Historical Information for BD+67 1409

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Gera 5.92
Opones 9.06
Trua 9.17
Igala 9.22
Pemede 9.90
Djedet 10.44
HR 8474 11.18
Khongalis 11.66
Tyr 12.25
Nzam Cakua 12.85
LHS 3586 13.38
Hared 14.14
LHS 3631 14.18
Divja Mu 14.63
GCRV 13292 15.00
Coqui Renes 15.30
Mankob 15.68
Psamathe 15.94
Tatil 16.03

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Future of BD+67 1409 Happy 3.85% 1 day ago
BD+67 1409 Justice Party Happy 4.25% 1 day ago
The Misfits of the Galaxy Expansion Happy 7.69% 1 day ago
Nationalists of BD+67 1409 Happy 10.22% 1 day ago
BD+67 1409 Allied Inc Happy 11.54% 1 day ago
Loose Screws Network Infrastructure Failure Expansion Happy 15.49% 1 day ago
LP 48-567 Dynasty Happy 46.96% 1 day ago


Name # Ly
LHS 3586 5 13.38
Tatil 6 16.03
LTT 17102 6 21.93
LP 48-567 6 22.65