Historical Information for GCRV 60796

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Panorua 4.47
Acokwech 5.92
No Mina 6.00
Sirsir 6.08
Regnenses 6.16
SAO 221526 7.55
LHS 2150 8.83
Nunet 10.86
Enbilulu 11.09
Mahiko 11.49
Irula 12.21
Anantet 12.85
Kutenis 13.08
Atrimih 13.19
Vashis 13.42
Dountidi 13.64
Borann 13.75
Ardh 13.93
Zochna 13.93

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
GCRV 60796 Cartel Happy 1.9% 1 hour ago
Monarchy of GCRV 60796 Happy 3.51% 1 hour ago
GCRV 60796 Incorporated Happy 4.71% 1 hour ago
Bean Nighe Partnership Happy 9.12% 1 hour ago
Sirsir Co Happy 10.42% 1 hour ago
Solaris Xeno-Psychology Group Happy 17.64% 1 hour ago
Workers of GCRV 60796 Confederation Happy 52.71% 1 hour ago


Name # Ly
BD+53 912 6 20.12
Lulua 6 23.79
Mebech 6 25.08