Historical Information for Amitrite

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Bragur 5.92
Mandra 8.66
Bakara 10.25
Gende 10.49
Siriaba 10.86
Nysa 11.70
Calennero 12.08
Taso Wuhte 13.49
Tialocan 14.04
Murus 14.35
Carthage 15.30
Chalbandia 16.03
Aerial 16.16
HIP 19327 16.25
NLTT 10055 16.67
Bunuson 16.73
Kamadhenu 17.06
Gyvatices 17.20
HIP 20277 17.61

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Amitrite Gold Clan Happy 2.6% 5 hours ago
Nysa General Inc Infrastructure Failure Happy 6.3% 5 hours ago
Defence Force of Amitrite Infrastructure Failure War Happy 6.6% 5 hours ago
Values Party of Amitrite Happy 8.4% 5 hours ago
Twilight of the Gods Yarrite Corp. War Happy 9.7% 5 hours ago
Amitrite Comms Industries Happy 14.0% 5 hours ago
Lavigny's Legion Expansion Happy 52.4% 5 hours ago


Name # Ly
Manian 6 21.59
Lambayeque 5 22.05
Arapa 6 23.35
Bajauie 6 24.08
Nemgla 5 25.14