Historical Information for Col 285 Sector SB-Q b20-2

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Col 285 Sector TE-Q d5-97 5.83
Orishalina 8.77
Narans 9.80
Col 285 Sector SB-Q b20-7 9.95
Mbetani 11.18
Col 285 Sector TE-Q d5-96 11.49
Djirahgwe 12.08
Col 285 Sector VM-O b21-4 12.12
Col 285 Sector WH-O b21-6 12.25
Col 285 Sector TE-Q d5-86 12.69
Susala 13.93
Yucadros 13.96
Yeninuri 14.49
Bommegirani 14.59
Aigones 15.26
Hou Mara 15.84
Ratis 15.84
Col 285 Sector MJ-G c11-13 16.16
Col 285 Sector XH-O b21-2 16.58

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Ratis Ring Happy 7.0% 2 days ago
The Fatherhood Expansion Happy 13.0% 2 days ago
Bastogne Private Security Firm Expansion Happy 20.0% 2 days ago
Wolves of Jonai Expansion 60.0% 2 days ago


Name # Ly
Col 285 Sector TE-Q d5-96 5 11.49
Ratis 6 15.84
Tepertnyi 6 16.61
Col 285 Sector ID-I c10-26 6 16.67
Glinja 6 17.06
Wadjetese 6 19.08
HIP 93817 4 19.13
Baltalfi 6 21.86
Ither 6 23.62
Tapoya 6 24.72
Nagaru 6 25.65
Moror 6 25.81