Agricultural S L

CD-62 1454

11.56 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Apte Munitions Enterprise S L
Baille City S M L  
Biddiscombe Manufacturing Forge L
Chang's Works L
Dragomanov Command Point M
Hashimoto's Hold M
Hutchinson Command Garrison S L
Patry Station S M  
Quandt Manufacturing Forge M
Rond d'Alembert Silo S M L  
Sakai Industrial Depot L
Westphal Dock S M  

CD-61 6801

11.74 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Abiodun Biological Lab S
Anderson Military Armoury
Apara Analytics Installation S L
Belshaw Munitions Hold S L
Blaes Military Base S L
Bockarie Medical S L
Bonfils Bastion S L
Bus Port S M L  
Cha Hydroponics Holding S L
Cha's Liberty S L
Charitou Defence Complex S L
Close Agricultural Complex S L
Cook Industrial Forge L
Dakhno Dock
Dias Analysis Centre S L
Dino Synthetics Assembly L
Dubois Hold S L
Faiers Military Fortification
Farr Genetics Installation S L
Fujimoto's Expedition M
Gamow Bastion S M L  
Ghatak Nutrition Enterprise S L
Goh Jurisdiction S L
Hah Botanical Holding S L
Heath Command Point S L
Ishida Chemical Foundry S
Iyengar Chemical Installation L
Lisunov's Farm S L
Malakar Astrophysics Laboratory S
Moller's Biome S
Moulin Chemical Facility L
Nagata Enterprise S M L  
Noel's Resolve
Nomura's Arsenal
Oyawale Military Camp S L
Pandey Cultivation Facility S L
Parkhomenko Synthetics Moulding L
Peng's Industrial L
Rusten Industrial Site
Saleeby Munitions Complex S L
Savchenko Defence Complex M
Wen Chemical Installation L
Young Fort S L


12.02 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bergmann Agricultural Range S L
Bickel Vision S M L  
Du Munitions Hold M
Evans Agricultural Biosphere S L
Fraser Military Installation S L
Holloway Industrial Moulding S
Iyengar Control S M
Kanu Biological Installation S
Koroma Synthetics Enterprise S
Krause Horticultural Market S
Lamar Horticultural Farm S L
Macleod Command M
Maiboroda Horticultural Holdings S L
Markus Munitions Installation S M
Mazepa Genetics Assembly S
Montes Chemical Complex M
Ngalula Horticultural Collection S L
Ngidi Agricultural Range S L
Obetsebi Synthetics L
Parsons Refinery S M  
Pozandr's Outpost S L
Roh Industrial Exchange M
Sauer Hydroponics Centre S
Scavo Arms Site S M
South Agricultural Garden S L
Wacera Laboratory S
Wolff Command Point M
Wolff Laboratory S L
Yamada Botanical Farm S L
Yim Arms Stockade M


12.16 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Deng's Hold M
Flint Point S M L  
Goto Synthetics Foundry
Hamilton Reach S M L  
Jin Military Barracks S M
Langley Gateway S M L  
Nomura Hydroponics Facility S
Pangborn Settlement S M L  
Zander Dock S M L  
Zhu City S M L  

CD-63 1560

12.9 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Archambeau Munitions Base M
Barmin Ring S M  
Barthwal Military Base S L
Biggs Biological Consulting S
Braun Arms Site M
Bruni Forge S
Chabra Chemical Exchange S
Cox's Expedition S L
Diaz Encampment S L
Farias Military Armoury S M
Gomez Terminus S L
Heroux Research Installation S
Hickey's Horizon
Ki Defence Site M
Koo Arms Stockade S L
Luna Liberty S M
Mbarga Honour S L
Montanari Arsenal S M L  
Morita Arms Site S L
Motrienko Genetics Enterprise S L
Nalyvaiko Landing M
Ndiaye Formulations S L
Newton Arms Garrison S L
Pardue Defence Base S M
Tanner Biological Complex S L
Taylor Vision S M L  
Uchida's Medicines S
Wada Command S L
Watanabe City S M L  
Yamada Munitions Encampment M

