Historical Information for Delphin

Nearby Systems

Name LY
FK5 2550 6.16
Siren 6.40
GCRV 4654 8.06
Geawenki 8.66
Timocani 9.38
Jita Ten 9.64
Wolf 289 10.86
Thiin 11.36
StKM 1-626 12.25
LHS 1914 14.04
LHS 1933 14.46
LHS 6103 14.70
Shouvul 15.65
Julanggarri 15.65
Didarengu 15.94
Crowfor 16.16
Ao Kang 16.25
Cerno 16.73
Nihursaga 16.76

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Drug Empire of Delphin Happy 1.1% 2 hours ago
Delphin Blue Federal PLC Happy 5.01% 2 hours ago
Values Party of Delphin Happy 5.31% 2 hours ago
Delphin Crimson Public Comms Happy 5.51% 2 hours ago
Bureau of Delphin First Happy 8.51% 2 hours ago
Geawenki Travel Commodities Happy 13.51% 2 hours ago
Civitas Dei Expansion Happy 61.06% 2 hours ago


No Expansion Candidates Delphin