Historical Information for Ahaykenkan

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Bratio 16.64
26 Ceti 17.83
HIP 5134 18.71
HIP 6407 19.39
Edenwi 22.65
Haitchane 29.80
HIP 4878 32.65
71 Epsilon Piscium 32.74
Ceti Sector ZE-A d90 33.76
HIP 3326 33.96
HIP 7277 36.35
HIP 6442 36.80
HIP 7819 37.97
Cibarci 38.61
Gandjeraiti 38.90
Backluitaji 39.70
Obassi Osaw 40.46
Ocainawaka 40.67
Pathamon 40.87

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Raiders of Ahaykenkan Happy 2.1% about 2 months ago
Workers of Ahaykenkan Confederacy Happy 3.99% about 2 months ago
Ahaykenkan Nobles Happy 4.59% about 2 months ago
Ahaykenkan Purple Legal Inc Happy 7.29% about 2 months ago
Workers of HIP 6442 Resistance Happy 15.17% about 2 months ago
Radius Group Inc Expansion Happy 66.87% about 2 months ago


Name # Ly
26 Ceti 4 17.83
HIP 5134 5 18.71