LTT 9472

13.13 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alonso's Tranquility S L
Augar Agricultural Holding
Binney Settlement S M L  
Chertovsky's Claim S M L  
Fincham Industrial Enterprise L
Galitzki Terminus S L
Gonnessiat Dock S M L  
Guzman Agricultural Base
Hendel's Folly S M L  
Kent Point S M L  
Kulish Chemical Facility S
Lagarde Horticultural Farm S L
Lindstrand Orbital S M L  
Mathibeli Chemical Hub L
McIntosh Settlement S M L  
Nordenskiold Camp S M L  
Pittendreigh Relay S M L  
Reinhold Installation S M L  
Witt Enterprise S M L  
Zubairu Mining Prospect

Li Szu

14.39 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
   Banyard Drilling Facility - - - -
Curtiss Ring S M  
Holub Enterprise S M L  
Meuron Station S M L  
   Robinson Chemical Installation - - - -
Zabuzhko Prospecting Territory S L


14.62 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarado Arms Garrison S L
Beaumont's Resolve S L
Bengrina's Landing M
Chaly Military Base S L
Chancellor Arms Stockade M
Chowdhury Engineering S
Christensson Engineering Installation L
Deverell Service S M
Endo's Jurisdiction
Favre Munitions Installation S L
Greeboski's Outpost S M L  
Gutsalo Botanical Collection S L
Hale Industrial Enterprise S
Hughes Port S M L  
Ibanez Industrial Plant L
Kotyschenko Industrial Complex L
Loeffler Construction L
Matsuda Manufacturing Site L
Moskowitz Town S M L  
Ngalula Expedition M
Omenuko Nutrition Hub S L
Pidmohylny Engineering S
Pollard Industrial Hub L
Pomeroy's Armoury M
Rodgers Liberty S L
Salinas Military Barracks S L
Shinn Landing S M L  
Sopheos S M L  
Soto Defence Enterprise
The Victoria Chappell Foundation S M L  
Thomas Chemical Complex S
Toussaint Watch S M
Ueno Botanics S L
Winstone Industrial Foundry S
Wolff Industrial Forge S


14.84 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Beauregard's Spa S L
Blanchet Synthetics Plant L
Brinkmann Synthetics Workshop
Faye Barracks S M L  
Hahm's Workshop L
Heighton Prospecting Base S L
Jenkins Dock S M  
Murakami Mining Exchange S
Otanez Extraction Enterprise S
Simon Mining Enterprise M
Trau's Productions
Tremblay's Works S L
Webb Station S M  

CD-66 2585

15.07 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bengrina Genomics S L
Bitterlin Engineering Site L
Blish Prospect S M L  
Clothier Synthetics Base S
Comper Survey S M L  
Dahm City S M  
Dewan Analytics Laboratory S
Farias Biochemical Complex S
Gerasimenko Synthetics Depot
Giudice Biological Centre S
Graf Genetics Installation S
Ishida Analytics Institution S L
Laval Analytics Laboratory S L
Lawty Biochemical Enterprise S L
Lehmann's Medicines S
Levada Chemical Hub M
Lorenz Analysis Lab
Mahajan Research Installation S L
Okada Analytics Enterprise S
Okada Biological Expedition
Otto Manufacturing Depot L
Roh Synthetics Silo
Shi Chemical Assembly S
Witt Terminal S M L  

LP 214-1

16.1 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarado Survey S M L  
Benelhag Chemical Foundry L
Calvo Synthetics Site S
Chabanenko Command Complex
Chukwunyelu Garrison S L
Dzuba Industrial Productions L
Geston Gateway S M L  
Golub Military Hub S M
Griffiths Garrison S L
Hardy Enterprise S M  
Iwasaki's Manufacturings S
Jia Chemical Depot L
Karpenko Synthetics Exchange L
Kedige Manufacturing Base
Lee City S M  
Pettitt Chemical Holdings
Povaliy Synthetics Silo L
Ramsbottom Penal colony S M L  
Thordarson's Works L
Vargas Engineering Facility L
Vytrebenko Forge L