Historical Information for Col 285 Sector CI-G b25-8

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Col 285 Sector CI-G b25-7 5.48
Col 285 Sector DH-C c13-26 7.35
Col 285 Sector DH-C c13-22 10.05
Prim 11.58
Col 285 Sector YB-I b24-2 11.66
HIP 95921 14.25
Col 285 Sector AN-G b25-7 14.56
Col 285 Sector DI-G b25-0 14.90
Col 285 Sector WG-I b24-4 16.31
HIP 94926 16.40
Col 285 Sector BN-G b25-6 17.20
Doolonii 17.72
Col 285 Sector ZA-E c12-16 18.06
Col 285 Sector ZB-I b24-3 18.38
Col 285 Sector GO-E b26-3 19.62
Col 285 Sector BI-G b25-6 20.35
Col 285 Sector ZB-I b24-4 20.47
Sesurakapu 20.69
Col 285 Sector BN-G b25-5 20.71

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
HIP 96273 Raiders Happy 6.79% 17 hours ago
Brewer Logistics Happy 12.67% 17 hours ago
Prim Crimson Syndicate Happy 19.06% 17 hours ago
The Dukes of Mikunn Expansion Happy 61.48% 17 hours ago


Name # Ly
Prim 6 11.58
Doolonii 3 17.72
Col 285 Sector AG-O d6-83 3 22.45
Col 285 Sector AG-O d6-98 6 23.35
HIP 94583 5 23.79