Historical Information for HIP 10941

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Selkadiae 14.46
Lu Di 14.70
Tubalith 15.33
Alourovices 16.43
Kikab 16.43
Shamaphan 17.23
Angardh 17.72
Lugievisci 17.80
Wasens 18.06
Kwelegera 18.63
Gendi 18.81
Votadja 19.39
Obamulo 19.65
Nuxalkuq 20.49
Negri 20.54
Paentun 20.62
Koeng Pora 20.98
Henet 21.19
Auso 21.21

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
HIP 10941 Pirates Happy 0.99% 12 days ago
Independent Votadja Democrats Happy 3.94% 12 days ago
Official HIP 10941 Movement Happy 7.19% 12 days ago
HIP 10941 Travel Corp. Happy 8.28% 12 days ago
Independents of HIP 10941 Happy 11.13% 12 days ago
Brotherhood of Batzin Happy 13.4% 12 days ago
HIP 10941 Guardians of Tradition Happy 55.07% 12 days ago


Name # Ly
Lu Di 6 14.70
Tubalith 5 15.33
Shamaphan 5 17.23
Gendi 6 18.81
Paentun 6 20.62
Nerremaia 6 22.02
Nakaruwuti 6 22.05
HIP 11886 4 22.72
Ithel 5 23.11
Bhalanas 6 23.94
Wonghus 3 25.20