Historical Information for Dount

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Minang 6.48
Elbiones 7.35
Brigan 9.00
Bileku 10.82
Col 285 Sector QN-T d3-77 11.36
Kurumbas 12.04
Surtiong 13.64
Icones 13.78
Prahlang 14.90
Wandu 15.17
Tsetsi 15.91
Kiripibo 15.94
Belun 16.06
Col 285 Sector AZ-B a29-0 16.16
Yingites 16.49
Gliese 9224 16.52
Kokanapus 17.12
Aitvani 17.72
Heikegar 18.38

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Drug Empire of Dount Happy 2.58% about 1 month ago
Dount Future Happy 7.05% about 1 month ago
Koboga Empire Assembly Happy 10.03% about 1 month ago
Dount Galactic Holdings Happy 10.33% about 1 month ago
Order of the Imperial Knights Happy 10.82% about 1 month ago
Alliance of Kokanapus Outbreak Happy 17.87% about 1 month ago
HIP 34961 Empire League Happy 41.31% about 1 month ago


Name # Ly
Elbiones 6 7.35
Col 285 Sector QN-T d3-77 6 11.36
Wandu 6 15.17
Tsetsi 6 15.91
Col 285 Sector AZ-B a29-0 6 16.16
Kokanapus 5 17.12
Heikegar 6 18.38
Col 285 Sector VS-D a28-4 6 19.72
HIP 35992 6 20.12
Tatuba 6 20.32
Gliese 9229 6 21.19
Koboga 6 21.35
Sigma Puppis 3 21.86
HIP 37683 6 22.18
Phracan 5 23.22
Col 285 Sector HB-N c7-11 5 25.08
Ramadillan 6 25.96