Historical Information for Ededleen

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Kebes 10.86
Tianve 11.58
Colando Po 12.21
Arro Kop 14.21
Bhutas 15.17
Gliese 9423 15.81
Unelinte 16.03
Yama 16.09
Ancalufon 16.52
HIP 65626 16.91
Bakalaa 17.03
HIP 66854 17.38
Hlocamentii 18.17
Neganhot 18.60
Tionisla 19.13
Crucis Sector ND-S b4-5 19.31
Zaonce 19.67
Ac Yanto 19.80
Reorte 20.54

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Ededleen Silver Fortune Ind Happy 2.82% 22 hours ago
Traditional Ededleen Conservatives Happy 3.62% 22 hours ago
Ededleen Fortune Corp. Happy 3.72% 22 hours ago
Bureau of Ededleen Justice Party Happy 3.72% 22 hours ago
Ededleen Progressive Party Happy 5.13% 22 hours ago
Independant Consultants Group Happy 15.29% 22 hours ago
Community of the Vault Expansion Happy 65.69% 22 hours ago


Name # Ly
Tianve 6 11.58
Colando Po 5 12.21
HIP 66854 6 17.38
Ritila 6 23.04
Jaroahy 6 23.43