Historical Information for Gabikula

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Tocopa 5.10
Umbroges 7.28
Gliese 9106 9.64
HIP 14614 10.86
Alanaribri 12.37
HIP 15062 15.23
HIP 13750 15.26
HIP 14211 15.94
Balante 16.12
Mitnahas 16.73
Simarasir 17.61
Umbila 17.83
Glete 18.47
Mudusitoq 19.21
HIP 14974 19.72
HIP 11728 20.15
Leshertrug 20.40
Zvaiti 20.90
Nican 21.12

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Gabikula Prison Colony Happy 6.49% 6 days ago
Tocopa Corp. Happy 7.39% 6 days ago
Independents of Umbila Happy 7.59% 6 days ago
Independent HIP 13750 Independents Happy 8.29% 6 days ago
HIP 14614 PLC Happy 12.49% 6 days ago
Confederation of HIP 14974 Happy 14.09% 6 days ago
11th Squadron Expansion Happy 43.66% 6 days ago


Name # Ly
Alanaribri 5 12.37
Nican 6 21.12
Ongkatavi 5 25.71