Historical Information for HIP 111369

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-59 8.77
Mututnahpu 14.04
Hosan 14.35
Belgeth 15.17
Oromila 17.29
Brultamaci 17.61
Mongan 18.79
Carici 18.97
Jawul 20.66
Wikira 21.00
Ross 274 21.98
HIP 112535 22.85
Manidone 23.15
Aurus 23.43
Maribe 23.52
Iktomisi 23.62
Sholintet 23.79
Chinas 24.10
Aleut 24.23

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Nobles of HIP 111369 Happy 5.81% about 2 months ago
HIP 111369 League Happy 6.5% about 2 months ago
New Brultamaci Future Happy 10.25% about 2 months ago
HIP 111369 Gold Rats Happy 13.6% about 2 months ago
HIP 111369 Co Happy 15.17% about 2 months ago
Brultamaci Justice Party Happy 19.11% about 2 months ago
The Watchtower Expansion Happy 29.56% about 2 months ago


Name # Ly
Hosan 5 14.35
Belgeth 6 15.17
Oromila 6 17.29
Brultamaci 6 17.61
Mongan 5 18.79
Jawul 5 20.66
Ross 274 6 21.98
Aurus 6 23.43
Iktomisi 5 23.62
Sholintet 5 23.79
Chinas 5 24.10
Aleut 4 24.23
Njikit 3 24.76
Borestipi 6 25.24
HIP 112268 4 25.50