Historical Information for Aeducini

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Olelatha 9.49
HIP 19776 11.87
Negrici 14.04
Reshesh 14.18
Humanicnii 15.65
Upem 15.65
Fan Wen 16.03
HIP 20920 16.40
Bemberi 16.76
Wuonkwer 17.15
Tibi 18.79
Opete 19.44
Oshambia 19.95
Chuuah 20.74
HIP 22145 21.12
Bhilonggam 21.12
HIP 19773 22.00
Djira 23.41
Uellaturt 23.54

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Clan of Aeducini Happy 2.4% 3 months ago
Reshesh Empire League Happy 8.79% 3 months ago
Aeducini Commodities Happy 10.69% 3 months ago
Upem Dominion Happy 10.89% 3 months ago
Union of Aeducini Left Party Happy 11.49% 3 months ago
Aeducini Empire Pact Happy 15.18% 3 months ago
Sacra Oculus Happy 40.56% 3 months ago


Name # Ly
Olelatha 5 9.49
Upem 5 15.65
Tibi 6 18.79
Uellaturt 5 23.54
Tailgan 5 24.60
Xib Cakurbi 5 25.32