Historical Information for 28 Doradus

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Tribe 5.74
Deoriorii 8.54
Airseklis 10.30
HIP 25231 10.86
HIP 27969 12.08
Nerrete 12.21
Hun Cruac 12.45
Jupangati 13.19
Mentri 15.17
Guana Bhun 16.25
Salledosha 16.40
HIP 23984 16.49
Yu Shanwen 17.66
HIP 29439 18.11
Uellaturt 18.47
Sesmu 18.79
Itelmasa 19.03
Usipediq 19.54
Maturina 19.72

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
28 Doradus Gold Clan Happy 1.4% about 1 month ago
Republic Party of 28 Doradus Happy 2.3% about 1 month ago
28 Doradus Jet Netcoms Org Happy 3.4% about 1 month ago
28 Doradus Jet Creative Ltd Happy 5.49% about 1 month ago
Official 28 Doradus Liberty Party Happy 7.49% about 1 month ago
Stars of Duval Happy 13.99% about 1 month ago
Sacra Oculus Expansion Happy 65.93% about 1 month ago


Name # Ly
HIP 25231 5 10.86
HIP 27969 4 12.08
Nerrete 6 12.21
Jupangati 5 13.19
Guana Bhun 3 16.25
Yu Shanwen 4 17.66
HIP 29439 3 18.11
Uellaturt 5 18.47
Sesmu 6 18.79
Itelmasa 5 19.03
HIP 25759 6 20.88
Tibi 6 21.12
Kwikumat 3 21.40
HIP 24316 6 21.47
Zhang Yu 6 21.84
Nijolam 6 21.93
Txamsa 6 22.11
Wadjedet 6 22.67
Tolit 6 23.69
Chuang 6 24.78
Jupang 6 25.02
Tai Sheshy 6 25.02
Thontar 6 25.24