Historical Information for Col 285 Sector AR-I b11-0

Nearby Systems

Name LY
HIP 45274 7.00
HIP 45401 7.48
Veratha 8.31
Ngolingo 10.72
Col 285 Sector NI-R c5-8 13.34
Tutumu 14.32
Karamu 14.59
Paribeb 15.59
Tougei 16.31
Ahaudheim 17.03
Gungassa 19.26
HIP 44727 20.69
HIP 46110 21.19
Waringpo 21.40
Har Itaris 21.77
HIP 45389 23.26
HIP 44537 23.73
Lyncis Sector EB-X c1-8 24.29
Libarai 24.60

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Veratha Universal Organisation Happy 4.5% 1 day ago
Future of Veratha Happy 6.79% 1 day ago
God-fearing Brotherhood of HIP 45401 Happy 7.59% 1 day ago
Paribeb Power Corp. Happy 7.99% 1 day ago
Ngolingo Labour Union Happy 11.49% 1 day ago
Owl Company Happy 18.68% 1 day ago
Federal Fleet Marine Force Happy 42.96% 1 day ago


Name # Ly
HIP 45274 6 7.00
HIP 45401 6 7.48
Veratha 5 8.31
Col 285 Sector NI-R c5-8 6 13.34
Paribeb 6 15.59
Har Itaris 5 21.77
Libarai 6 24.60
HIP 49102 5 25.08