Historical Information for Ahayan

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Anana 7.00
Puneith 11.05
Kappa-1 Coronae Austrinae 11.05
HIP 90112 12.21
HIP 92915 14.07
Ramanco 16.09
Tagii 16.67
Skoll 16.88
Col 285 Sector XF-E c12-12 17.12
Dimocorna 17.58
Col 285 Sector XG-I b24-0 17.58
Samontundji 18.41
No Myoino 19.10
HIP 94966 19.34
Col 285 Sector YG-I b24-6 19.39
Tegiranyan 19.42
Bedari 20.35
Sokond 20.40
Kulis 20.64

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
The Gunslinger Brotherhood Happy 0.98% 4 days ago
HIP 90112 Jet Central Corp. Boom Happy 8.06% 4 days ago
Labour Union of Ahayan Civil War Happy 13.37% 4 days ago
Ahayan Defence Party Happy 15.63% 4 days ago
Ahayan Gold Creative Co Public Holiday Civil War Happy 16.32% 4 days ago
Liberals of Ahayan Boom Happy 20.26% 4 days ago
HIP 96854 Empire League Boom Happy 25.37% 4 days ago


Name # Ly
Kappa-1 Coronae Austrinae 6 11.05
Tagii 5 16.67
Skoll 4 16.88
Col 285 Sector XG-I b24-0 3 17.58
Col 285 Sector YG-I b24-6 4 19.39
Scorpii Sector JM-W c1-14 5 23.85