Historical Information for Col 285 Sector FT-U b18-2

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Col 285 Sector JZ-S b19-0 8.37
Col 285 Sector KU-S b19-1 8.37
Wolf 511 9.43
Tetonesir 9.90
HIP 68158 12.37
HIP 69028 12.37
Mangapa 12.81
Col 285 Sector KU-S b19-3 13.04
Col 285 Sector KU-S b19-2 13.08
Wolf 510 13.38
Juracame 13.60
Col 285 Sector ET-U b18-3 13.93
Avikarli 16.06
HIP 67120 16.52
HIP 68801 17.06
HIP 70181 17.06
Col 285 Sector ET-U b18-1 18.03
Col 285 Sector DI-W b17-2 18.14
Col 285 Sector LU-S b19-3 18.79

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Tetonesir Crimson Syndicate Happy 9.09% 4 days ago
Workers of HIP 67882 Democrats Happy 14.59% 4 days ago
Hanseatic League Happy 24.08% 4 days ago
The Arcadia Partnership Expansion Happy 52.25% 4 days ago


Name # Ly
Wolf 511 5 9.43
Tetonesir 6 9.90
HIP 69028 4 12.37
Juracame 6 13.60
Avikarli 6 16.06
Col 285 Sector ET-U b18-1 4 18.03
Muduma 6 22.29
HIP 66828 5 23.35
HIP 71572 6 23.60
Pauishana 4 24.10
Gliese 9480 6 24.17
Col 285 Sector FS-I c10-11 5 24.23
HIP 68547 4 24.37
Nulili 4 25.79