Historical Information for Bactrib

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Rishtrigu 10.49
Sherones 12.21
Epsilon Phoenicis 13.15
Maorsi 14.32
Vucumanada 14.46
CL Phoenicis 14.70
Heimrita 15.36
Poponne 15.62
Firbar 15.84
Hunte 15.91
LTT 18 16.03
Mebekre 16.31
Ch'i Lin 17.15
Annar 18.00
Marian Nungari 18.03
Vajrapese 18.06
Popocatepetl 18.63
Shinigami 18.68
Ancate 19.00

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Gang of Bactrib Happy 4.71% 2 days ago
Labour of Bactrib Happy 5.61% 2 days ago
Heimrita Patrons of Law Happy 9.02% 2 days ago
Bactrib Energy Network Happy 10.92% 2 days ago
Vucumanada Patron's Principles Happy 14.93% 2 days ago
Imperial Navy Australia Happy 19.74% 2 days ago
Bactrib Patrons of Law Happy 35.07% 2 days ago


Name # Ly
Vucumanada 6 14.46
Heimrita 6 15.36
Nahua 6 24.60