Historical Information for Col 285 Sector ZK-O d6-142

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Col 285 Sector QF-J b24-3 8.60
Col 285 Sector QF-J b24-2 9.49
Col 285 Sector VP-E c12-23 12.21
Scorpii Sector OD-S b4-6 13.45
Scorpii Sector OD-S b4-7 13.67
Col 285 Sector VP-E c12-30 14.87
HIP 76521 14.87
HR 5751 15.43
Tharuwa 15.56
Xi-2 Lupi 16.76
Col 285 Sector VP-E c12-18 16.79
Col 285 Sector RF-J b24-1 17.49
Col 285 Sector PK-J b24-0 17.72
HR 5991 17.92
Chamas 17.94
Silurion 18.49
Scorpii Sector DL-Y d125 19.65
Saya 20.71
Col 285 Sector UL-H b25-6 20.83

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Xi-2 Lupi Blue Partnership Happy 6.99% 5 hours ago
The Fatherhood Expansion Happy 13.59% 5 hours ago
Nahuaru Crimson Bridge Int Expansion Happy 19.88% 5 hours ago
Keepers of the Outer Gates Happy 59.54% 5 hours ago


Name # Ly
Xi-2 Lupi 6 16.76
HR 5991 4 17.92
Chamas 5 17.94
Saya 6 20.71
Scorpii Sector KX-T b3-6 4 22.23
Eriusas 4 22.29
HR 5970 6 23.04
Mehita 6 24.00
Col 285 Sector ZK-O d6-87 3 24.62
Col 285 Sector UP-E c12-23 4 24.74
Col 285 Sector XP-O d6-95 6 25.04
Col 285 Sector LE-L b23-4 5 25.65