Historical Information for Col 285 Sector BX-X b16-2

Nearby Systems

Name LY
SAO 82442 3.61
FAUST 3566 5.10
Col 285 Sector BX-X b16-1 7.35
Col 285 Sector CX-X b16-0 9.85
Babas 12.57
BD+24 2539 14.04
Col 285 Sector GD-W b17-0 14.59
Col 285 Sector BX-X b16-0 14.87
Shitici 16.25
Wolf 411 17.23
Carang Hut 17.29
HIP 62686 18.22
Hayar 18.47
Kaba 18.49
HIP 62794 19.03
HIP 62758 19.03
Vucairu 19.05
HIP 64059 19.52
Vindemiatrix 20.02

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
FAUST 3566 Gold Raiders Happy 6.69% 1 day ago
Aristocrats of SAO 82442 Happy 12.28% 1 day ago
FAUST 3566 Liberals Happy 19.56% 1 day ago
Fathers Of The Void Expansion Happy 61.48% 1 day ago


Name # Ly
Babas 6 12.57
Shitici 5 16.25
Wolf 411 6 17.23
Carang Hut 5 17.29
IV Comae Berenices 6 20.66
HIP 62772 6 22.11
HR 4926 6 23.45
HIP 62536 6 24.06
Wolf 1437 6 25.34
Rusalki 5 25.46