Historical Information for Ducat

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Waruts 3.16
BD+03 1552 8.31
Aravaci 9.43
Zandu 10.44
e Geminorum 10.63
Mbukarla 11.00
Betel 13.04
Lalande 13198 13.45
Cintices 13.49
Banki 13.89
Gandvik 14.32
Lumbla 14.46
Bellapa 14.76
Nandh 15.17
Galibi 15.43
Mahari 15.52
V848 Monocerotis 15.59
Mirdi 16.25
NLTT 16391 17.06

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Cartel of Ducat Happy 1.0% 1 day ago
Ducat Purple Public Limited Happy 2.29% 1 day ago
Independent Ducat Unionists Happy 4.58% 1 day ago
Noblemen of Ducat Happy 5.08% 1 day ago
Ducat Gold State PLC Happy 5.48% 1 day ago
Waruts Holdings Happy 15.34% 1 day ago
Omega Merchant Command Happy 66.24% 1 day ago


Name # Ly
V848 Monocerotis 6 15.59
BD+05 1295 6 24.29