Historical Information for Gliese 2067

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Baroi 8.19
C Hydrae 10.49
HIP 41479 11.45
Mandelian 11.75
Vistsi 12.04
Melchei 14.63
San Tzu 15.30
HIP 39325 15.39
Sak Marijem 15.94
Hyades Sector IH-V d2-130 15.94
Silvane 16.16
Patanawi 17.12
Yuruachine 17.29
BD-05 2489 17.32
HIP 42408 17.38
Ts'ao Gong 17.80
Tsimshis 17.83
HIP 41573 18.81
HR 3072 18.92

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Gliese 2067 Gold Organisation Happy 1.0% 4 days ago
Confederate Space Systems Happy 4.68% 4 days ago
Workers of Gliese 2067 Labour Happy 4.98% 4 days ago
Bureau of Gliese 2067 Movement Happy 5.07% 4 days ago
Federal Galactic Systems Happy 7.66% 4 days ago
Patanawi Silver Travel & Co Happy 12.54% 4 days ago
Gliese 2067 Blue Federal Ind Happy 64.08% 4 days ago


Name # Ly
Baroi 6 8.19
San Tzu 4 15.30
Hyades Sector IH-V d2-130 5 15.94
Yuruachine 6 17.29
Ts'ao Gong 6 17.80
Timoch 5 19.95
Hun Wu 6 19.95
BD-06 2528 5 23.35