Historical Information for C'hi Yu

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Songala 11.22
Upaniklis 13.96
HIP 99210 14.04
Skil'sla 14.87
Col 285 Sector SE-Q d5-138 17.00
Meidruwa 17.06
16 Eta Sagittae 18.14
Pripuri 18.19
Col 285 Sector KY-H c10-20 18.22
Col 285 Sector SE-Q d5-142 18.25
Chentiiq 18.71
Shorong 18.79
Jambo Dadi 19.26
Campanisar 19.34
Chun Chehe 19.65
Kwele 20.93
14 Vulpeculae 20.98
Col 285 Sector UZ-P d5-90 21.59
Col 285 Sector KY-H c10-31 21.95

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Clan of C'hi Yu Happy 1.0% 3 months ago
Katamari Group Happy 4.21% 3 months ago
Monarchy of C'hi Yu Happy 4.41% 3 months ago
New C'hi Yu Democrats Happy 5.32% 3 months ago
C'hi Yu Bridge Holdings Happy 11.13% 3 months ago
Upaniklis Vision Incorporated Happy 32.8% 3 months ago
Eldritch Eye Trading Company Happy 41.12% 3 months ago


Name # Ly
Col 285 Sector SE-Q d5-142 6 18.25
Chentiiq 6 18.71
Col 285 Sector UZ-P d5-90 5 21.59
Col 285 Sector AY-N b21-4 6 25.71