Historical Information for Col 285 Sector DV-O c6-6

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Krinjmarini 7.07
HIP 30001 15.13
Col 285 Sector IL-D b13-1 16.19
HIP 31639 17.72
Wisas 18.55
Wong Mu 20.20
Makulcaei 20.42
Lodemowo 20.98
Kigalky 22.58
Urhor 22.58
Cimicusha 23.26
Tjal 24.52
Samenses 24.60
HIP 31821 24.70
Doquiatec 24.92
Adivarakhe 25.77
Taria 26.48
HIP 30846 27.02
HIP 32662 27.53

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Imperial Liquidation Bureau Happy 7.06% about 2 months ago
Xebon Syndicate Happy 12.74% about 2 months ago
Aristocrats of Krinjmarini Happy 31.74% about 2 months ago
The Northern Culture Expansion Happy 48.46% about 2 months ago


Name # Ly
Krinjmarini 5 7.07
HIP 30001 6 15.13
HIP 31639 4 17.72
Wong Mu 3 20.20
Urhor 6 22.58