Historical Information for Agathiar

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Hachihikaru 6.40
Lalande 29437 6.63
LTT 14850 11.05
Tepehuacoc 11.18
Dulla 11.70
Unkuar 12.04
Guragwe 12.41
Sigma Serpentis 13.56
NLTT 41712 14.07
BD+11 2811 14.70
LHS 3067 14.76
Deili 14.87
Kaushairup 15.03
Sakpata 15.10
LP 564-39 15.62
Kucub Hua 15.68
Tiris 15.94
Latjal 17.12
Tzotzil 17.26

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Agathiar Silver Brotherhood Happy 1.79% 25 days ago
Lalande 29437 Vision Co Happy 6.57% 25 days ago
Agathiar Jet Natural Inc Happy 7.06% 25 days ago
Defence Party of Agathiar Happy 9.65% 25 days ago
League of Agathiar Happy 10.55% 25 days ago
Agathiar Resistance Happy 17.91% 25 days ago
North Wall Alliance Embassy Happy 46.47% 25 days ago


Name # Ly
Na Chem 6 22.91
Osiris 6 24.68