Historical Information for Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-0

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Arietis Sector MX-U c2-18 7.28
HIP 7277 10.72
Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-2 11.75
Pathamon 13.93
Baudani 15.17
Lunguni 18.47
Cabarci 18.55
HIP 7819 20.00
HIP 6442 20.40
Haitchane 22.49
Vestet 23.85
Arietis Sector KM-W d1-94 25.79
Assinda 26.94
Matsya 26.98
Obassi Osaw 28.72
Sigur 29.14
Parakana 29.46
Marsonna 29.50
Patollu 29.56

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Baudani Services Happy 5.9% about 2 months ago
Pathamon Gold Power Services Happy 12.6% about 2 months ago
Workers of HIP 6442 Resistance Happy 17.2% about 2 months ago
Dogs of Lore Happy 64.3% about 2 months ago


Name # Ly
HIP 7819 5 20.00
Arietis Sector KM-W d1-94 5 25.79