Historical Information for Col 285 Sector YF-M c8-7

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Kwekwatta 4.36
HIP 61816 5.92
Duulngandi 6.48
Kochifuna 7.14
Col 285 Sector UA-A b16-0 11.00
Ross 961 11.05
Cambal 11.18
Wolf 425 11.36
HIP 60230 12.69
Ocshooit 15.17
HIP 60633 16.25
Aapelinja 16.43
Col 285 Sector YG-Y b16-1 16.52
Col 285 Sector TA-A b16-2 17.06
HIP 59310 17.29
Varramool 17.35
HIP 62904 17.92
HIP 59486 18.63
Col 285 Sector AS-W b17-0 18.92

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Kochifuna Crimson Hand Gang Happy 5.7% 2 days ago
Partnership of Kwekwatta Happy 10.6% 2 days ago
Fathers Of The Void Expansion Happy 23.5% 2 days ago
German Deep Space Squad Happy 60.2% 2 days ago


Name # Ly
Kwekwatta 5 4.36
Duulngandi 4 6.48
Ocshooit 6 15.17
HIP 60633 5 16.25
HIP 59310 5 17.29
Col 285 Sector YF-M c8-8 4 21.47
15 Gamma Comae Berenices 6 22.65
Wolf 1434 6 23.22
HIP 62349 6 23.37
Niu Hsing 4 24.10