Historical Information for Galandandes

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Thelmasci 3.74
Kutjalangai 7.48
Haya Utres 8.12
LTT 9472 11.87
HIP 112441 11.92
Marogee 12.73
Kapurri 12.88
Geroer 13.45
Sigurd 13.93
L 286-71 15.26
Poleditya 15.30
Canani 15.52
Bilobor 16.67
BPM 28514 16.79
Nijuna 16.88
Guaneponne 17.72
Zhu Baba 17.75
Daikulcandi 17.83
Waljen 17.92

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Cartel of Galandandes Happy 2.0% 4 hours ago
Galandandes Resistance Happy 4.9% 4 hours ago
Galandandes Creative Solutions Happy 6.49% 4 hours ago
Bureau of Galandandes Regulatory State Happy 9.69% 4 hours ago
Bureau of Galandandes Focus Happy 11.89% 4 hours ago
Bilobor Corporation Happy 16.88% 4 hours ago
Thelmasci Empire League Happy 48.15% 4 hours ago


Name # Ly
Piar 6 20.35
Ngurungo 6 24.92
CD-67 2611 6 25.51
L 214-72 5 25.81