Historical Information for Djabea

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Dakak 5.92
HIP 110248 8.83
Zlotrighu 9.27
HIP 111707 9.27
Arungu 10.05
HIP 107847 10.77
Er Long 13.08
Ogungurugh 13.15
HIP 113293 14.42
HIP 106442 17.49
Kamsety 17.69
Mu Gong 18.49
Garoju 18.71
Idomaguara 18.89
HIP 111486 19.21
Pawi 20.62
Ithurs 20.81
Ngale 21.05
Virangler 21.98

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Djabea Organisation Happy 0.99% 24 hours ago
Djabea Inc Happy 4.55% 24 hours ago
Social Djabea Progressive Party Happy 6.23% 24 hours ago
Corporate Union of Djabea Happy 6.43% 24 hours ago
Djabea Empire Party Election Happy 11.18% 24 hours ago
Dakak Imperial Society Election Happy 11.18% 24 hours ago
The Soteria Accord Happy 59.45% 24 hours ago


Name # Ly
HIP 111707 6 9.27
Ithurs 5 20.81
Virangler 5 21.98
Kawila 6 23.62
Hsuang 6 25.51
Lwalkinus 6 25.83